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SALEM [Welland Tribune October 16, 1941]

[Welland Tribune October 16, 1941]

Salem, Oct 16-Church service was conducted by Rev James Hampson on Sunday evening. Next Sunday, Oct 19 Sunday school will be at 10 o’clock church at 11 a.m.

Mr and Mrs Oscar Robbins and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane all of St Catharines and Mr and Mrs George Metler and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins.

Miss Irene Strawn of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn.

Mr and Mrs John Logan and family of Dunnville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T.F. Neal and family.

Miss Audrey Neale and June Strawn have returned home from Dunnville where they spent six weeks.

Mr and Mrs Cecil Hansler and son Daniel of Youngstown, N.Y. spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Salem W.A. will hold their Hallowe’en social at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Traver and Mr and Mrs Jack Traver on Oct 30.

Mrs Amos Robbins, Mrs George Metler and Mrs Orval Sourwine were in St Catharines on Tuesday.

SALEM [Welland Tribune December 19, 1941]

[Welland Tribune December 19, 1941]

Salem, Dec 19-Salem United church service was conducted on Sunday morning by pastor Rev J. Hampson. Next Sunday, Christmas Sunday school will be held at 10 o’clock and church at 7.30 p.m.

Robert Elsie came home from Welland County General hospital on Sunday, and is able to sit up a little each day.

Miss Norma Wise of Welland spent the weekend with her friend Miss Shirley Cosby.

Miss Margaret Strawn of Niagara Falls General hospital spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn.

Mr and Mrs Victory Cosby and family and Miss Wise spent Saturday at Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs R.L. Vanmatter of Buffalo spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs F. Vanmatter.
Mrs C.E. Strawn spent Saturday in Welland.

Mrs V.A. Carr spent Tuesday in Hamilton with her sister, Mrs Nora Gardinner.

Salem Sunday school will hold their Christmas entertainment on Tuesday evening, December 23rd at the church.

SALEM [Welland Tribune December 12, 1941]

[Welland Tribune December 12, 1941]

Salem, Dec 12-Church service was conducted by Rev. J. Hampson on Sunday evening. Next Sunday, Sunday school will meet at 10a.m. church at 11a.m.

W.A.-W.M.S. Meet
Salem Women’s Association met at the home of Mrs Harold Gent, The President, Mrs Harold Bailey presided. Rev James Hampson led in prayer. Mrs Elra Farr read the Scripture lesson. The secretary’s report was then read by Mrs Charles Bailey. Rev James Hampson took the chair for the reorganization and election of officers, which resulted as follows: President, Mrs Harold Bailey; first vice-president, Mrs Harold Gent; second vice-president, Mrs John Blanchard; secretary-treasurer, Mrs C. Bailey; assistant secretary, Mrs Jack Traver; pianist, Mrs E. Hayward; assistant, Miss Margaret Tuck; flowers, Mrs Robert Henderson; Red Cross, Mrs Harold Bailey; janitor, Harold Hodgkins; lunch committee, Mrs Gent and Mrs Metler; program committee, Mrs E. Brown, Mrs John Blanchard and Mrs Edward Hayward.

The secretary reported $142.86 for the year; missionary report $8.50.

There was a prayer by Rev  Hampson. There was an exchange of Christmas gifts. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs Harold Gent, assisted by Mrs Harry Farr Mrs P. Avelv, Mrs Elva Farr and Miss Margaret Tuck.

Mr and Mrs Oscar Robbins and daughter Shirley and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane of St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Manley Ball, Charlie Moisley of Balls Falls, Mrs Frank Guinther of Port Colborne and Mr and Mrs Orval Sourwine were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs George Metler.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson were Mr and Mrs Clair Young and family of Turner’s Corners.

Mrs Austain and daughter June of Welland spent Wednesday with Mrs C.E Strawn.

Robert Elsie, who is in Welland County General hospital is expected to be home in a few days.

The many friends of Mrs Helen Cosby will be sorry to hear that she is not so well again.

Allen Farr and Mrs Harry Farr and son Lloyd were in Dunnville on Thursday.

Miss Ruth Neab of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parents.

Miss Margaret Strawn of Niagara Falls visited with Miss Maggie Garner on Friday and called on her parents, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn in the evening.

