Results for ‘PLACES’
Salem, Feb. 28-Rev. W.E. Dempsey, pastor of Salem United church had charge of services on Sunday morning. Next Sunday services will be at 3 p.m. when the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed, Sunday school at 2 p.m.
A number of West end members of the O’Reilly’s Bridge Women’s Institute attended the meeting at the home of Mrs. John Cosby and Mrs. I. Michener marking the 50th anniversary of the W.I. Mrs. Robbins read the history of the founding of the Women’s Institutes, and several other readings were given by Mrs. Amos Holmes. The delicious lunch included a birthday cake with 50 candles. Mrs. Green and Mrs R. Smith convened the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs Bill Grimwood of Niagara Falls were supper guests of the latter’s parents on Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Neale of Niagara Falls and Miss Audrey Neale of Dunnville were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. And Mrs T.F. Neale
Clarence Willford, Robert Willford and Robert Strawn spent Saturday afternoon in Toronto and attended the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs Norman Misener and sons Graham and Ross and Miss Ruby Kent of Niagara Falls were Sunday guests of Mr. And Mrs C.E. Strawn.
Mr. and Mrs L. Swick of Welland and Mr. And Mrs Edwin Swick and son Ronald were in St Thomas last Sunday.
The World Day of Prayer was held at Salem United church on Friday afternoon.
Salem, Oct. 29- Cecil Chambers and family and the former’s mother visited at Roy Chambers on Sunday evening.
David Graham of Bridgeburg visited at R. Elsie’s on Monday.
Mr. Pratt and family of Buffalo visited Mr. And Mrs. C. Strawn on Sunday.
Ross Misener, who had been visiting his cousin, Garth Chambers, last week, returned home on Sunday.
Mrs. E. Cosby and Mrs Hayward and son Leroy, called on Mr. And Mrs F.L. Moore on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. R. Chambers and family visited at Mr. And Mrs B.O, Saylor’s of Fonthill on Sunday.
Mrs. Cecil Chambers and Mrs Ambrose Misener visited Mr and Mrs Walter Brown at Welland on Monday.
Miss Simpson and Mr. Mustard of Bridgeburg visited Mr. and Mrs Cecil Chambers on Monday evening. Mr. Mustard is returning to his old home, Kasalina, Manitoba this week.
Bethel near St Anns, Oct. 9- Mr. And Mrs Wm. Schwoob spent Sunday at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Heaslip and Mrs. John Hill spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto.
Rally Day Service was held last Sunday.
A number from this vicinity attended Welland fair last week.
The Eager Workers Bible class are holding a pie social in Bethel United church on Monday evening October 12. A good program will be provided.
Mrs. H.H. Scott of Toronto is spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip.
Mr. and <Mrs. Wm. Heaslip, Jean and Billy were at Tonawanda last Wednesday.
Special Thanksgiving services will be held in Bethel United church on Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Sunday school in the morning at 10 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Putman of Crowland visited with Mrs. Eunice Robinson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Reece and family of Smithville were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Schwoob.
Bethel (Near St Anns), Dec. 5- Mrs. Wm. Schwoob has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Gordon Heaslip and Frederick and Marion spent several days at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip.
Miss Eunice Robinson has improved slightly.
The annual Christmas entertainment of the Bethel United Sunday school will be held on Tuesday evening, December 15th.
Miss Flossie Reece spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. C. Reece.
John L. Heaslip of Vancouver, B.C. is visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Miss Hazel Vaughan spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. H. Vaughan.
Mrs Blake Putman of Crowland spent several days at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Sydney Heaslip.
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Miss Hazel Vaughan and Miss Mabel Hill attended the hard-time social last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. And Mrs Clifford Vaughan, Elcho.
Services will be held in Bethel United church on December 6th-Sunday school in the morning at 10 o;clock; evening service at 7.30.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gee, Edith and Alfred Williams, spent the week-end in Hamilton with their daughter, Mrs. George Barry.
Mr. and Mrs. Erford Robinson and Mrs. Charlie Brown of Dunnville visited Mr. And Mrs. Sidney Heaslip on Friday.
A Coleman of Winger was the guest of his father on Sunday.
E. Misener of Buffalo is the guest of his brother, J. Misener of Robins Bridge.
J.W. Swayze intends to start a general store in the house lately vacated by B. Rodgers.
The many friends of Mrs. Calvin Traver will be sorry to hear that she is not improving in health as they would like.
All the young men of Boyle that never received any municipal honors have been appointed overseers of highways and poundkeepers.
N.F. Johnson of Robins Bridge is so he can walk some without the aid of his canes. It is four months since he has been able to walk, his limb being broken.
Boyle can beat the two counties for mud and water. If the Council would take as much money as they spent in the Bradley law suit they could make a nice dry place of it.
[Welland Tribune February 4, 1947]
Boyle, Feb. 4- The January meeting of the Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. William Cutler with a large attendance. The president Mrs. W.J. Anderson conducted the meeting. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. Amos Beamer and the treasurer, Mrs. Gordon J. Robins. Several items of business were discussed. It was decided to hold a quilting at the home of Mrs. Cutler to complete the quilt that is being sold to one of the members. Another lady is hiring the society to make three quilts for her, and it was decided to meet weekly to complete these. It was also decided to close the church for the winter months, as the attendance was so poor due to illness and road conditions. It will reopen Easter Sunday, April 6.
