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Allege Our Schools Teach U.S. a Traitor to Humanity

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 5 May 1921]

John Flower, superintendent of Welland Public schools, recently received the following letter from W.R. Dill, Secretary of the Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce:

“Mr. Eddishaw, a member of the Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce, who holds friendly views respecting the Allies of the United States, has been informed by a lady visitor from Canada that there is a framed statement in the entrance to one of the schools in Welland to the effect that the United States was not true etc., to the certain alleged pledges by ex-president Wilson to enter the world war and defend Belgiums, etc.

He has been told also that pupils in the Welland schools are being taught to regard the United States as a traitor to humanity, a slacker, etc.

We do not believe this is possible, but should be very glad to receive an authoritative statement as to the origin of these reports and what basis of fact, if any, there is for them. “

Mr. Flower sent an answer to the letter and it was read at a recent meeting of the Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce. He said:

“Each of the Public Schools in Welland, except one opened last month which is not yet fully equipped, as beside the main entrance a picture of  King George and one of Queen Mary. Close by these pictures there is a framed facsimile of the famous “Scrape of Paper.” At the top it is explained that this document is a translation and facsimile of signatures from the original treaty of 1831, guaranteeing the Independence and Neutrality of Belgium. This must be the framed statement to which the lady referred as the only other decoration of any kind are reproductions of art purchased from the Elson Art. Co., of Belmont, Mass.

With regard to the further charge that in the Welland School pupils are being taught to regard the United States as traitors to humanity, etc., I have this to say. This city is close to the United States border, being only 15 miles from Niagara Falls and 20 miles from Buffalo. The city has many United States citizens, some occupying prominent positions in our factories, established within the last few years by United States parent institutions. Children of these citizens attend our schools and I have yet to hear of any sentiments inculcated that have given offence. I might refer you to H.K. Smith, Esq., Manager of the Plymouth Cordage Co., who came here from Massachusetts, or to T.J. Dillon, Esq., late Manager of the Canada Forge Co., who came here from Pittsburg. Both of these gentlemen have children now in our public schools and other children who have passed on to the High School.”

“Lady visitors from Canada,” can do much harm by giving circulation to untruths that are likely to create bad feeling between Canadians and residents in the United States.

Our feeling toward the United States could scarcely be more cordial than it has been, and then it is.”


[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 28 June 1921]

Dear Friend Duff:-

Have been going to write to all my friends for a long time. The only excuse I cn give for my tardiness is that my health has been very poor and Mrs. Clemo being so very ill, I have had no ambition for letter writing.

It may be our friends would be pleased to know Mrs. Clemo is now gaining, after a long siege of serious illness.

We struck a very poor year to come to California, it being the coldest year in the memory of the oldest residents. Cold and damp and yet, in the middle of the day it was just like our home June days. In May, Los Angles had four days of almost constant rain. The like is not on record. It is yet cool at this writing. Have only had three very hot days since we arrived here, and they were not so depressing as our hot weather in the east, and in the shade it was cool, always a breeze that seemed refreshing. We have a California bungalow with seven varieties of roses around it. We expect to be very comfortable through the hot weather.

While everyone seems satisfied, happy and contented with this country, I am not a home here. My heart is with my own country. Mrs. Clemo and I have decided we will have to return to our own home town as soon as we think it wise for her to travel. Business may call me home sooner than I expect, if not, I will remain here until Mrs. Clemo is able to be around as usual, and then return together.

As far as we know our daughter, Jessima, will remain in Los Angles, and, our present home we will leave for her.

As far as I can learn, business is not quite so depressed here as in the east.

While we are away we are not forgetting our friends and wish to be remembered. At the present time, we will be at home to any Canadian friends at 225 W. 77th Street, Los Angles.

