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BOYLE [Welland Tribune October 6, 1943]

Boyle, Oct. 6- A large gathering of relatives and friends met at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob on Saturday evening for a variety shower, in honor of Gordon Reece, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Morgan Reece of Smithville, and his bride, Miss Reta Mary Deets, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Deets of Girvin, Sask. During the evening, Peter Boyuk favored with mouth organ and guitar selections, accompanied by Robert Schwoob, Peter Boyuk and Mack accompanied by Miss Irma Schwoob at the piano.
Refreshments were served by the groom’s mother, Mrs Morgan Reece, and Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob, assisted by Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter Miss Irma Schwoob, Mrs Henry Ulman and Mrs Wm J Anderson.

Harvest Service
Harvest Home services were held at Bethel United church on Sunday evening, Sept, 26 with a large attendance. The church was beautifully decorated with bouquets and baskets of autumn flowers. The guest speaker for the service was Rev. James Hampson of Fenwick United church, who told a story to the children prior to his address. He took as his theme, “Abounding in Harvest.” The Bethel choir assisted with the service and sang the anthem, “The Blessed Gospel,” with Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob taking the soprano solo, and duets by Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mrs Tillie Robbins, “Seeking the Lost” was also sung by the choir with Judson Jamieson leading the bass solo. Peter Boyuk and Mack sang “Sometime, Somewhere.” Mrs William J, Anderson presided at the piano for the service.

Rev. H.S. Fiddes had charge of the anniversary service at Silverdale United church on Sunday morning, Sept 26, and chose as his theme “White with Harvest.” He was assisted in song by the Wellandport male quartet accompanied by Mrs Roy Collver.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larry and Mr and Mrs William Graham attended the anniversary service at Silverdale United church on Sunday morning.

Charles Hill spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs Stuart Hill, at Welland.
Miss Lelia Hill of Welland was a recent guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Misses Frances and Audrey Ulman of St Catharines spent the weekend with their parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Ulman and family.

Sgt. William Schwoob, R.A.F. training school at Mount Hope, Mrs Schwoob, son Gordon and daughter Joyce of Hamilton spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Scwoob. They also attended the shower in honor of Mr and Mrs Gordon Reece of Smothville.

John Hill was a guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Cameron Reece and Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks and son Ralph of Fenwick spent the weekend with Mrs Cocks’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs William J Anderson and John Hill.

Mr and Mrs James Hill, son Clifford C. Hill. And the former’s brother, John Hill, attended the funeral of the late Mrs Robert Henderson from her late residence at Salem on Friday.
Mr and Mrs Erford Robins, son Edwin and daughter Elizabeth and the former’s father, Selkirk Robins, and Miss Shirley Robins, all of Tonawanda, N.Y. were Sunday guests of Mr Robins’son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs William E, Heaslip and family. They also attended the special harvest home service at Bethel United church on Sunday evening.

Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks and son Ralph of Fenwick attended the shower in honor of Mr and Mrs Gordon Reece of Smithville at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob, on Saturday evening.

Miss Helen Swick, public school teacher here, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Swick at O’Reilly’s Bridge. She was bridesmaid for her cousin, Miss Ila Pettigrew, whose marriage to LAC Lloyd M. Brown, R.C.A.F, took place on Saturday at two p.m., at Forks Road East United church.

John Hill called on Mr and Mrs Norman Gates at Welland on Sunday. He also called on friends at Fenwick.

Mrs Morgan Reece and daughter Loretta of Smithville spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob last week.

Mrs Henry Ulman of Cayuga spent the weekend at her home here,
Mr and Mrs William Cutler spent Thursday at Welland.

Choir practice was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Schwoob on Friday evening. Among those attending were Mrs William Heaslip and daughter, Miss Jean Heaslip, Mrs Tillie Robbins and Mrs Wm J. Anderson, Jack Sherwood, Eddie Lambert, Judson Jamieson. Peter Boyuk and Mack.

