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SALEM [Welland Tribune January 2, 1947]

Salem, Jan 2-Service at Salem United church this Sunday will be Sunday school at 2 p.m., church at 3 o’clock.

Christmas Concert
Salem United church Sunday school held their annual Christmas concert on December 21, with a splendid crowd. Rev. Mr. William Dempsey, as chairman, introduced a program of Christmas carols, recitations and short dialogues. Santa Claus was present to distribute candy and oranges.

Social Notes
Miss Ruth Neale, of Niagara Falls and Miss Audrey Neale, of  Dunnville, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. And Mrs. T.F. Neale.

Mr. and Mrs G.W. Thompson and family, Mr. And Mrs Edwin Swick and son, spent Christmas with Mr. David Broughton.

Christmas guests of Mr. And Mrs. C.E. Strawn were Mr. And Mrs Earl Strawn of Welland, Mr. And Mrs Bill Grimwood of Niagara Falls, Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Hansler of Orillia and Mr. And Mrs Orville Stokes with son Gary.

Mr. and Mrs George Melton and family were guests of Mr. And Mrs Orville Sourwine and Mrs. Mary Milton on Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs Edward Hayward and family were guests of Mr. And Mrs Stirtzinger, of Fonthill on Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Asa Chambers spent Christmas with Mr. And Mrs A. Crow and Mr. And Mrs William Hipwell.

Miss Helen Thompson and Arnold Vittie, of Wainfleet, were supper guests of Mr. And Mrs. Edwin Swick on Wednesday evening.

Mr. Jim Henderson spent the Christmas holiday in Toronto with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. And Mrs. Roden.

Recent guests of Mr. Robert Henderson and Miss Margaret Tuck were Mrs Dalrimpal, Mr.and Mrs O. Henderson and son, Gavin.

Little Shirley Thompson spent a few days with her cousin, Ronald Swick.

Venita Gent, Shirley Strawn, Arnold Brown and Leo Robbins left on Friday morning for Ontario Agricultural College, where they are taking a short course.

David McManus was a weekend guest of Ken Strawn.

Mrs. Jack Austin spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. C.E. Strawn and family.

Mr. ad Mrs. C.E. Strawn and daughter June and son Kenneth spent Friday evening with Mr. And Mrs. Earl Strawn, Welland.

C.G.I.T. Party
Miss Margaret Tuck was hostess to Salem United church C.G.I.T. on Thursday, December 26. The meeting was opened with Christmas carols, followed by a vesper service. Scripture was read by June Strawn, with Venita Gent as leader. Each girl took part in the candlelight service. The meeting closed with Christmas carols, and Miss Tuck served a delicious hot supper.

SALEM [Welland Tribune January 18, 1947]

Salem, Jan. 18-Salem United church service was conducted Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. W.E. Dempsey. Tomorrow Sunday school will be at 2  o’clock and church service at 3 p.m.

W.A. and W.M.S.
Salem United church W.A. and W.M.S. held their January meeting on Wednesday, Jan 8 at the home of Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Harold Bailey. Mrs. H. Bailey presided and Mrs. Elva Farr acted as secretary. It was decided to hold an open meeting at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Asa Chambers on Feb. 12.

The W.M.S. meeting conducted by Mrs. C. Bailey, held a candlelight service. Taking part were Mrs. Farr, Mrs. Hodgkins, Mrs. Gent, Mrs. Swick, Mrs. Harry Farr, Mrs. J. Blanchard, Mrs. M. Beamer and Mrs. Strawn. Lunch was served by the hostesses who were assisted by Mrs. E. Farr.

Salem C.G.I.T
Misses June and Shirley Strawn were hostesses at a meeting of the C.G.I.T. group on Jan 9. Following a hot supper, the president Venita Gent called the meeting to order. Joan Hewitt read the Scripture lesson and Marie Farr offered a prayer.
A committee was picked to arrange the church service to be held on the evening of Feb. 9. Two dollars was voted to the Temperance Fund. The Study Book was read by Margaret Tuck.The next meeting will be held at the home of Marie Farr on Jan 29.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willford and daughter Barber were guests of Mr. And Mrs. Roland, North Pelham on Sunday.

M.A. Ware is up again after being confined to bed for the past week.

Miss Shirley spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. And Mrs. C.E. Strawn.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Robbins and Mr. And Mrs. George Metler spent Thursday in Hamilton

Mrs. Clarence Willford, Mrs. Edwin Swick and Mrs. C.E. Strawn attended the birthday party for Mrs. R. McCollum on Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Hagar of Cook’s Mills were dinner guests of the latter’s brother M.A. Ware and niece Mrs. Clarence Willford on Tuesday.

The sewing club met at the home of their leader Mrs. Clarence Willford on Wednesday evening.


[Welland Tribune November 11, 1931]

Salem, Nov. 11- James Chambers of  Hewett, Mrs. A. Misener and son Ross of Perry, Mrs. Walter Brown of Welland, Miss Marion and George Chambers and Jack Hayward of Fenwick visited at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chambers last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strawn visited friends at Attercliffe last Sunday.