Hope this finds all enjoying good health. We enjoy reading the Welland paper and watch for it each week. I am,

Sincerely yours,


[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 10 March 1921]

Editor Tribune and Telegraph:-

Kindly allow me space for a few lines re better roads in Welland county particularly in the vicinity of Welland. The writer had occasion a few days ago to travel over the road from Cook’s Mills to Welland, and was surprised to find it in such bad condition, as it had had been repaired a year ago last fall. It has flattened out, and in some places broken through, until it will need almost as much material and labor to repair it as it did to build. I am not finding fault with the county council or the superintendent, for I am aware they can build only such roads as the Provincial Government will sanction and help pay for. The road referred to is one that has an unusual amount of traffic. Situated as it is, it has to stand double duty from Welland to Crowland town hall, where the traffic from Niagara Falls, and also the south-east part of the county, including Buffalo and U.S. travel, join. This road probably gets more and heavier traffic than any similar road in the county. It appears to be time our county council made a start in something more permanent than water bound macadam. The Provincial Government is building permanent roads in various parts of Ontario. Possibly it could be induced to help pay for either a concrete or asphalt surfaced road here, for it must be apparent to anyone that the ratepayers’ money is being put to poor use building anything else where there is so much traffic, because we are paying out too much for up-keep and have not got a good road then.  The writer believes the present roadbed might be used as the sub-base for concrete road, and if it can, the cost will not be prohibitive. But in any case, the cost of constant repairs will soon be more than the permanent road. Will the City of Welland and the townships east and south join in urging the county council at their next good roads session, which will be held this month, to make a start, and surely this road is one that needs it very badly. The writer had the pleasure of being one in the party that R. Cooper took on a good roads tour of inspection down in New York State a few years ago, and remembers a road about five miles from Niagara Falls that had been built some five or six years at a (pre war) cost of some eight thousand dollars per mile. It was an asphalt finish and had stood up splendidly, being almost as perfect as when laid. Possibly our county council and Mr. Campbell of the G.R. department could get some data on the particular road that would help Welland county to get better value for our taxes. In any case, it is time a change was made in our good roads system.

Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space, and hoping something will be done in permeant road building in 1921.

I remain,

H.L. Shisler


[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 10 February 1921]

Dear Sir:-

You will excuse my liberty in requesting a small space in your valued newspaper. I recently visited the library. It is with a feeling of disappointment that such is the best our city can afford. Would not the present be an opportune time for some action in getting a Carnegie library. The idea, I know, has had some setbacks in the past from those who have not the large view of letting all benefit from a source that is not influenced by individual opinions. I enquired of the lady in charge if there were any journals for reading. She referred me to the tables which contained some light trashy reading such as “Life,” etc., so having no time to waste, I left disappointed. Would it be any good to suggest that our manufacturers donate some of their trade journals, such as Iron Age Trade, Machinery Canadian machinery, etc., so that with so many men out of work they could go there and read and then when they do get work turn their reading to advantage. Library reports show that people are doing more serious reading now than ever before.


G.H. COLE\Welland, Feb. 8, 1921

Editor’s Note:- A large-measure library is one thing we have always advocated in Welland, and we quite agree with the contention of our correspondent. We cannot agree, however, in the adjective he uses in describing “Life.” “Life” is not as heavy as Mavor’s “Economic History of Russia,” or Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall,” but it has a very definite place to fill and fills it. It has laughed more shams out of court in the United States than any other agency.


[Welland Tribune, 29 May 1896]

To Tribune Editor:

DEAR SIR-Having a little leisure time and thinking some of the many readers of our valuable paper might feel interested in this part of the country, I write you a short account of a pleasant evening that occurred at the residence of Mrs. J.L. Becker, Olds, Alta., on the 22nd April, being the marriage of her sister, Isabella, daughter of the late Geo. M. Maier, to Mr. A. J. Brown (both formerly of South Pelham). The marriage ceremony w performed by Rev. C.R. Sing of Innisfail, and witnessed by the immediate relatives and seven chosen friends of the bride. The bride and groom were ably supported by her sister, Miss J. Maier, and Rev. J.W. McKay of Olds. The presents shewed the great esteem in which the bride is held by her new acquaintances.


Olds, Alberta, May 13, 1896

LETTER TO THE EDITOR – International Falls, Minnesota

February 16th, 1967

The Editor, Lanark Era

Lanark, Ontario

Dear Sir:

Today I had the pleasure of calling on Mrs. George Easton, nee Margaret Miller, daughter of Stuart Miller, to congratulate her on the observance of her 90th birthday, on Feb. 14th.

