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The TALES you probably never heard about

Results for ‘Early Citizens’


[Welland Telegraph, 22 October 1903]

Word was received here last week of the death of Elgin Myers, K.C., formerly of Toronto and Orangeville and practicing for several years past at Sault Ste. Marie. He died suddenly at the Soo on Saturday. Mr. Myers was the youngest son of the late Henry Myers, J.P. of Ancaster township, Wentworth county. He was born on April 3, 1855, and was educated at the Mount Pleasant high school. He was called to the bar in 1877, and began his practice at Orangeville, also having an office in Toronto. In 1890, he was created a Q.C. by the Ontario Government, and the following year was appointed County Crown Attorney of Dufferin. In the Dominion election of 1890 he unsuccessfully contested the riding of Cardwell in the Liberal interest, being defeated by Mr. R.S. White. In 1842 Mr. Myers incurred the disfavor of Sir Oliver Mowat, who was then Premier, by his active advocacy of the doctrine of annexation, and he relinquished his office as County Crown Attorney. He was a good speaker and a facile writer, and wrote considerably on public questions for newspapers and magazines in Canada and the United States. Mr. Myers was an adherent of the Presbyterian church, and, and had held several high official positions in connection with that body. A widow, two sons and two daughters are left to mourn his loss and these have the sympathy of many Welland friends. The daughters are: Muriel, living in Ridgeway, and Marion, living with her mother and brother, Elgin, in Toronto. A son Garfield, is also living in the west. County Crown Attorney T.D. Cowper if a brother-in-law of the deceased. The funeral, which was private, was held at Orangeville on Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. J. Kightley Mark “11th” Anniversary

[Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 29 February 1940]

Mr. and Mrs. James Kightley of 129 Regent street were married 48 years ago today but celebrated their “11th” wedding anniversary. This was because they were married on Leap year of 1892. There was no Leap year in 1900, so there was no wedding celebration that year.

At 9 a.m. Monday, February 29 1892, Mr. Kightley and Miss Annie madden were wed at memorial church Penetanguishene, by Father Labreau with Captain William Madden, the bride’s brother, as groomsman, and a friend, Miss Theresa Putfhoff, as bridesmaid. Miss Puthoff has passed on, but Captain Madden has attended a number of the happy couple’s Leap Year wedding celebrations, most of them in Penetanguishene. Mr. and Mrs. Kightley came to Welland in 1925.

Mr. Kightley was born in Honeypot Hills, Vaughan township, 79 years ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kightley, his parents, came to Canada from Buckinghamshire 83 years ago, in a sailing ship. Mrs. Kightley was born at Bruce Mines near Sault St. Marie, 72 years ago. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, who came over to Canada from England (to Toronto) by sailing vessel 85 years ago. Mr.and Mrs. Kighley have five children, Fred, in London, Ont.; Charles, at Tillsonburg; Gladys, Mrs. Edgar Fidelar in Niagara Falls, and Lillian, Mrs. Walter Whatmough, Stratford, and Alben G. Kightley, =-


[Pelham Historical Calendar 1978]

For many years the home of Ethelwyn Wetherald was this graceful house at “Tall Evergreens” farm, a 50-acre estate near Fenwick.

The farm had been purchased in 1866 by William Wetherald, and there he and his wife, Jemima, (Harris) raised their eleven children. The original house on the farm burned down in 1888 and was replaced by this one which is still standing. Wm. Wetherald was minister at the Pelham Friends Church. Earlier, he had founded and taught at Rockwood Academy, a Quaker boarding school for boys, at Rockwood, Ontario. He died in 1898, leaving the farm to his son Herbert who lived there with a  brother, William Jr. And sister Ethelwyn until their deaths.

Most of Ethelwyn Wetherald’s poetry was written here among the tall evergreen trees and apple orchards. She was nine when her family moved to the Fenwick home. “I found myself”, she wrote, “living not in an institution, but in our private home, just as other people lived. It was a thrilling thought!” Much of her work was done in her  Camp Shelbi, a large tree-house built in the limbs of a huge willow in the farm orchard. Her work reflected
this delight in the rural setting of her home. A globe critic of the time wrote: “The salient quality of Miss Wetherald’s work is its freshness of feeling, a perennial freshness, renewable as spring”.