The offering was received by Mrs. G. J. Robins and the flower fund donations by Mrs. J. Jamieson. Mrs. Beamer conducted an interesting contest which was won by Mrs Anderson. The program for the February meeting will be arranged by Mrs. Gordon J. Robins. The hymns will be selected by Mrs. Roy E. Overholt.
Refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs. Cutler assisted by her sister Mrs. Judson Jamieson and Mrs. Cecil Gracey.
Social Notes
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Heaslip were recent guests of relatives at Tonawanda, N.Y. They also visited the latter’s brother Harris Robins who is a patient in hospital at Buffalo, following a serious operation.
John Hill and Mrs. Mary Reid spent Tuesday at Welland.
Mr. and Mrs Thomas Holt, St Ann’s and Mr. And Mrs W.J. Anderson were recent guests of Mr. And Mrs Leonard E. Cocks, Fenwick.
Friends of Emery Gee will be glad to learn he is convalescing at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. And Mrs Clifford Gee, following an operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital Hamilton. He spent a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs Flossie Barry at Hamilton before coming home.
Attend C. Misener’s Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, sons Cameron and Murray, Clifford C. Hill, Mr. And Mrs Arnold Reid, Wainfleet, and Mr. And Mrs. Murray B. Misener and son Horace, Bismark attended the funeral of their brother and uncle the late Charles Emery Misener which was held from the Dell and Merton Funeral Home, Port Colborne.
[Welland Tribune October 30, 1931]
Salem, Oct. 30- The Women’s Association of Salem United church are holding a Hallowe’en and masquerade social on the evening of November 3, at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Walter Misener. Prizes will be given.
The Women’s associations of Salem United church have planned to hold their bazaar on November 17th at the home of Mr. And Mrs Robert Chambers, South Pelham.
Mr and Mrs Howard Hodgkins attended the funeral of their cousin at Allanburg on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs James Brown of Moulton visited at Mr and Mrs J. McCombs on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs James Brown and Mr. And Mrs J. McCombs visited friends at Bridgeburg on Sunday.
Walter Misener who has been sick is improving.
Mr. and Mrs Cecil Chambers and Garth called on Mr. And Mrs C. Strawn on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs F. Court, Miss S. Hall and Miss Bollman and N. Court motored to Brantford to spend the weekend with relatives and friends.
Miss Florence Misener called on Mrs. J. Chambers on Wednesday evening.
[Welland Tribune October 20, 1931]
Salem, Oct. 20-Miss Viola Jackson of Dunnville visited friends in this community last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Perley Robbins of Wellandport, Miss Chambers of London, Miss Tompson of Hamilton visited Wilson and Asa Chambers last week.
Mr. and Mrs S.P. Nunn and niece Rayma and Mr. And Mrs Asa Chambers and son Keith motored to Buffalo on Monday.
J. Traver spent Wednesday with Asa Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Strawn visited Mrs Cynthia Strawn at Crowland on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs B. Ostroser of Fenwick visited at Mr and Mrs C. Strawn on Sunday evening.
Mrs Timeral of Port Colborne also Mrs Fester, and Miss Ruby Kent of Niagara Falls visited Mr. And Mrs C. Strawn on Tuesday evening.
Mrs J. Chambers visited friends at Niagara Falls over the weekend.
Master Ross Misener of Perry is visiting his cousin Garth Chambers.
Mr and Mrs. Cecil Chambers called on Mr. And Mrs H.Brown on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. C. Strawn called on Mrs F. And Mrs Cecil Chambers on Friday afternoon.
Cecil Chambers and family visited, Mr and Mrs Roy Chambers and family on Sunday.
Salem, Feb. 14-Salem United church services next Sunday will be at 3 o’clock, Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Miss Audrey Neale of Dunnville spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. T.F. Neale.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook pf Welland and were supper guests of the former’s parents on Sunday and also called on Mr. And Mrs George Metler.
Miss Shirley Strawn of Wellandport spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. And Mrs C.E. Strawn.
Salem United church band held their first meeting at the home of Mrs M. Beamer on Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs A. Stirtzinger of Fonthill were guests of Mr. And Mrs Ted Hayward on Sunday last.
A Valentine box social will be held at S.S. 8 Wainfleet on Monday evening, February 17.
Salem, Feb. 10- Salem United church W.A. and W.M.S. are holding a social at the home of Mr. And Mrs Asa Chambers on Wednesday evening.
A Valentine box social will be held at S.S. 8 Wainfleet tonight.
The C.G.I.T. will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Gent on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Edna Strawn returned to Detroit on Sunday, Feb. 2 after spending the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs C.E. Strawn.
Mrs William Milligan and daughter Elsie attended the ice follies on Thursday and were overnight guests of Mr. And Mrs Charles Stephens.
Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn has as their dinner guests Sunday, Edna Strawn of Detroit, Mr and Mrs Earl Strawn of Welland, Mr and Mrs O. Stokes and son Gary and Mr and Mrs Wm. Grimwood of Niagara Falls.
Mr and Mrs Harold Reece spent Thursday afternoon in Buffalo.