She was a native of Lanark before the turn of the century; having come to the Rainy River District of North-western Ontario in 1897.

When I was minister of the United Church of Canada in Fort Frances I had many happy visits with Mrs. Easton concerning Lanark and some of the well-known families in that area. My acquaintance of the area was as a young boy when my father the late Rev. Frank Saunders was minister of the Congregational Church at Middleville, Hopetown and Rosetta. -1910. -14.

Mrs. Easton is remarkably well preserved & loves to talk of her pioneering experiences Up until about a year ago she was real active, keeping house for her daughter, , who has a Ladies Wear store in Fort Frances,  However for the last few months she has been confined to bed, but still is bright and cheery. We recalled such names as Rev. Mr. McIntosh, who was a frequent visitor in our home. The Ed Buffins , at whose home I stayed when I tried my entrance examinations in Lanark, the Caldwells, Steads and Langstaffs.

I believe Mr. Eric Somerville use to be blacksmith in your community some years ago. He was one of the older boys in the school at Middleville when I attended there.

Yours truly

Leslie Saunders


NIAGARA, Sept. 28th, 1897

[Welland Tribune, 1 October 1897]

To the Editor of the Welland Tribune:

DEAR SIR- I have just read with great pleasure an article in your issue of Sept. 24th relating to Capt. Martin McLellan, and so I am able to add a few interesting particulars, think it only right to do so, hoping that every municipality in the country may be stirred up to imitate the very laudable example set by Thorold in preparing a local history. In two old record books in the town may be found items referring to both William McLellan, the father, and Martin McLellan, the son, honorable to each. In the record book of St. Andrew’s church, dated 30th Sept., 1794: “A number of people met this day and resolved that as religion is the foundation of all societies, and which cannot be so strictly adhered to without a place dedicated solely to divine purposes, that a Presbyterian church should be erected in the town of Newark, and that subscriptions for that purpose be immediately set on foot, as well as for the support of a clergyman of the same persuasion. “ The committee consisted of seven-John Young, Four Mile Creek, chairman; Ralph Clench, Andrew Heron, Robt. Kerr, Alex. Gardiner, William McLellan and Alex. Hemphill.

In the record book of the Niagara library, from 1800 to 1820, the name of Martin McLellan, who must then have been twenty-two years of age, occurs as one of the forty-one proprietors who formed the library, and also one of the tow trustees the first year (the other Andrew Heron}; during the years following he is frequently mentioned as trustee till 1811, and in the list of payment of fees, his name occurs till 1812, the year of his glorious death, showing that he was not only a brave soldier but a reader, and one who wished to help others in the laudable undertaking of founding a library.

In the rooms of the Niagara Historical society may be seen the pocket book kindly loaned by Mr. Martin McClellan, Fonthill with the subscription in his own hand, the writing the same as the signature in the above mentioned record book. Since the pathetic circumstance is now known in respect to his giving the purse to his wife the night before his death still greater interest will be shown by visitors in inspecting this valuable historic relic.

It is also told that the morning of the battle, when our forces retreated before such over-whelming forces, he and his three companions went back, favored by the heavy fog, to spike the guns, but the fog just then lifting they were all shot down.

It is believed that many interesting historical items might be collected, and it is to be hoped that all will help to gather these into suitable form while those are yet living who know the full circumstances, and thus prove conclusively that Canada has indeed a history of which she may be proud.

I am yours sincerely,



[Welland Tribune, 16 July 1897]

MR. EDITOR- Some citizens of the county seem inclined to condemn the extension of the Fort Erie races beyond the first fixed date, July 5th, and, as there are two sides to every question, I ask your permission to refer briefly to the matter.

In the first place, the club met with almost insurmountable difficulties at the start. The public, and especially the owners of the horses, could not be convinced that the track would be ready on time. Rain was almost constant during the construction of the track and buildings, and before the original expenditure was at an end about $75,000 had been paid out. At first the races opened rather dull, and several days passed before financial success was in sight. The sport was good and the crowds continued to swell. The management looked the situation over carefully and decided that thirty days at one stretch would be far less expensive than two fifteen-day meets. The heavy expense of reshipping 300 or 400 horses would be saved, and the large outlay for re-advertising would be unnecessary. In view of the heavy debt resting on the club it is also just to state that is in no way a counterpart of the Windsor track. The Windsor track is leased by bookmakers, and run by them, and in their interests. Not so with the Fort Erie track. It is managed by reputable men and I the interests of fair and legitimate sport. Judge Burke is one of the most competent and prominent judges on the continent, and every attempt at a job on the part of the jockeys is quickly nipped in the bud.