The Young People’s group of Bethel United church met at the  home of Mr and Mrs William  Heaslip recently in honor of their daughter, Miss Jean Heaslip, who was celebrating her birthday. The meeting was conducted by the president, Miss Marion Hill. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs Heaslip and her assistants.

Mr and Mrs George Henderson of Port Weller called on Ms L. Longbottom on Tuesday.
Paul A. Comfort and John Hill spent Tuesday at Welland.
Mrs William J. Anderson called on her sister, Mrs Leonard E. Cocks and son Ralph at Fenwick on Tuesday.

SALEM [Welland Telegraph November 15, 1941]

[Welland Telegraph November 15, 1941]

Salem, Nov. 15-Mr and Mrs Earl Comfort of Binbrook visited recently with Mr and Mrs G.F. Neale.

Miss Irene Strawn of Niagara Falls spent the November 9th weekend at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Mrs Mary Metler spent a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs John Metler, Welland.

Mr and Mrs Wm. Cosby of Niagara Falls, N.Y. visited recently Mr and Mrs Victor Cosby.
Mrs C.E. Strawn visited with Mrs Austin on Thursday evening. Mrs Austin who has been sick for some time is improving slowly.

Salem Sunday school teachers held their November meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Elva Farr.
Mrs Victor Cosby spent Thursday in  Dunnville with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Gordon Duff.

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane spent Wednesday with Mrs Lane’s parents. Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins.
Victor Cosby has returned home from a week’s hunting up north.

W.A. and W.M.S.
Salem Women’s Association held their November meeting at the parsonage on Wednesday. The president Mrs Harold Bailey was in charge. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs George Metler and the minutes were read by the assistant secretary, Mrs Charles Bailey. It was decided to give the Red Cross $4 for blankets. It was also thought best to hold meetings at 2 p.m. sharp during the winter months.

The meeting was turned over to Mrs Elva Farr for a F.M.S. session. Mrs Charles Bailey gave a splendid report on the W.M.S. held at Fork’s Road church on Oct 27.
Rev J. Hampson gave an interesting talk on China.

A Christmas exchange will take place at the December meeting on December 10, Mrs Hampson was assisted in serving lunch by Mrs Florence Chambers and Mrs Harlam Farr.

SALEM [Welland Tribune October 19, 1943]

[Welland Tribune October 19, 1943]

Salem, Oct 19-Salem United church held its annual Harvest Home service on Sunday evening, October 10. In spite of the lateness of the season , members of the W.A. assisted by the Merry Maids class, had the church nicely decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables and grains, depicting the glory of God. The choir was assisted in the service of song by Mrs Ward Brown, Mrs Franklin Blanchard and Mrs Orley Hannigan, who sang two special numbers.
The guest speaker was Rev Mr Whan, pastor of Fonthill Baptist church. His theme was “Grateful Thanksgiving Solves Problems.”

Salem United church W.A. and W.M.S. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs Clarence Wilford with 31 members present. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Harry Farr. A pot luck supper and bazaar is to be held at the home of Mrs Oakley Beamer on October 20th, Mrs Hayward read letters of thanks from Robert Henderson and Miss Margaret Tuck. Mrs Elva Farr took charge of the W.M.S. Mrs C.W. Bailey read the second chapter of the book “For All Life”. Mrs Hayward read a few verses and Mrs Farr read two poems. Members were asked to turn in their thank offering at the November meeting. Lunch was served.

Mrs C.E. Strawn spent Friday last in Welland and visited with her daughter-in-law, Mrs Earl Strawn.
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hansler and son Clifford visited on Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs C.E, Strawn and family.

Alfred Wiley was accidentally injured on Wednesday while playing at school. X-ray examination disclosed that injuries were not serious.

Farewell to Mrs Carr
A number of friends and neighbors gave Mrs V. Carr a pleasant surprise by way of a farewell party on Monday afternoon. Mrs Carr who has lived  here for some time, is spending the winter at Canfield with her granddaughter, Mrs Allen Haynes. Lunch was served by the ladies.