Her  first book of verse, “The House of Trees and Other Poems”, was published in 1895. It established her among Canadian Poets. Other books followed: “Tangled in Stars”, “The Radiant Road”, “Tree Top Mornings”, A book of children’s poems, “Lyrics and Sonnets: (1931), and others. Her poem, “My Orders are To Fight” was quoted by Sir Wilfred Laurier when speaking in favour of unrestricted reciprocity with the United States in 1911. Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada, wrote a letter of appreciation to her for her collection of poems, “The Last Robin”, and ordered copies for his friends. Her work was published in several Canadian poetry anthologies. A well-educated woman Ethelwyn Wetherald established a career also as a journalist. Born April 26, 1857, she died in 1940.

In 1940 “Tall Evergreens” farm was inherited by Dorothy, adopted daughter of Ethelwyn, Dorothy, her husband Charles Rungeling and their son Barry lived there until 1968 when it was sold to Professor and Mrs. Kennerth Kernaghan, who live there now with their three sons.

Life and Works of Ethelwyn Wetherald 1857-1940. Canadian Poet-Journalist
By Dorothy W. Rungeling.


[Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 2 October 1943]

Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross has been made to Pilot officer E.A. Ker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ker of Fenwick, according to an announcement from air force headquarters. The citation accompanying the decoration follows:

“This officer has taken part in many operational sorties in the course of which he has destroyed several enemy aircraft and damaged others.  In May, 1943, when on patrol over Cap Bon peninsula he sighted a force of more than 18 Messerschmitt 109’s. He succeeded in breaking up the formation and destroyed one of the enemy aircraft, P.O. Ker has always displayed great keenness to engage the enemy and continual devotion to duty.”

Pilot Officer Ker was one of more than 75 men of R.C.A.F. crews commissioned in the field for efficiency, meritorious service and display of qualities of leadership. He was born in Fenwick 23 years ago, before enlisting he was a lively sports enthusiast and at school was identified with hockey and basketball. He was also a member of the Y.P.S. of Fenwick United church. He enlisted on December 11, 1940 following his graduation from Pelham Continuation School. He received his wings at Dunnville in August, 1941, and went overseas in September of that year.


Ida Dorval, aged 12, Victim of Distressing Fatality on Hellems Avenue


Said to Have Hesitated in Crossing Thoroughfare-Inquest Opens Tonight

[Welland Tribune, 30 October 1931]

Hesitating a few moments before continuing to cross from the west to the east side of Hellems avenue, during the noon hour today, Ida Dorval, aged 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorval, 42 Welland street, was almost instantly killed when an automobile, driven by Thomas Hanratty, aged 17, 75 Almond street, struck here and sent her crashing head-on against the pavement. Hanratty was held a short while by city police and was then allowed to return home after police, under the direction of Chief George Crowe, had tested the brakes of his car.

The girl’s body was taken to the J.J. Patterson and Sons, funeral parlors on East Main street, and Dr, Duncan Allison, the coroner decided to hold a preliminary inquest as to the girl’s death at 7 p.m. tonight, at the funeral parlors.

According to the narrative of the accident given to police by Hanratty, he was traveling south on Hellems avenue on his way from home, and he saw the girl step off the sidewalk over Randolph street. She ran, then stopped, hesitated, then walked across the street. He was travelling on the west side of the street, but swerved east in the hope of avoiding the child, but was unable to do so. The car struck her, and she was thrown against the pavement.

As the accident occurred, C.H. Mathewson, 161 Hellems avenue, who was passing at the time, picked the girl up and placed her in Hanratty’s automobile. The girl was taken to the Colbeck clinic, and there was found Miss Dorval had died almost instantly from the effects of fracture at the base of the skull. The body was taken from the clinic to the funeral parlors.

Ida Dorval attended Central School.




An inquest was opened at the Paterson undertaking parlors, last night, in connection with the death of Ida Dorval, 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorval, 442 Welland street, who was killed at noon yesterday on Hellems avenue, when struck by an automobile driven by Thomas Hanratty, aged 17, of 57 Almond street.

