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Results for ‘Boyle’

GAINSBORO : BOYLE [Welland Tribune September 13 1897]

Mrs Charles Lambert is having a serious time with her eyes. She has consulted a well-known oculist of Toronto, but we are sorry to say she is not permanently relieved.

Local sports will attend the world’s fair at Marshville next Saturday.

Mrs. Tremp of Duluth has been visiting relatives and friends in this neighborhood.

A. Swayze, who has been on an extended visit at his mother’s, Mrs. M.A. Swayze’s, has returned to his home.

A “surprise” in honor of Mrs. Tremp, was given at the home of Elmer Misener on Monday night. About fifty neighbors and friends assembled to participate in the program. Various amusements were indulged in during the evening till about midnight, when the crowd, after thanking Mr. and Mrs Misener for their hospitality, wended their way homeward.

Mrs. E.M. Robbins, whose illness was  noted in last week’s Tribune, passed peacefully away on Saturday. Deceased was well-known and much respected by a host of friends. She had taught school near Attercliffe for some three years, after which she married Stephen Robbins, who predeceased her some three years. She had always taken an active interest in every institution having for its motto, good, and it may truly be said of her that the  world is the better for her having lived. Since her husband’s death she had been quite unwell; at times very bad, but would rally again. Her last sickness came upon her while visiting at Mr. Coleman’s; from the first it did not seem that she would recover, and after a week she passed to rest. The funeral was held on Tuesday, services at the house. It was under the auspices of the C.O.C.E.

GAINSBORO : BOYLE [Welland Tribune June 4, 1897]

Jacob Gee is suffering from blood poisoning.

J. Haney and family have moved to Sherkston

Mrs. P. Lambert has been quite sick for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Jamieson are visiting at Niagara Falls, Ont.

Joseph Culp’s family from the lake were visitors at their uncle’s, A. Jamieson.

Master Archie Lambert is mending nicely and will soon be able to be among his young friends again.

The wheat and hay crops are looking grand in this section and promise to equal  if not surpass those of any former year.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune August 20, 1897]

Mrs. B. Angle of Niagara Falls, N.Y.is rusticating at home.

R.M. Jamieson has the contract for building a store in Bismarck.

Blake Moore still lies in a very critical condition.
Many of the residents of this and surrounding neighborhoods attended the picnic at Attercliffe on Wednesday.

Master Frank Bea was successful at the entrance and Willie Jamieson at public school leaving exams. Congratulations, boys!

The camp meeting in Swayze’s grove is quite largely attended, Rev. Dillon officiating.

Wm. Piper suffered a slight fracture of the left arm. It is doing nicely.

The Bethel Sunday school will picnic at Lowbanks on Wednesday next.

Some of the loyal old residents are wondering why the stars and stripes were fluttering through here last week. We wonder why? May be the Dingley bill has driven them out of their own country.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune May 27, 1897]

Miss Ella Stoner of Montrose has been visiting at Calvin Reece’s.

The Misses Lymburner of Thorold are visiting at Mr. Coleman’s.

T.F. Swayze has had blood poisoning of the hand. He is improving.

Geo. Robinson and family of Dunnville were the guests of Mrs. A. Jamieson over Sunday.

Dr. Birdsall preached a lengthy and interesting discourse at the camp grounds on Sunday.

The Saints’ camp meeting has prorogued. The meetings have been very largely attended.

The trustees of our school have had the yard levelled and tiled, which adds materially to the appearance of the premises.

Mrs. E.M. Robins, who has been visiting in this neighborhood, was taken quite sick at Mr. Coleman’s, and is still poorly.


[Welland Tribune March 11, 1947]

Boyle, March 11-A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horne on Friday evening in honor of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. And Mrs Bill McPherson (Jean Horne) a recent bride and groom. Progressive crokinole was played and prizes were awarded to Bill McPherson, William E. Heaslip, Mrs James Ebeling and Mike Kazar. Many useful gifts were received by the  happy couple and the bride expressed their thanks to their friends. The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and the bride’s and bridesmaid’s bouquets were beautiful in their vases.

Refreshments were served by Mrs. Horne assisted by her daughter Lillian, Mrs. Gordon J. Robins, Mrs Cyrus Misener and Mrs. W.J. Anderson.

The shower was arranged by the member of the Women’s Association of Bethel United church.

Mr. and Mrs Amos Beamer spent Tuesday at Welland.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Robins and daughter, Shirley spent Wednesday at St Catharines.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Anderson accompanied by Mrs. Leonard E. Cocks, Ralph and Howard Cocks, Mrs. W. Brooks and Miss Mary Lampman, Fenwick, spent Friday at Welland.