I think the public will, when the facts are fully known, agree that the Jockey club have merely managed their race meeting as any other set of men would manage any other legitimate enterprise.



[Welland Tribune, 2 April 1897]

Editor Welland Tribune

DEAR SIR- Thinking that a short letter from California might perhaps be welcomed by your many readers, among whom I claim a few friends. I decided to ask for a little space in your valuable paper.

I left Smithville, Ont., on Feb. 24th, on the T.H.& R., westbound at 4:19 p.m., and arrived in Stockton on March 2nd at 4:08 p.m., Eastern Time or LOS Pacific time. I stopped over twenty-four hours in Los Angles, however, so I could have made the trip in six days. The roads I travelled over were as follows: The T.H.& R., to Waterford, the Michigan Central from Waterford to Chicago, the Illinois Central from Chicago to New Orleans and the Southern Pacific from New Orleans to Stockton. You will see that I took as round about road as possible without going around South America.

I found Los Angeles to be a very pretty place, with the most beautiful climate imaginable-at least it was the day I spent there. I did not see any orange groves, however, as it was night when we came in and went out of Los Angeles. The country around Stockton is devoted mostly to grain and stock raising. This part of California is very level. Stockton is on a branch of the San Joaquin river, and by a glance at the map you will see that the San Joaquin valley is completely shut in by mountain ranges, except for the gap through which the San Joaquin river finds its way into the Pacific. Both ranges of mountains are visible when one gets out of the city, and their summits are crowned with perpetual snow, which looks in the bright sunlight like molten silver. The ranches, as they call them, comprise on an average about five hundred acres. The land is fertile and yields good crops of grain and grass without irrigation, and all kinds of fruit when irrigated. The time I think is fast approaching when this valley will be divided into one hundred acre ranches, and farmed somewhat after eastern methods. They plough here with gang plows, using from four to ten teams on one plough. There is no mixed farming here. If a man goes in for grain he won’t bother with anything else, and if he goes in for mules or horses it’s just the same. He will sell horses and spend half of his profits buying what he could just as well raise. I have found part of this out for myself and have got the rest second hand.

The weather here has been mostly cool, but without frost, or at least very little. One effect the climate has had on me has been to increase my appetite. I know that my friends will not believe this, thinking it impossible, but it is nevertheless true.

To conclude. I like California very much already and I think I shall like it better the longer I stay in the “land of sunshine and flowers.” Very truly yours, FRANK PUTMAN.


[Welland Tribune, 31 January 1908]

To the Welland Tribune:

Mr. Editor- Dear Sir,-Please find enclosed $1.50 for the Tribune and Press for one year. This is the twenty-first year I have sent for the Tribune.

We are having a fine winter here: have had no snow nor rain since last October. On January 11th there was plowing done in the south west part of this state. This is my twenty-fifth year here and I never saw such a winter as this is. Crops were good here last year and prices good. Wheat has sold here as high as $1.10 per bushel; barley was up to 98c per bush, oats 50c per bush, corn 65c, potatoes 60c, wild hay sells from $5 to $6 per ton, flax $1.18 per bushel. Land is selling around here from $25 to $65 per acre; one 320 acre farm was sold last fall for $65 per acre, five miles from Aberdeen. I own 800 acres of land here, 6 miles from Aberdeen, which I rent. We threshed 7250 bushels of grain off 460 acres, this last year; over 5000 of that was wheat and flax. Our threshing bill was $500.

Aberdeen has over 8000 population and is a good railroad centre. The city paved one mile of street and this coming summer will do more. Property in the city is very high and rent also, most any kind of a house will rent for $15 per month. James Ringrov is building a new hotel, the contract for the building is $186,000, the stone and brick are laid and the roof is on since last September.

I remain yours,