Salem Sunday school will hold their Christmas entertainment on Tuesday evening, December 23 at the church.

Miss Elsie Milligan has returned home after spending a week in Welland with Mr and Mrs Albert Warden.

Jack Tuck got his gunner’s badge and sergeant’s chevrons at the recent graduation exercises at No 6 Bombing and Gunnery school at Dafoe, Saskatchewan.

Birthday Party
About 24 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of David Hoover on Saturday evening and tendered him a surprise in honor of  his birthday. The evening was spent in playing crokinole. At the close of the evening refreshments including a lovely birthday cake were served by Mrs Hoover.


[Welland Tribune January 9 1947]

Salem, Jan 9-Salem United church service on Sunday afternoon was conducted by the pastor Rev W.E, Dempsey. Services on January 12 will be Sunday school at 11 o.clock, church at 12 o’clock.

Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins were hosts at a family dinner on New Year’s Day. Guests included Mr and Mrs O. Robbins and family, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane and family of St Catharines and Mr and Mrs George Metler and family.

Mr and Mrs Ted Hayward and son Leroy has as their guest on New Year’s Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown and family and Mr and Mrs Jack Hayward and family.

Robert Henderson, J. W. Henderson and Miss Margaret Tuck spent New Year with Dr and Mrs S. Dalrymple at their new home the Niagara Peninsula sanatorium.


[Welland Tribune June 13 1929]

Children and Grand Children Gather at the Home of Alfred Wiley

Salem and community, June 13-The children and grandchildren of Alfred Wiley gathered at the old home, now known as the Lorne Wiley home on June 9th, in honor of their father. Guests numbering 40 set down to well-laden tables. After all had done justice to the innerman the afternoon was spent in visiting and taking pictures of the different groups. Grandpa Wiley is in excellent health at the age of 71, and enjoyed the day. Guests were present from Hamilton, Rosedene, Welland, Doan’s Ridge, Wainfleet and Pelham.


[Welland Tribune June 27 1929]

Salem and Community, June 27- Mr and Mrs R. Henderson and Roy Chambers and family motored to Buffalo on Sunday, to visit Mrs Henderson’s sister, who is not in the best of health.

Johnson McCombs and family of Fonthill and Mr Hoffee of Niagara Falls, visited at Mr and Mrs C Bailey’s on Sunday.

Master Don Fisher of Stevensville spent  last week at Grandpa Traver and Uncle Ray Traver’s and returned home with his parents on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs John MaWhinney Mrs Eveline Traver and Elliott and Margaret of Fonthill called on Grandma Traver and Mr and Mrs Byron Dell on Sunday evening, Mr Dell is very ill.

Mrs C. Carl of Welland visited Mrs Clarence Strawn’s on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs John Chambers and Amos Holmes and family motored to Hamilton on Monday.

Carmon Bailey and friend visited at Mr and Mrs Esembles at Fonthill on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Edward Elliott of Welland, Mr and Mrs Jess Stickles of St Catharines, Mr and Mrs Hewlett Brown of Wainfleet, visited at Mr and Mrs Hampton Brown’s on Sunday.

Mr Johnson of Wellandport is remodelling Hampton Brown’s house.

Mrs J. Chambers of Welland has moved on her farm again.

Sunday school next Sunday afternoon at 2;church services at 3 o’clock.


[Welland Tribune June 6 1929]

Salem and Community, June 6-Mrs Lane of Silverdale visited last week at Mr ad Mrs Jerry Carr’s and Mr and Mrs Frank Blanchard’s.

The social held at Okeley Beamer’s on Monday night was a great success. The program was excellent. Mr Lampman of Wellandport, in his usual happy manner, acted as chairman.

Mr and Mrs McKeller and Mr and Mrs R Henderson spent a very pleasant Sunday afternoon at Victoria Patk, Niagara Falls.

Little Jean Dell had her tonsils removed last Wednesday and is getting along very nicely.

Mr and Mrs John Bradley, Mr and Mrs Clayton Booth and Clinton of Port Robinson road, and Mr and Mrs John Chambers visited on Sunday with Jacob Chambers and family.

Harry Robbins has installed a new Mowhawk radio in his home.