After the jury had viewed the body, adjournment was made until November 10, at 2 p.m. in the Welland city hall.




The jury commended the prompt action of Blanche Berger, aged 10, in restraining deceased’s little sister from running with Ida to her death.

The  jury also recommended that the city erect sign-posts, 30 inches by 30 inches, as warning signs at entrances to all schools, as a means of minimizing traffic danger for school children.


[Welland Tribune, 20 November 1943]

A quiet ceremony took place in the United Church parsonage, Port Robinson, Friday afternoon, November 19, at two o’clock when Rev. W. E. Long united in marriage Viola Louise Horton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton, Cook’s Mills, and Joseph Albert Edmondson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edmondson of Netherby.

The bride looked lovely in a two-piece heavenly blue wool dress with chocolate brown accessories. Her corsage was f talisman roses and she wore a gold bracelet, the gift of the groom.

Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Clifford Kramer of Fingal, who wore a becoming rose wool dress with black accessories and corsage of pink and white mums.

The groom was attended by his brother-in-law, Frank Beresford, of St. Catharines.

Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride for the immediate relatives. Mrs. Horton, mother of the bride, received the guests in a black crepe dress with embroidered bodice and assisted by Mrs. Edmondson, mother of the groom, who wore a black crepe dress with white trim. Both wore corsages of roses and baby mums.

A buffet luncheon was served to the guests by Miss Jean Horton, assisted by the bride’s sister, Eileen Horton. The bride’s table was lovely with a damask cloth, centred with t three-tiered wedding cake flanked with tall silver tapers in crystal holders.

Later the happy couple left on a brief honeymoon after which they will be at home to their friends at 92 McNaughton road, Welland.

Interesting Reminiscences Penned by Miss Wetherald

[Welland Tribune March 11, 1940]

The following reminiscences were written by Miss Wetherald and sent to John W. Garvin who included them in his foreword of Miss Wetherald’s bound volume of the 1931 edition of lyrics and  sonnets.

As a child I was never robust enough to enjoy outdoor exercise although I took pleasure in all-day excursions after wild raspberries among the hills of Rockwood, usually accompanied by several of our household. Large pails were brought back brimming with the perfumed fruit, which was “put down pound for pound”( a pound of sugar to each pound of berries) to ensure freedom from mould. Long walks through the woods, which never had enough mosquitoes to frighten me away, were always a delight… I am very fond of country life; less enthusiastic over farm activities. I was seven years old when we left Rockwood. Hills and rocks, woods and the smell of cedars, all come back in the name (At the age of eight, accompanied by my sister and three brothers, I watched the slow-moving train draped in black passing by the railroad station near Haverford College bearing the dead body of  Presidenr Lincoln. The aura of intense grief, nation-wide, and the  sorrowful face of my father, made a deep impression.)

Disliked Mathematics

At  school I had no love of mathematics and have always thought that for me to go beyond the  multiplication table was a waste of time.. I  have studied French and have taken private lessons from a native Frenchman, who shook his head over my hopelessly British accent. I attended Pickering College and shall never forget the endless patience of my  favorite teacher, who would take me into her room in the evening and go over and over the mathematical puzzle that perplexed me in a usually vain attempt to make it clear. Really in the realm of figures I am a hopeless moron.

The very first cheque I received for verse was when I was seventeen and sent a string of stanzas to the  St. Nicholas of New York, in which I  described some of the antics of my two brothers, Lewis and Herbert, aged four and two respectively. I have forgotten the words. It was a mere rhyme so I don’t regret its oblivion; but I have some poems that I should have kept copies of. One was called”The Fire Builders.” which appeared in Youth’s Companion in 1890- I think in July of that year. Another July contribution to Youth’s Companion- I’ve forgotten the year- dealt with the misunderstanding between two children, a Canadian and  an American, one praising the “glorious fourth” the other protesting it was the “glorious first,” and correcting each other very frequently. There  was an editor’s note at the end explaining that July 1st was Confederation Day in Canada..Most of the  poems in The House of the  Trees appeared first in that periodical.

Just before moving to London, Ontario in 1890, I sent “The Wind of Death” to the Travellers Record and when I showed the ten dollar cheque received for it to me fellow-boarders, they were openly astonished. To get real money for a string of verses seemed absurd….