Hampton Brown and son Hewelet Brown of Welland accompanied a party of friends north, hunting for two weeks.

Cecil Chambers and family visited friends at Windsor and Blemheim over the weekend.

Mrs. J. Chambers visited at Roy Chambers and family on Sunday.

Miss Violet Elsie visited friends at Bridgeburg on Sunday.

Mr. Smith and family of St Catharines called on Mrs. J. Chambers on Sunday morning.

Mr. Shepbertsling and family of Crowland visited at Andy Fodo… and family on Sunday.

Mr. Hansler of North Pelham called on Mr. And Mrs Clarence Strawn on Sunday evening.
C. Strawn is on the sick list.
Mr. and  Mrs. Ambros Misner and family of Perry and Mrs Hampton Brown motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown Welland visited at the parents home.


[Welland Tribune December 23, 1931]

Salem, Dec. 23- S.S. No. 8 Wainfleet held an entertainment under the leadership of their teacher, Miss Hall on Dec. 22nd.

Mrs Yokom visited her nephew C.E. Strawn and family for a week.

Miss Hall, Mrs. F. Court and Mrs Murray and son Reggie visited Mrs C.E. Strawn and family on Thursday evening.

W. Main called on Mr. Strawn on Sunday evening.

Masters Earl and Robert Strawn spent Saturday with their chum, Masters Francis Fred and Robert Wilford of Wainfleet.

Miss Marion Chambers and Jack Hayward spent Sunday evening with Mr. And Mrs. Cecil Chambers.

Mr. and Mrs Levi Chambers of Welland called on Mr. And Mrs Frank Moore on Saturday evening.

Master Garth Chambers spent Sunday with his cousins Marion and George Chambers.


[Welland Tribune January 13, 1947]

“Open House” was held after 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. And Mrs Cecil McPherson of Wellandport, who were celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary. During the afternoon holy communion was observed for the guests.

Mr. and Mrs McPherson went through the wedding ceremony, with Rev. McRoberts officiating.

Henry Jupe acted as best man and the bridesmaid was Mrs John Cosby.

Friends and neighbours and members of the Wellandport United church presented the couple with a tri-light lamp, with the pastor making the presentation.

A buffet lunch was served, and Miss Ada Coleman of Wellandport and Mrs. J. H. Reaker of Welland poured tea throughout the afternoon. Mr McRoberts proposed the toast  to the bride and groom of 60 years ago. Ridgeville, Fonthill and local points called to extend felicitations. Centering the tea table was a wedding cake, the gift of Dr. And Mrs Crick of Toronto. The happy couple were the recipients of many flowers and congatulatory notes.

Life-long residents of Gainsborough township, Mr and Mrs McPherson had been members of Wellandport United church for over 30 years. Mr McPherson retired from farming 32 years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. McPherson entertained on Saturday at a dinner for close friends. Among those present were Mr. And Mrs John Cosby, St Anns; Mr and Mrs John Barwell and Fred Barwell, Mr and Mrs Henry Jupe, Mr and Mrs Herb Dawdy and Rev. McRoberts, Wellandport; and Mrs J.H. Reaker of Welland. Mr McRoberts acted as chairman during the dinner.

The guests presented Mrs McPherson with a basket of carnations. Mr and Mrs Dawdy entertained with singing and music.

SALEM [Welland Tribune March 22, 1945]

Salem, March 21-Salem United church services on Sunday were conducted by Rev J, Hampson. Next week Sunday school will be at two o’clock, church at three o’clock.

Mr and Mrs Ted Hayward and son Leroy, were Sunday guests of Mrs Hayward’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Arnold Stirtzinger, Fonthill.

Mrs Clarence Willford and daughter, and Miss June Strawn were in St Catharines on Friday afternoon.

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hansler and son Clifford were guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Willford and daughter, Barbara, visited with friends in Port Colborne on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Jake Traver and daughter, Irene, have moved to their new home on No 3 highway.

The Trail Rangers will hold a meeting Friday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Mack Cook.

W.A. and W.M.S.
The March meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S was held at the home of Mrs Harold Gent with a good attendance. Mrs C. Strawn reported 12 calls, one plant and seven cards for the visiting committee and flower fund. Mrs E. Hayward reported eight calls. Mrs E. Swick gave the treasurer’s report with $174.17 in the bank and $12.01 cash on hand. Mrs C. Strawn offered her home for a free-will offering tea, the date to be set later. The boys’ overseas box fund was reported by Mrs M. Cook was $8.98 on hand, $3.55 coming from the collection jar at the Chippewa service station. It was decided to have lantern slides on missionary work in the Pacific on Thursday March 29th, at Salem United church. Leona Douglas of Assiniboia, Sask., was accepted as the missionary to be remembered with prayer..


[Welland Tribune December 23, 1943]

Boyle, Dec. 23-The Christmas meeting of the Women’s Association of Bethel United church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the church with a large attendance. The devotional period was conducted by the president, Mrs William J. Anderson. Christmas carols were sung, with Mrs William Graham presiding at the piano. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Phoebe Heaslip and Rev. H.S. Fiddes led in prayer.

Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs Amos Beamer, and the treasurer, Mrs Gordon J.Robins. Cards of thanks were read by Mrs Anderson from Emery Gee and family and Mr and Mrs Charles Gee.
The mite boxes in aid of missions were gathered and the sum of $5 received. It was decided to donate $10 to missions and also give a donation toward the pastor’s salary. The penny drive with Mrs William Graham and Mrs John Tait as captains was completed this month, and the winners were Mrs William Graham and her team. A total sum of $40 was collected. The exchange of Christmas gifts was an added feature of the day which caused much merriment for all present.

Rev. H.S. Fiddes took charge of the reorganization of the society and the following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs William J. Anderson, elected president for the fourth term with Mrs William E. Heaslip as assistant; secretary, Mrs Beamer, assistant, Mrs Clifford C. Hill; treasurer, Mrs Gordon J. Robins, assistant, Mrs Merritt Vaughan; pianist, Mrs William Graham; representative to official board, Mrs William J. Anderson; parsonage committee, Mrs William Cutler  and Mrs William E. Heaslip; flower fund committee, Mrs Jack Pearl, Mrs Clifford C. Hill, Mrs Judson Jamieson and Mrs William Graham; Red Cross conveners, Mrs William J. Anderson, Mrs Jack Pearl and Mrs John Tait.

Yearly reports were given from the different departments which showed a successful year’s work had been completed. During the winter months Red Cross sewing circles and quiltings were held every Wednesday with a large attendance. An invitation was accepted  from Mrs John Tait to hold a quilting at her home on Wednesday, Jan, 5, with a pot luck dinner to be served at noon.

The young people are holding their Christmas meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs James Hill on Tuesday evening, Dec 28. It was decided to hold the annual congregational business meeting of the church the same evening.

Rev. H.S. Fiddes closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by the acting hostessers Mrs William Graham, Mrs James Hill and Mrs Judson Jamieson. A social half-hour was enjoyed.


[Welland Tribune December 4, 1931]

Salem, Dec. 4- Mr and Mrs Thos. Hounslon and daughter, Joyce H. Shaffley and son, Elmo, were guests of Mrs E. Farr on Sunday.

Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs A. Chambers on Tuesday and Thursday evenings were: Mr and Mrs Levi Misener and daughter, Miss Lealey, of Niagara Falls, and Mr and Mrs B.O. Saylor and sons, George and Mack, of Port Robinson road.

Misses Edna and Margaret Strawn visited Mr and Mrs A. Chambers on Sunday afternoon.

Mr and Mrs K. Hansler and son, Clifford, and C. Hansler, visited Mr and Mrs C. Strawn and family on Sunday evening.

Misses Edna, Margaret and Irene Strawn visited Mrs. C. Chambers, and called on Mrs F. Moore on Saturday afternoon.

Mr and Mrs George Reece and daughter, Irma called on Mr and Mrs C. Chambers on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Hampton Brown spent Friday evening with Mr and Mrs Ambrose Misener and family at Perry Station.

Mr and Mrs Hampton Brown called on Mrs C. Chambers on their way to Tillsonburg to spend the week with Mr and Mrs Harry Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Roy Chambers and family and George Chambers and Jack Hayward visited with Mr and Mrs C. Chambers and family on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Walter Brown are spending a few days with Mrs Brown’s parents, Mr and Mrs Harry Robbins, of Tillsonburg.

Mrs George Reece spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Hewitt Brown.

Miss S. Hall motored with friends from Thorold to visit friends  near Dunnville on Sunday last.

Mrs Cecil Chambers entertained a few friends to tea last Tuesday evening.

Mr and Mrs B. Ostross and daughter Vera, visited Mrs C.E Strawn and family.

SALEM [Welland Tribune October 2, 1943]

Salem, Oct 2- The Salem Women’s Association and W.M.S. will hold their October meeting at home of Mrs Clarence Willford on Wednesday.

Mrs Amos Robbins, Mrs George Metler, son Donald, and Mrs Kenneth and daughter Rose Marie spent Thursday in St Catharines.

Mr and Mrs Seth Willford of Welland called on Mr and Mrs Clarence Willford on Friday.

Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers attended the fair at Ohsweken on Thursdsay.

SALEM [Welland Tribune January 11, 1945]

Salem, Jan. 11- Salem United church Sunday school will be at two o’clock and church service will be at three. Kelvin Crossley and Ivan Seeman of Fenwick will speak on boys’ parliament work.

Mrs C.E. Strawn spent a couple of days at Niagara Falls with her sister, Miss Ruby Kent. She also called on Mrs Wm. Dart and Mrs H. Fester.

Mr and Mrs George Metler and family were New Year’s guests of Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family.

Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown and family and Mr and Mrs Jack Hayward and family were New Year’s guests of Mr and Mrs Ted Hayward and son Leroy.

Mrs C.E. Strawn has had word her nephew, Cpl. Jack Montgomery of U.S. Army in Italy has been wounded.