All-Day Quilting
The Women’s Association of Bethel United church held an all-day quilting at the home of Mrs. Jack Pearl on Wednesday, February 26. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon. Those attending were Mrs. William Cutler, Mrs William E. Heaslip, Mrs Gordon J. Robins, Mrs Blake Robins, Mrs Amos Beamer, Mrs Cecil Gracey, and Mrs. W,J. Anderson.

Mrs Herbert Gracey and infant daughter have returned to their home here from Dunville Memorial Hospital.

Peter Boyuk and Norman Gracey spent Wednesday evening with Mr. And Mrs W.J. Anderson.

The Women’s Association of Bethel United church will meet at the home of Mrs. Leonard E. Cocks, Fenwick on March 19 at 2 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs W.J. Anderson spent Thursday at Smithville.


[Welland Tribune October 9, 1943]

Boyle, Oct 9.- A group of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gee of Gainsboro on Sunday, October 3rd, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. The bride of 50 years ago was Miss Ella Heaslip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James W. Heaslip and was attended by her sister Alice who passed away a number of years ago. The groom was attended by Archie Beamer of Fenwick who was present on Sunday for the celebration. Included among the guests was their eldest daughter Mrs Ethel Howell of Hamilton and her daughter, Mrs. Edward Barry, and two children. Richard and  Jane also of Hamilton, and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gee and daughters Misses Julia and Dorothy Gee of Highway 20 and Mr. and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport and a  granddaughter, Miss Edith Williams, also Mrs Gee’s sister, Mrs. Geneva Ness of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mrs Ricker and friends from the Falls, Mr. and Mrs William Dilts and Mr. and Mrs Edmund Beamer of Welland, Miss Jessie Beamer of Fenwick, Lucien Moore of Highway 20, and Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray.

Many beautiful gifts and bouquets were received by the happy couple as well as a number of cards from friends who were unable to be  present. Among the gifts was a three tier wedding cake, also the bride’s cake.

The rooms were prettily decorated with gold and white streamers and wedding bells, and autumn leaves and flowers. The tables were laid with white cloths and prettily decorated and centred with the wedding cake. Dinner was served at noon and again at 6 p.m.

Four guests were present who attended the wedding 50 years ago namely Archie Beamer of Fenwick, Edmund Beamer, Mrs. William Dilts of Welland, and Mrs Geneva Ness of Niagara Falls N.Y.

Their eldest son Emery Gee, now in Toronto, and their second daughter, Mrs. George Barry(Flossie) at Hamilton, were unable to be present on Sunday. The youngest daughter Mrs. Norman Williams (Edith) passed away a number of years ago. Their grandson, Alfred Williams, is with the R.C.A.F. overseas.

Friends in this vicinity wish Mr. And Mrs. Gee many more years of wedded bliss.

Cpl. John W. Bossert of Camp Blanding, Fla. and Mrs. Bossert and daughter Beverley Anne of Stevensville called on the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Paul A, Comfort and family on Friday.
Thomas Gracey and John Hill spent Monday at Smithville

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Beamer and son Wray were Sunday guests of the latter’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Robert Carter at Attercliffe.

Mr. and Mrs James Hill and sons Cameron and Murray hill and daughters Misses Leila and Marian Hill were Sunday guests of the former’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Robins and family at Niagara Falls. Other guests included the latter’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Edwin  Robins and daughter Bonnie.
John Hill called on friends in Welland on Tuesday..

Rev. George I. Comfort of Dunnville is spending a few days with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Paul A, Comfort and family.

Mtr. and Mrs Roy Overholt and Mr. and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray attended the chicken supper at Silverdale United church on Tuesday evening.

The official board of the Wellandport circuit met at the parsonage at Wellandport on Tuesday evening.

Relatives from Locport, N.Y. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Camerson Reece and Mr. and Mrs Charles Gee at Wellandport.

Miss Audrey Ulman is a patient at St. Catharines General hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs Pail A. Comfort and daughter Elizabeth and sons George and David were Wednesday guests of the former’s parents, Rev. Geo J. Comfort and Mrs. Comfort and son John at Dunnville.

Mrs. Henry Ulman visited her daughter Miss Audrey Ulman at St, Catharines General hospital on Saturday.

Mrs Ethel Howell and daughter Mrs. Edward Barry and children Richard and Jane of Hamilton spent the weekend with the former’s parent’s Mr. and Mrs Emery Gee and Miss Edith Williams.

Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport and  Mr. and Mrs Roy Overholt spent Wednesday at Hamilton.