The impulse to write verse became irresistible between 1893, when I returned home, and 1896, when The House of the Trees appeared.

A humorous poem sent to Munsey’s Magazine has been lost. The editor returned it with a note saying it was a dreadful mistake to make ‘swan’ rhyme with ‘dawn’, but if I would remove that defect he would gladly accept it.

Horseback Riding

Nearly all the verse I have had  printed appeared between 1890 and 1900… While I was in London, Ontario, I took  lessons in horseback riding-the old fashioned side-saddle kind, and my friends and I often went for a twenty-mile rode in the  moonlight. No mere motor-car could give such pleasure as that…Part of the  summer of 1888 I spent with cousins on a large prairie farm in Iowa. There were two boys and three girls in the family, hospitable parents numerous horses. My favorite cousin, Clara, and I had many a horseback  ride over the prairies. The farm and  the congenial society of my relatives gave me a sense of peace and freedom.

Most of my journeys were in company with my brother Sam who was six years my senior. When he suffered from a nervous breakdown, I was his nurse, private secretary, companion and closest friend. When he recovered we went together to Florida., to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Washington on a ‘pay trip’ to Devil’s Lake while he was paymaster on the Great Northern and to California.

Unless there is a direct inspiration I prefer discursive essay writing to writing stories. “The  Autocrat at the Breakfast Table” by Oliver Wendell Holmes, I have read again and again. Also his ‘Professor and Poet’ at the  same unwearying table… I  had sketches accepted by the Youth’s Companion and New York Outlook formerly (Christian Union). On appearance of the sketches one of the  editors of the David Cook Company in Chicago wrote to me asking for stories for their Sunday school papers. I wrote a few for them, and several stories for young people in the Sunday Edition of a Philadelphia Daily. I also wrote a host of brief stories and  articles for agricultural papers all of which brought modest sums. But I cared little for the work and much more enjoyed sending aphorcisms and pointed paragraphs to the Detroit Free Press, to Smart Set. And to Puck, Judge and Life of New York. The Star Weekly of Toronto accepted a weekly column entitled Reflections of an Old Maid.

The house in the tree was built in March 1910, and was blown down in a high gale in the fall of 1920.The old willow, being very much alive and steadily growing, seemed to work itself loose from the house fastened to its branches, The last nights I slept in it were memorable. Every joint and ligament shrieked and groaned in the wind; so finally when the dear thing was pulled away by the gale and  fell to the ground, roof downward, I saw that finis had been written. It was taken apart, but the old willow still survives. It is a  lovely  memory. Sam called it Camp Shelbi, a name made up of the first letters of the ten kinds of wood used; chestnut, ash, maple, pine, spruce, hemlock, elm, linden, birch, and ironwood.These and these only were the  woods represented in my dear little tree house.

How Name Originated

“The Tall Evergreens” the name of the Wetherald homestead came very naturally by its name. So many times friends of the family, coming for the first time to this neighborhood and inquiring for us would be told at the  station (Fenwick), “Take the  next road south and go east a  mile till you come to some tall evergreens; that’s the place” My father and Sam planted these spruces and pines in 1867.

I frequently met James J. Hill when I lived in St. Paul with my brothers, Sam and Charlie. They were employed in the Great Northern Railway office. Mrs Hill’s splendid team of blacks made a sensation in our quiet street on the occasions when she called on me. We spent pleasant evenings in their home.I recall the great gallery of famous paintings and the admonitory gesture with which Mrs. Hill checked her husband’s rather too audible conversation while her three youngest children were saying their evening prayers at their mother’s knee.

When I was nineteen I visited friends in New York who took me to their Unitarian Church to hear Dr. Bellows preach. I was less impressed by his disclosure than by the fact that William Cullen Bryant was seated in the pew before me. I was thrilled by the thought that at my age he had written the wonderful poem, “Thanatopsis”

One of my class mates at Pickering College was the later internationally known  Dr. Barker of Johns’ Hopkins University in Baltimore. He was a  small, slight, white-faced boy known to all of us as Lewy Barker. He was easily first in everything, simply ate up knowledge like a child at a  candy box. His father, A Quaker, was superintendent at Pickering and often preached in meeting.

