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GAINSBORO BOYLE [Welland Tribune November 12, 1897]

Mrs. E. Lampman of Welland has been visiting at her father’s.

W.E. Reece has purchased the Silverthorn farm near Candasville, and will shortly live there.

Some mean rascal took a nice pig from C. Misener on Saturday night. A stop should be put to this petty pilfering.

W. MacPherson, who has been working for A. Johnson, has completed his term and returned to his home at Rosedene.

T.F. Swayze gave our school a treat on Friday with his gramophone. It certainly is a great invention and interests the scientific mind quite as much as the kinetoscope or vitascope. Frank deserves patronage for bringing it in the neighborhood and exhibiting at such popular prices.

Mrs Jacob Robins
It is our sad duty this week to record the death of Mrs. Jacob Robins, who died on Sunday, 7th inst. Deceased was one of the oldest and most respected residents of this community, having reached the ripe age of 84.

Fr some two years she has been unable to get around well, but bore her sufferings with that resignation and tranquility which marks the truly christian character. She was the last one of the first members who said the cause of God should prosper in this neighborhood, and who with true heroism joined with those who predeceased her in establishing the U.B. church here. Her labors have not been in vain, and their fecundity could be realized by her before she passed away.

She leaves three sons and three daughters to mourn the loss of a loving mother.

The funeral was held on Tuesday and was largely attended, the neighbors and friends assembling to witness the obsequies of one whom in life they loved. Rev. Bachus preached a very fitting sermon from Rev., 14th chapter and 13th verse.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune February 2, 1940]

Boyle, Feb. 2-Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Comfort of Hamilton were  weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Comfort.

Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwoob and son Gordon of Fenwick to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwoob of Niagara Falls, N.Y., on Saturday.
Walter Holden of Hamilton visited at the home of Mr. Aand Mrs. Wm. Cutler over the weekend.

Mr and Mrs. Paul Comfort and their guests Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Comfort of Hamilton were Sunday visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. George Comfort of Dunnvlle.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip, John Hill, Harry Selseotes, Mabel Hill and Leonard Cocks were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gracey of Stamford were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Freure. Mrs. and Mrs. Nellis Heaslip, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen. Mr, and Mrs Wm. Heaslip and daughter Jean and son Billy were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cutler.

Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mabel Hill called on Mrs. Frank Anderson of Grimsby on Monday.

The Ladies Aid of Bethel United church held a very successful potluck supper in the church on Tuesday evening.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune March 1, 1940]

Boyle, March 1—Mrs Oren Tice of Bismark has returned home after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Tillie Robins who is not in very good health.

Mrs. Wm. Heaslip called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Book of St Catharines recently.

Miss Audrey Lane of Silverdale spent a few days last week with Mrs. Roy Overholt.

Mr. and Mrs, Amos Beamer and son Wray spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. And Mrs Clifford Gee.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Mrs. Nettie Anderson, Mrs. Charlie Gee and Elmer Coyne spent Sunday with John Hill.

Mr. and Mrs Sidney Heaslip visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Book of St Catharines on Friday.

Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schwoob and daughter Phyllis and son James of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwoob and son Gordon of Fenwick were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwoob.

Selkirk Robins, Mr and Mrs. Harris Robins and daughters Shirley and Janet of Tonawanda were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. Heaslip and family.

Friends and relatives were sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Nancy Jamieson in her 91st year on Friday, February 23rd. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the home of her son-in-law, Wm. T. Sutherand of Wellandport and was largely attended showing the high esteem in which deceased was held.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune November 26, 1897]

J. Lambert, who has been employed in N.Y. state, is visiting relatives here..Geo. Horton of Buffalo will winter at home… Andrew and Harry  Early have returned from Port Dalhousie and will spend the winter with their parents…. D.N.. Bea of North Pelham has returned to winter headquarters…It is rumored that one of our young men is to be raised to the magistrate’s chair. Bully for Boyle, … Mrs. A Jamieson and Willie, spent Sunday with relatives at Smithville…Rev. Bachus will preach at Bethel Sunday night…Tice Moore of Wainfleet, who has been afflicted with stomach trouble, has been taken to St. Catharines hospital.

