[Welland Telegraph November 27, 1907]
The marriage of Miss Francis Victoria Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Clark, to Edward S. Hoffman was celebrated at 6.30 o’clock on Wednesday evening at Ridgeway. Rev. Dr. Laidman performed the ceremony under an arch of evergreens, trimmed with yellow chrysanthemums and Mrs A. Dawson of Buffalo played Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The bride was given away by her father and was gowned in white silk crepe de chene, trimmed with baby Irish lace and pearls, and wore white satin slippers and carried bridal roses and ferns; Miss Myra Hoffman sister of the groom, maid of honor, wore white marquiesette over pink silk charmeuse and carried a large bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. Charles Clark cousin of the bride was best man. A reception and supper followed the ceremony. Covers were laid for twelve at the bride;s table, which was decorated with yellow and white ribbon, wedding bells and bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums and ferns, throughout the house, which was beautifully decorated. There were thirty-five guests present, those from out-of-town were Mr and Mrs F. Hoffman, father and mother of the groom; Mr and Mrs Dr. Wagner, sister of the groom; Mr and Mrs. Heilman sister of the bride; Mr and Mrs Dawson, Mrs. F. Bier, Mrs M. Fryling, Mrs Charles Hoffman, Mrs Charles Cannon, Mrs John Glynn, Miss Myra Hoffman of Buffalo; Mrs B. Kinslow, Phoenix, N.Y.; Mrs A Miller, Percy N.Y. The bride’s travelling gown was a fine blue serge messaline and wore a large black picture hat and white french plumes, going away coat was a navy blue chinchilla with white collar and cuffs of the same materials. The Ridgeway Scout band serenaded the happy couple with a number of selections, amid showers of rice and congratulations from the Welland Telegraph and a host of friends. Mr and Mrs Hoffman left on the evening G.T.R. train for New York and on their return will be at home to friends at 83 Greenfield Place, Buffalo N.Y.. December 15th.
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