Another noted man whom I knew was Lyman Abbott, successor to  Beecher, who lectured in London in the  fall of 1890, and was entertained by the Camerons when I was with them.
When Wilfred Campbell happened to be in London he called on  me several times and read aloud to me from a sheet of his poems. We had considerable argument as I could not agree with his estimate of Lampman as a ‘carver of cherry stones.’

Disliked  Dr. Johnson

I have always prized the friendship of Paul Peel. He was a very charming personality. I have his autograph on a picture he gave me.

I have been asked, frequently about my favorite books. In  my teens I was fond of Emerson, Carlyle and Matthew Arnold and can truthfully say that they have never wearied me. The New England poets and essayists, Holmes and Lowell, always delighted me. I had read all of Dickens before I was fifteen and all of Shakespeare before I was twenty. I always enjoyed the prose of Swift and Addison but disliked Dr. Johnson  because of his rough ways and the pleasure he evidently took in  snubbing others. Cowper’s gentle and sympathetic nature attracted me more than his poetry. Of course, all the poets are dear to me, though of the Brownings I much prefer Elizabeth to Robert.

As for fiction I never cared for the realism of Zola; but there is a  realism I greatly admire—that of Arnold Bennett, Jane Austen, W.D. Howells, Mary E. Wilkins, Booth Tarkington, George Elliot and the class of novelists who tell what is going on in people’s minds show that character always compels destiny.

Most of the winter of ‘95-’96 I spent in Philadelphia as assistant to Francis Bellamy; the literary editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal. There I met Mr. Edward Bok, who always impressed me as a man just fresh from a bout with the punching bag and a cold shower. Also I met and very much liked Mrs. George  T.Lanigan, managing editor, and widow of the famous author of “The Ahkoond of Swat.” Mr. Lanigan, I fancy did not shine as a moneymaker, as she told me that, at the  time of his death, she was left with five children and seven dollars. She was amazed to hear me say I would rather be the author of “The Ahkoond of Swat” than any other humorous poem in the English language, with the possible exception of  Bret Harte’s “Heathen Chinee” and Oliver Wendell Holmes “One Hoss Shay.”..My work was altogether critical—reading of manuscripts which came in by the hundred every day and writing out an estimate of worthwhlie articles of their availability for the Journal In some ways I enjoyed the  experience, but it was a lasting dissatisaction to feel at the end of each day, that I was too tired to do any creative work of my own.

My chance to assist one of the editors of The World’s Best Literature came about through correspondence. He had written in praise of my “Wind of Death.” and we had corresponded for years before we met. If ever there was a human cyclopeadia it was Forrest Morgan. He did a  tremendous amount of work on “The Word’s Best.” When the  mother of his assistant was so seriously ill that the girl had to give up her work and go home, Mr. Morgan wrote, urging me to take her place. I acted as his assistant for nearly a  year, when the thirtieth and last volume of the series was published. This final volume consisted entirely of verse, and Charles Dudley Warner, editor-in-chief, included in it five or six little poems of my own. I was paid eighteen dollars a week.

When the work was  finshed Mr. Morgan offered me a position as first-class proofreader at a large salary, but I longed for home. I was not homesick but there was an indefinable feeling that too much”Learned lumber in the head” must crush out whatever repressed spontaneous growth of my own was still surviving. Our correspondence ceased in 1923, just after his physician had told him he had only a few weeks to live. Certainly to know him was a liberal education.