BETHEL, NEAR ST. ANNS [Welland Tribune October 9, 1931]

Bethel near St Anns, Oct. 9- Mr. And Mrs Wm. Schwoob spent Sunday at Hamilton.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip and Mrs. John Hill spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto.
Rally Day Service was held last Sunday.

A number from this vicinity attended Welland fair last week.

The Eager Workers Bible class are holding a pie social in Bethel United church on Monday evening October 12. A good program will be provided.

Mrs. H.H. Scott of Toronto is spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip.

Mr. and <Mrs. Wm. Heaslip, Jean and Billy were at Tonawanda last Wednesday.

Special Thanksgiving services will be held in Bethel United church on Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Sunday school in the morning at 10 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Blake Putman of Crowland visited with Mrs. Eunice Robinson on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Reece and family of Smithville were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Schwoob.

BETHEL, NEAR ST ANNS [Welland Tribune December 5, 1931]

Bethel (Near St Anns), Dec. 5- Mrs. Wm. Schwoob has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto.

Mrs. Gordon Heaslip and Frederick and Marion spent several days at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip.

Miss Eunice Robinson has improved slightly.

The annual Christmas entertainment of the Bethel United Sunday school will be held on Tuesday evening, December 15th.

Miss Flossie Reece spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. C. Reece.

John L. Heaslip of Vancouver, B.C. is visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity.

Miss Hazel Vaughan spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. H. Vaughan.

Mrs Blake Putman of Crowland spent several days at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Sydney Heaslip.

Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Miss Hazel Vaughan and Miss Mabel Hill attended the hard-time social last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. And Mrs Clifford Vaughan, Elcho.

Services will be held in Bethel United church on December 6th-Sunday school in the morning at 10 o;clock; evening service at 7.30.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gee, Edith and Alfred Williams, spent the week-end in Hamilton with their daughter, Mrs. George Barry.

Mr. and Mrs. Erford Robinson and Mrs. Charlie Brown of Dunnville visited Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip on Friday.

BOYLE [Welland Telegraph March 29, 1907]

A Coleman of Winger was the guest of his father on Sunday.

E. Misener of Buffalo is the guest of his brother, J. Misener of Robins Bridge.

J.W. Swayze intends to start a general store in the house lately vacated by B. Rodgers.

The many friends of Mrs. Calvin Traver will be sorry to hear that she is not improving in health as they would like.

All the young men of Boyle that never received any municipal honors have been appointed overseers of highways and poundkeepers.

N.F. Johnson of Robins Bridge is so he can walk some without the aid of his canes. It is four months since he has been able to walk, his limb being broken.

Boyle can beat the two counties for mud and water. If the Council would take as much money as they spent in the Bradley law suit they could make a nice dry place of it.


[Welland Tribune February 4, 1947]

Boyle, Feb. 4- The January meeting of the Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. William Cutler with a large attendance. The president Mrs. W.J. Anderson conducted the meeting. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. Amos Beamer and the treasurer, Mrs. Gordon J. Robins. Several items of business were discussed. It was decided to hold a quilting at the home of Mrs. Cutler to complete the quilt that is being sold to one of the members. Another lady is hiring the society to make three quilts for her, and it was decided to meet weekly to complete these. It was also decided to close the church for the winter months, as the attendance was so poor due to illness and road conditions. It will reopen Easter Sunday, April 6.

The offering was received by Mrs. G. J. Robins and the flower fund donations by Mrs. J. Jamieson. Mrs. Beamer conducted an interesting contest which was won by Mrs Anderson. The program for the February meeting will be arranged by Mrs. Gordon J. Robins. The hymns will be selected by Mrs. Roy E. Overholt.

Refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs. Cutler assisted by her sister Mrs. Judson Jamieson and Mrs. Cecil Gracey.

Social Notes
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Heaslip were recent guests of relatives at Tonawanda, N.Y. They also visited the latter’s brother Harris Robins who is a patient in hospital at Buffalo, following a serious operation.

John Hill and Mrs. Mary Reid spent Tuesday at Welland.

Mr. and Mrs Thomas Holt, St Ann’s and Mr. And Mrs W.J. Anderson were recent guests of Mr. And Mrs Leonard E. Cocks, Fenwick.

Friends of Emery Gee will be glad to learn he is convalescing at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. And Mrs Clifford Gee, following an operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital Hamilton. He spent a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs Flossie Barry at Hamilton before coming home.

Attend C. Misener’s Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, sons Cameron and Murray, Clifford C. Hill, Mr. And Mrs Arnold Reid, Wainfleet, and Mr. And Mrs. Murray B. Misener and son Horace, Bismark attended the funeral of their brother and uncle the late Charles Emery Misener which was held from the Dell and Merton Funeral Home, Port Colborne.