SALEM [Welland Tribune October 29, 1943]

[Welland Tribune October 29, 1943]

Salem Oct 29-Salem United church services were held on Sunday afternoon, with Rev James Hampson in charge. Next week Sunday school will be at 11  o’clock, church at 12.

The Salem W.A. pot luck supper held at the home of Mr and Mrs Oakley Beamer and Mr and Mrs Marshall Beamer, was well attended. A total of $25 was received from the supper and $7.75 from the bazaar. Mrs Wm Freeman gave two readings and Mrs Hansler Swayze and son Aubrey gave a number of solos. A sing-song was led by Rev James Hampson.

Mr and Mrs William Milligan have had word from their son J.E. Milligan, of the R.C.A.F.

Leading stoker E.B. MacPherson, R.C.N.V.R., of the east coast, is spending a leave with his wife and two daughters.

Mr and <rs William Lire of Fenwick, Mr and Mrs John Moore and sons Donald and Jerry of Buffalo called on Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family, Tuesday evening.

Mrs Earl Strawn of Welland was a Wednesday overnight guest at the home of Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn and family.

Mr and Mrs Harry Foster of Niagara Falls spent Wednesday afternoon with their cousins, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn and family.

Mrs John Cosby, Mrs Cecil Aulph and little David Michelle were guests of Mrs C.E. Strawn, Tuesday.

Mrs George Metler, Donald, Mrs Kenneth Lane, daughter Rose Marie, and Mrs Amos Robinson spent Tuesday at Dunnville.

Pte. Ruth Neale, C.W.A.C of Toronto, and Miss Audrey Neale, Wellandport, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs T.F. Neale

The Salem W.A. are holding a Hallowe’en social at the home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Van Natter on Friday evening.

SALEM [Welland Tribune March 9, 1945]

[Welland Tribune March 9, 1945]

Salem March 9-Salem United church services on Sunday were conducted by Rev James Hampson. Next week Sunday school will be at two o’clock, church service at three o’clock.

James Henderson’s class of young men and junior boys met at the home of Mr and Mrs C.E Strawm with Rev J. Hampson and Mr Henderson to organize a Trail Ranger group. The new officers are: President Leo Robbson; first vice-president, George Cook; secretary James Farr; treasurer, Leroy Hayward. Mr Hampson will be leader.

George Bailey was moved from the Welland County General hospital to the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Carmen Bailey at Welland before his return to his home at Salem.

Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn, daughters, June, Shirley, son Kenneth and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hansler and son clifford of Welland were Sunday guests of of Mr and Mrs Bill Grimwood at their home, “Woodend” Niagara Falls. Mrs Grimwood gave a birthday dinner in honor of her mother.

Mr and Mrs Leslie Swick spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Edwin Swick and son Ronald.

Mr and Mrs E. Swick and son Ronald spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs G.W. Thompson and family.
Mr ad Mrs Cecil Hagar of Cook’s Mills spent Thursday with the latter’s father M.A.Ware.

Mrs Jack Austin and daughter, Mrs Earl Strawn were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Strawn and family.

Mr and Mrs James Ball of Welland were Thursday evening guests of Mr and Mrs C.H. Willford.
Mrs Edwin Swick and son Ronald called on Mrs Harold Gent and sons Wednesday.

Mrs Harold Gent and sons Richard and Allen spent Wednesday last with Mrs Strawn and Mrs Carr.

Audrey Coyne of Welland spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Edwin Swick.

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hansler and son Clifford of Welland, Mr and Mrs Edwin Swick and son Ronald spent Wednesday evening with the Strawn family.

Mrs Harold Hodgkins and infant daughter have returned home from the Welland County General hospital.

Mrs Edwin Swick was hostess to the C.G.I.T. girls on Saturday evening. It was decided to hold a box social on March 15th at the home of Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs C. Willford and Mrs Strawn.