Among the most memorable weeks of my life are two spent at Pinehurst, Helena Coleman’s island home in the St Lawrence near  Gananoque. It was an ideal spot for a vacation in that exceptionally hot July of 1911, as it consisted of a three-acre island, satisfyingly rough and rocky with paths leading from the wide-verandaed residence to boat-house and bathing pool. We were a  group of women and girls;Miss Colema, her two nieces, a literary friend from Austrailia, Marjorie Pickthall and myself, not to mention the cook, who produced the outdoor meals we so much enjoyed. These were  movable feasts, as when the wind was fresh from the west, we moved to the east veranda and when the sun was hot at the east the table was set at the other side. My sleeping-room was open on one side to the St Lawrence and when a great steamer moved past in the night, the impression was unforgetable. My choicest pleasure came in the morning, for as the early light awakened Marjorie Pickthall in the  room next to mine and  Helena Coleman just across the hall we fell into frequent talk and discussion before arising.. How I wish I had taken notes of these impromptu exchanges of thought, fancy and opinion. I remember distinctly that  Marjorie  Pickthall did not argue. She questioned, mused awhile, differed gently or expressed her differing attitude by a little laugh, that was as charming as it was free from selfconsciousness. She  was a poet to the innermost fibre of her beautiful and totally unaffected nature. Her Three Island Songs I am confident were written at Pinehurst.

The amusements of these harmonious housemates were boating and bathing rambles after wild berries, fishing, five-o’clock tea, discussion of just-read books and visiting of picturesque points of  interest. I remember in particular the Sunday morning when the cook wished to go to church. Miss Coleman and I rowed her across to Gananoque and while she went to her place of worship we waited outside in the boat and talked of churches and creeds of Christianity and the  meaning of existence of things that remind us we are infinite. The  best of herself is what Helene Coleman gives in her talk as in her written prose and poetry.


[Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune. 13 January 1945]

Rose Ann Ingrao, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Ingrao, Park street, became the bride Wednesday in St. Mary’s church, of Sante Scadallaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scadallaro of Timmins. Rev. A. McMahon performed the ceremony.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of ivory brocaded lace fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, with long sleeves ending in a point over the wrists and a long trim. She wore a Queen Anne headdress covered with simulated pearls. The bridal bouquet consisted of red roses and white mums.

Miss Mary Capoli, maid of honor, was gowned in yellow tulle with a blue Queen Anne headdress trimmed with pink for-get-me nots. She carried yellow roses.

The bridesmaids, Misses Mary Barblinardo, Helen Ingrao, Angela Fazzarli and Verna Cipolli wore gowns of pink and blue chiffon fashioned similarly to that of the maid of honor. They carried colonial bouquets of pink and white carnations.

Miss Stella O’Brien presided at the organ and Mrs. Kathleen Repar sang “Ave Maria” during the signing of the registrar.

Anthony Ingrao, brother of the bride, was the best man. Salvator Ingrao, Mickel Mendola, Franklin Kafun and James Calarco were ushers.

A reception followed the ceremony at the house of the bride’s parents where the rooms were decorated with pink and white streamers and white bells, Mrs. Ingrao received the guests wearing a blue street length frock and a corsage of yellow roses. The bride’s table was decorated with pink and white carnations and centred with a four-tier wedding cake. White mums and roses decorated the guests’ tables.

For travelling to Niagara Falls, Toronto, and Sarnia donned a princess styled lime green frock, with matching bag and Dutch hat, under her muskrat coat.

The happy couple’s future residence will be 13 Park street.

Guests were present from Toronto, Timmins, Rochester, N.Y., and the east coast.


[Welland Tribune March 11, 1940]

Death Comes to Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald In her 83rd Year; The funeral on Tuesday.

Fenwick, Ont. March 11- Death had ended the career of one of Ontario’s most renowned and well loved women in the person of Miss Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald, distinguished poetess and writer. Miss Wetherald passed away early Sunday morning succumbing to an attack of pneumonia.

Deceased was a daughter of William Wetherald and Jemima Harris Balls of Rockwood, Ont., where she was born on April 26, 1857. She was the sixth child in a family of 11 children, of which she was the sole survivor. Her maternal grandparents were Irish while her father was English coming to Canada from Yorkshire in 1820. Mr. Wetherald established in 1851 a boarding school at Rockwood , it later became known as Rockwood Academy, from which graduated many distinguished men. He later resigned his principalship to become superintendent of Havergal College, near Philadelphia, returning a few years later to settle on the farm near Fenwick. Known as “The Tall Evergreens.” where he became an ordained minister of the Society of Friends. He had a fine mastery of English which he imparted to his family and it was in this home and  under the fine tutelage of her father that Miss Wetherald receiver her early education. Later she attended  The Friends Boarding School at Union Springs, N.Y., and subsequently Pickering College, Ontario.