GAINSBORO [Welland Tribune 1898]

George Putman, postmaster at Boyle, contemplates moving to Welland town, to engage at his trade, shoemaking. The people of his section fear that his leaving may cause Boyle postoffice to be closed up, t least temporarily.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune March 7, 1940]

The monthly meeting of Bethel United church Ladies Aid was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon Feb 28 with the president, Mrs. Wm. Anderson in charge, Mrs. Henry Ulman read the scripture lesson. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and adopted. It was decided to hold an Easter social in the church on Monday evening, March 25. A hot supper will be served on tables. The next meeting will be held in the church unless someone offers their home. The meeting closed by singing “God be With You.” Lunch and a social half hour was enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwoob of Fenwick visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Comfort spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Charles Berry of North Pelham.

Mrs. Nettie Anderson is visiting her sister Mrs. Nelson Chadwick in Wellandport.

Mr and Mrs Ed. Wainwright of Kemore, N.Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gracey of Grimsby called on Mr, and Mrs Nellis Heaslip and Mr. and Mrs. Judson Jamieson on Monday. They also attended the funeral of their aunt the late Mrs. Nancy Jamieson of Wellandport.

Wm. Schwoob of Fenwick called on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwoob on Sunday. Mr. Schwoob is still confined to his bed.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune January 20, 1940]

Boyle, Jan. 20- The Ladies’ Aid of Bethel United church held their monthly meeting in the church on January 17 with a very good attendance. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Wm. Cutler took charge of the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Anderson read the scripture. The monthly reports of the secretary and treasurer were read and approved. The flower report was given. It was decided to hold a pot luck supper in the church on Tuesday evening January 30.

Rev. R.R. Elliott took charge for the election of officers for the  coming year, which resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Wm. Anderson; vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Heaslip; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Cutler; treasurer, Mabel Hill; auditors, Mrs. Harry Ulman and Mrs.  Amos Beamer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. Cutler, Mrs. Cecil Gracey, Mrs. Amos Beamer and Mrs. Wm. Anderson.

Mr and Mrs. Erford Robinson of Dunnville visited Mr,. and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gracey and daughters Gladys and Muriel of Grimsby were recent guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gracey.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwoob and son Gordon of Fenwick and Mr and Mrs, Joseph Schwoob were Sunday guests of Mrs. and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson and Mabel Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson in Grimsby on Tuesday.

Mrs. Oren Tice of Bismark spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Tillie Robins.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gee and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gee visited Mr. and Mrs. George Barry and daughters Bessie and Geneva in Hamilton recently.

Mr. and Mrs Sidney Heaslip called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Book of St. Catharines on Saturday.

Quite a number from this vicinity attended the hockey game at Grimsby on Wednesday evening between Wellandport and Vineland.

GAINSBORO : BOYLE [Welland Tribune May 28, 1897]

J. Haney has secured work in the sand pit.

Monday was celebrated here by a general fishing excursion.

Ezra Gee, who has been suffering from blood poisoning, is getting along nicely.

Some of our local cavalry and infantry are making preparations to go to camp on June 8th.

Rev. Bachus will preach at Bethel on Sunday evening; encourage your minister with your presence.

Blake Moore, who recently underwent a severe surgical operation, is still in a precarious condition.

John Hill has recently moved from England and taken up his residence with his brother, James Hill.

The frost of last week did very little damage, but Tuesday’s frost was somewhat heavier; we anticipate a slight damage to fruit generally.

Would the person who found the  book sack on the Canboro road, with a second reader, arithmetic and a copy book, kindly leave at school house or at S.H. Horton’s.

Archie Lambert has been very sick for some few weeks; at present writing he is no better. We understand an operation will be performed by Drs. Greenwood and Birdsall, which we hope will radically relieve the patient.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune December 3, 1897]

Willie Jamieson has been indisposed for a few days.

Mr. Backus was the guest of A. Jamieson on Sunday.

James Hill is much better; so that he gets around again.

Miss Lindaberry of Welland spent Sunday and Monday at A. Jamieson’s.

Our enterprising mechanic, C. Misener has added a corn sheller to his shop.

The members of the U.B. church had a bee, and boarded up their new shed.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Robins of Beckett’s Bridge visited at Levi Robins’ on Sunday.

D.W. Bea has rented R.M. Jamieson’s farm, but will not take possession until spring.

Thanksgiving was generally observed. All business, except pig killing was suspended.

Theo. Bea has returned to his home, after spending the working season in Wainfleet.

The sale of Mrs. House’s farm implements and produce was quite largely attended, and everything brought fair prices.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune November 5, 1897]

P.W. Beamer is building an implement house.

Revival meetings at Salem have been stopped.

C.A. Cook, our popular councillor, is building a fine machine shop.

A petition is in circulation to repeal the existing local option bylaw in Gainsboro.

Mrs. A. Jamieson has been on an extended visit with a sister at Birmingham, Mich.