Miss Violet Cramp and friend of Fonthill visited at Mr and Mrs Cecil Chambers on Monday evening.

Amos Holmes and family visited at Dunnville on Sunday.

Willson Chambers attended the Antiques association at Beamsville last week and visited friends over the week-end.

Many Friends were sorry to hear of Mrs John Becken’s accident and wish for her a speedy recovery.

Many friends were sorry to hear of the death at Perry of Mrs Peter Disher. The funeral took place on Wednesday at the Tunkard church, Forks Road. Quite a number from this vicinity attended he funeral.

The Women’s association of Salem United church is holding a Scotch tea at Mrs R. Henderson’s next Wednesday afternoon, June 12th.

Sunday school next Sunday at 11 o’clock; go-to-meeting service at 7.30.


[Welland Telegraph December 26, 1941]

Salem, Dec 26-Salem United Church service was conducted on Sunday evening by pastor Rev James Hampson. Next Sunday Sunday school will be at 10 a.m. church at 11 a.m.

Jacques Collins R.C.A.M.C., who has been in Nova Scotia for some time and is now on leave, called on Mr and Mrs V. Cosby and family and Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn and family.

Mrs Mary Metler has been staying with Mr and Mrs John Metler at Welland.

Mrs Jenette Chambers is ill.

Miss Edna Strawn of Detroit is expected home for Christmas.

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane visited Mrs Lane’s parents Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family on Sunday, and also called on the latter’s sister, Mrs George Metler, who has been ill for the past few days with pleurisy.

Mrs C.W. Bailey and Mr and Mrs Harold Bailey and son George were Sunday guests of the former’s aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Johnson McComb at Fonthill.

Miss Margaret Tuck has returned from a visit with relatives in Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Blake Ostrosser and daughter Vera of Fenwick spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Sergeant Jack Tuck, R.C.A.F. is spending a few days leave with Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson.


[Welland Telegraph December 5 1941]

Salem, Dec 5-Salem United Church service was conducted on Sunday morning by pastor Rev James Hampson. Sunday school next Sunday will be at 10 a.m.and church at 7.30 p.m.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson included Dr Leslie Young of Pittsburgh, Mrs Anna Young of Buffalo, William Clair Young of Turner’s Corners and Mr and Mrs Peter Grant of Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers spent a couple of days at London with Mr and Mrs O. Chambers.

Mr and Mrs Jack Brock and daughter, Margaret spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs A, Brock at St Thomas.

Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elmon Hodgkins at Campden.

Several people in the community attended the funeral recently of Nelles Heaslip

Mr and Mrs John Metler of Welland called on Mr and Mrs George Metler on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Fishlark of Blenhelm and Mrs Florence Chambers and C, Chambers called on Mr and Mrs Roy Chambers on Sunday.

Mrs George Metler has been suffering from an attack of bronchial asthma.

Mrs Elmer Crow who has been a patient at the Welland County General hospital is now convalescing at home.

Salem United church W.A. and W.M.S. will hold their December meeting at the home of  Mrs Harold Gent on Tuesday, December 9th.

The annual election of officers will take place and also the Christmas exchange.


[Welland Tribune February 9 1940]

Salem, Feb 9-Sunday school next Sunday at Salem United church at two o’clock; church services at 3 o’clock by Rev James Hampson.

The Y.P.A. will hold their services at 7.30 p.m.

Lorne Wiley and family attended the birthday party of their father Alfred Wiley at St Catharines on Saturday. Mr Wiley was 83 on Sunday. He is not in very good health as he has suffered a stroke.

Mr and Mrs Cecil Chambers visited Mr and Mrs Jake Wiley at St Catharines on Saturday.

Guests of Mr and Mrs George Chambers over the week-end with Mr and Mrs Charles Berry and Mr and Mrs Jack Langdon and daughter of Fenwick and Garth Chambers of Salem.

Mr and Mrs Walter Brown and sons Ralph and Harvey of  fairgrounds, Mr and Mrs Hewlett Brown and daughters, Misses Phyllis and Viola of Welland; Mr and Mrs Ambrose Misener and family of Fenwick and Mr and Mrs Cecil Chambers and son Garth of Salem were guests of Mr and Mrs Hampton Brown on Monday.