Literary Career
As a writer, Miss Wetherald won her first prominence in the years 1887-88-89 when she contributed articles frequently to  The Globe at Toronto. Each article was about a column in length and was signed by the mon de plume of Bel Thistlewaite, a contraction of the maiden name of her paternal grandmother. In June 1889, Miss Wetherald was requested by the editor to come to Toronto to write “Notes and Comments” and an occasional editorial. The editor was John Cameron.

The following year Mr. Cameron resigned and returned to London, Ont., where in 1890 he founded a small monthly magazine titled “Wives and  Daughters” and Miss Wetherald became assistant editor. This little magazine  continued publication for three years during which time Miss Wetherald capably wrote nearly all the editorials, as well as the book reviews and was responsible for selected poetry, the children’s department etc. It was during those years in London that Miss Wetherald began writing her exquisite lyrics and sonnets, which have since charmed so many readers. By 1895 she had enough for her first book. “The House of the Trees,” and other poems. In 1902 appeared “Tangled in Stars,” and in 1904, “The Radiant Road,” In the autumn of 1907 a larger collection of her verse was published in Toronto, “The Last Robin; Lyrics and Sonnets,”

Miss Wetherald returned to her home in 1893, going to Philadelphia in the winter of 95-96 as assistant to Francis Bellamy the literary editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal. Her chance to assist Forrest Morgan, one of the  editors of the “The World’s Best Literature” came about through correspondence. He had written in praise of her “Wind of Death” and later asked her to be his assistant, in which capacity she acted for nearly a year and included in ne of his volumes five or six of her poems.

Active to the end
Miss Wetherald, in company with her brother, Samuel, travelled extensively before returning to the quiet life she lived of latter years. One by one her  large family predeceased her and for a number of years she has left the shelter of her home only on rare occasions.

Happily engaged with her books, her writing and a large correspondence with friends far and wide, this quiet unassuming little woman with her keen intellect and wide interests in the affairs of the world of today lived out her life to a happy end. Although she left her home but seldom, many famous people renowned in the world of letters and art found their way to her door.

A complete edition of lyrics and sonnets containing every poem which Miss Wetherald wishes preserved and comprising 350 in all was arranged and published in 1931. John W. Garvin was responsible for the arrangement of this work. A couple of her better known poems also had the distinction of being a part of the public school readers in Ontario.

Miss Wetherald leaves to mourn an adopted daughter, Miss Dorothy Wetherald, two nieces, Mrs. R.D. Linden of St. Paul, Minn, and Mrs. Thomas Wollsright of San Franscico, California, one nephew, Rene Wetherald of St. Paul; and a host of sorrowing friends.

A private service for intimate friends will be held at the home on Tuesday, March 12th, at 3 o’clock proceeding to the Friends’ church at Pelham Corners for public service at 2.30 p.m. Burial will be in the Friends’ cemetery.


[Welland Tribune March 13, 1940]

Glowing Tribune Paid to Long Life and Service

Fenwick, March 13-Friends and neighbors gathered on Tuesday afternoon to pay their last respects to Miss Agnes Ethelwyn Wetherald, who passed away early Sunday morning. A short service for intimate friends was held at the family home “The Tall Evergreens,” then the funeral cortege proceeded to the Friends church, Pelham Corners, for a public service. The pastor, Rev. Stanley Van Every, officiated.

It was fitting that the final ceremonies for Miss Wetherald should take place in the place so closely associated with the life of the Wetherald family. Here for many years Mr. Wetherald, father of the deceased preached for divine worship, and Miss Wetherald herself was always a faithful adherent.

Mr. Van Every paid glowing tribute to the long life of love and service of the one who had gone, she had not really died, as her spirit would live eternally in the many lyrics she left behind and which were so much a part of herself, the pastor stated.

Six friends of many years standing acted as bearers, Frank Page of New Dundee, Wm. Dorland of  St. Cathareines, J. A. Daboll of Ridgeville, Stewart S. MacInnes of Welland, Walter McRaye of Grimsby and Louis Blake Duff of Welland.

After a short service in the church, the remains were reverently laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.