SALEM [Welland Tribune February 28, 1945]

[Welland Tribune February 28, 1945]

Open Night Held by W.A.
Salem Feb 28-An open meeting of the W.A. and missionary Society was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers with an attendance of around 40. The young people played crokinole and the ladies designed hats from kitchen utensils, vegetables, boxes, etc.
Prizes went to Mrs Walter Misener and Mrs George Metler. It was decided to appoint Rob Henderson, Frank Blanchard and Asa Chambers as a committee to fix the church doors before the next meeting. Mrs Hodgkins was instructed  to purchase materials to finish the Red Cross quilts.

Mrs Elva Farr took charge of the missionary society meeting in the absence of Mrs Charles Bailey. It was decided to proceed with work on 10 pairs of mitts, which is the allocation for the society.

Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs Hodgkins, Mrs Elva Farr, Mrs Harry Farr, Mrs Cook and Mrs Hayward. Ice cream and birthday cake formed features of the lunch, it being Asa Chamber’s birthday.

Miss Marie Farr was taken to Welland County General hospital on Wednesday last where she underwent an appendectomy.

Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn and daughter Shirley and son Kenneth attended the I.O.O.F.. “At Home” at Fenwick on Tuesday.

Clarence Willford, Earl Misener and Bob Strawn were in toronto on Saturday and attended the hockey game in the evening.

C.E. Strawn attended the dinner meeting for supervisors and foreman and safety committee members in Welland on Thursday evening.

L/Stk Ellsworth McPherson has returned to his base on the east coast.

Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers spent the weekend with Mrs Chambers parents. Mr and Mrs E, Crow and Mr and Mrs Bill Hippwell and daughter Carol.

Clarence Willford attended the father and son banquet in Welland on Wednesday evening and had Kenneth Strawn as his guest.

SALEM [Welland Tribune February 22, 1945]

[Welland Tribune February 22, 1945]

Salem, Feb 22-O’Reilly’s Bridge W.I. held their February meeting at the home of Mrs Edwin Swick on Wednesday, with 20 members present. Mrs Philips the president was in the chair. Letters were read from boys in the service for boxes received. It was decided to send $5 to the I.O.D.E. as a donation for books for servicemen. Mrs Strawn reported for the visiting committee.

It was decided to send gum to the boys overseas. Two minutes silence was observed for Mrs Reece. Mrs Gent was in charge of the bird contest. The projected pot luck supper was held over till next month. Lunch was served by Mrs Swick and the lunch committee.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Willford and daughter, Mrs J. Willford, all of Welland were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Clarence Willford.

Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and Mr and Mrs George Metler spent Tuesday in Dunnville

Mrs V.A. Carr, Mrs E Swick and Ronald and Mrs C,E, Strawn spent Friday in Welland.

Misses Jean and Helen Thompson of Welland and Arnold Vittie of Wainfleet spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs E. Swick and son Ronald.
Cpl Ware of Toronto visited with his father M.A. Ware.
Mr Jake Traver attended the funeral of the late Mrs Burch on Tuesday.

SALEM [Welland Tribune February 7, 1945]

[Welland Tribune February 7, 1945]

Salem Feb 7-Salem United church services on Sunday were conducted by Rev James Hampson. Next week Sunday school will be at two o’clock, church at three o’clock.

Salem C.G.I.T. held a meeting at the home of Misses Venita and Jacqueline Gent on Fri evening. Their guests were members of the boys’ class. After a sleigh ride they returned to the home of Mrs Gent, where refreshments were served.

The January meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs C. E. Strawn with the president Mrs Hodgkins in the chair. Mrs Strawn is to be the visiting committee convener for the year. Mrs Cook reported for the Red Cross. The visiting committee reported five calls for the month.

A shower will be held at the March meeting of articles suitable to put in boxes for the boys overseas. Mrs Asa Chambers offered her home for an open meeting on the evening of February 14. Mrs Elva Farr read the scripture lesson. Salem allocation for the coming year is 10 pair of mitts. Refreshments were served by Mrs Harold Bailey, Mrs Ted Hayward and Mrs Strawn.

