[Welland Tribune, 18 October 1905]
A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Traver in Wainfleet, on Wednesday October 4th, when the marriage of their eldest daughter, Alice, to J. Elliot Robertson ,also of Wainfleet.
At eleven o’clock the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march beautifully rendered by Miss Edythe Misener of Marshville, and took places under an arch of evergreens and holly. The bride, who was given away by her father, sand attended by Miss Ella Robertson, sister of the groom was prettily and tastefully attired in a dress of white brocaded silk with overlace and accordeon plaited chiffon with veil and orange blossoms. The bride’s maid dress was of white Japan taffeta with overlace and chiffon trimmings. The groom was ably assisted by Mr. G.L. Traver, brother of the bride. After the ceremony performed by Rev. T. Amey of Wellandport, the party withdrew to the dining room where a beautiful dinner was served. The presents were numerous and handsome, testifying to the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Robertson are held. The groom’s present to the bride was a solid gold watch guard, to the bridesmaid a bracelet, and to the groomsmen a scarf pin set with pearls.
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson left at 2 p.m., per T.H.& B., for eastern points and on their return will reside in Wainfleet.
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