Mr and Mrs Edwin Swick and Ronald were supper guests on Tuesday evening of Mr and Mrs Harry Farr and family.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Cook of Welland spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs M Cook.
Mrs Edwin Swick and son Ronald spent Friday with Mrs Margaret Coyne at Welland.

Mrs A. Stirtzinger was a recent guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Ted Hayward.

Mrs C.E. Strawn has received word that her nephew, Cpl Jack Montgomery of the U.S. Army, who was wounded in Italy is back in the United States in hospital.

Mr and Mrs Leslie Swick called on Mr and Mrs Edwin Swick, Friday evening.

SALEM [Welland Tribune November 4, 1941]

[Welland Tribune November 4, 1941]

Salem, Nov 4-Salem United church service was conducted on Sunday Nov 2 at 11 o’clock. The pastor, Rev James Hampson continued his series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer, his address being entitled “Thy Kingdom Come.”

Sunday school next Sunday will be at 10 o’clock; church at 7.30

Mrs Amos Robbins and Mervin visited with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane at St Catharines on Thursday.

On Nov 16, Educational Sunday, Professor Kent of the University of Toronto will be the speaker at Fenwick Continuation school at 2.30 p.m.

The Salem association will hold their November meeting at Fenwick parsonage on Nov 12, This will be the annual W.M.S. thankoffering, Mrs Leo Michener will be guest speaker.

Miss Margaret Strawn of the Niagara Falls General hospital spent Wednesday with her parents.

Mr and Mrs C. Menel and Mr and Mrs R.L. Vannatter of Crystal Beach were supper guests of the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs L. Vannatter and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm Miller of Welland spent the weekend with Mrs V.A. Carr

Hallowe’en Social
Salem W.A. held their Hallowe’en social at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Traver and Mr and Mrs Jacob Traver on Thursday evening. The rooms were attractively decorated with orange and black streamers, cats, witches and pumpkins. Rev James Hampson, James Lowe and George Kelts acted as judges for the grand march, and awarded prizes for costumes as follows” Best dressed lady. June Strawn, as Japanese lady; best dressed man, E. Milligan; best comic, Gavin Henderson; best couple Mrs Basil Misener and Mrs Marshall Beamer, as bride and groom; best dressed children, Venita and Jacqueline Gent.

A short program was presented. Mrs Charles Bailey and daughter, Mrs Basil Misener sang,”In an old Dutch garden.” Mrs Marshall Beamer gave a reading and Miss Margaret Tuck offered a piano solo.
Mrs Basil Misener also sang, “Thank You America.” Rev James Hampson led the community singing. Refreshments were served by the ladies.

SALEM [Welland Tribune October 24, 1941]

[Welland Tribune October 24, 1941]

Salem, Oct 24-Church service was conducted at Salem United church on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev James Hampson gave a helpful sermon on “Our Father Which Art in Heaven,” beginning a series on “The Lord’s Prayer.” Next Sunday, Sunday school will be at 10 o’clock and church service will be at 7.30.

The ladies of Salem are invited to attend the meeting of the Sectional Women’s Missionary Society at the Fork’s Road United church,Thursday, October 23.

Guests of Mr and Mrs C.E, Strawn on Sunday were Mr and Mrs R.L. Vanatter of Ridgeway and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hansler and son Clifford of Welland.

Mr and Mrs Perly Robbins of St Catharines spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers and Mrs Janet Chambers.

Mr Jack Klingenden of Dunnville spent Monday with Mr and Mrs L.F. Neal and family.

Miss Marion Shupe of Welland visited with Mr and Mrs Victor Cosby on Saturday afternoon.

Mrs Clara Leidy and Gordon Clendenning of Welland and Lois Lane of Burk’s Falls spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers and Mrs Janet Chambers.