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References for Dexter David Hoover

Hoover, Dexter Welland, Welland Tribune, Page 3, 09/02/1877

Hoover, Dexter Welland, Hometown, Page 64, 1959

Hoover, Dexter D. Souse: Wilson, Freddie F, Welland, Welland Tribune, Page 4, 14/12/1883

Hoover, Dexter David Welland, Rice’s, 1889, Biography.

Hoover, Dexter David, Spouse: Wilson, Freddie F., Welland, Wainfleet Genealogy, 04/09/1857

Hoover, Grant W. Welland, Welland Tribune, page 3, 11/06/1953

Hoover-dau, Welland, page 4, 02/07/1897, B

Hoover-son, Welland, page 1, 06/12/1898. B

Hoover, D.D. Welland, Welland Tribune, page 8, 26/02/1892

Hoover, D.D.  Welland, Welland Tribune, page 6, 23/11/1888

Hoover D.D.   Welland, Welland Centennial, page 64, 1958.

Hoover, Dexter, Welland, Welland Tribune, page 3, 26/09/1879

Hoover, Dexter, Welland, Welland Tribune, page 1, 30/10/1939, D

Hoover, Dexter, Welland, LHC Historic Dexter House, 1870

Hoover, Elias Grant Warren, Welland, Wainfleet Genealogy, 02/09/1885

Hoover, Frederika, spouse: Hoover, Dexter, Welland, Welland Tribune, page 3, 18/07/1938, D

Hoover, Frederika, spouse: Hoover, Dexter, Welland, Welland Tribune, page 6, 18/07/1938,D

Hoover, Frederika, spouse: Hoover, Dexter, Welland, Welland Tribune, page 3, 19/07/1938, D

Hoover, Grant, spouse: Sullivan, Maude, Niagara Falls NY, Welland Tribune, page 4, 27/08/1914, M




[Welland Tribune, 21 September 1877]

On Sunday morning last the usually quiet village of Ridgeway was surprised at learning the particulars of a determined suicide which happened in a barn belonging to Mr. Chas. Girven, tinsmith of that place, the facts of which are these:

There have been for some years past, a resident of Ridgeway, by name Nathaniel Allen, employed at various times on the Grand Trunk Ry. in the capacity of brakeman and more latterly as peddler of tinware for Mr. Chas. Girven. One day of last week he succeeded in getting a little money and went to Stratford. The evidence given at the Coroner’s Inquest went to show that deceased was very dissipated during his stay at Stratford, from which place he returned to Ridgeway on Saturday morning. The supposition is that he at once repaired to his home, and finding his wife not there he proceeded to the barn and there and then committed the fatal act, leaving a note, written in a good bold hand which reads as follows-

“Ellen, you are to blame for this. I hang for you, you will live to repent it. May God have mercy upon me.”

Coroner Lewis of Fort Erie held an inquest on the remains on Monday, when the following verdict was rendered-“That the deceased, Nathaniel Allen, came to his death by committing suicide by hanging himself, while under the influence of liquor.” Mr. John Dalziel acted as foreman of the jury.

Allen will be remembered by the older residents of Welland village as having formerly lived in that place.

Died: 16 September 1877




[Welland Tribune, 16 February 1877]

In the town of Welland there lives a couple whose voyage over the sea of matrimony during the past dozen years or more has unfortunately been a squally one, especially of late. John, although a good-natured fellow withal, like Tim Finnigan, appears with a love for a drop of the cratur to have been born, and whenever he got any money and could elude the vigilance of his better half, he went off on a regular jamboree, taking in cargoes of the vilest “rot gut” that would have burnt the bottom out of an iron pot in less than twenty-four hours. But he was one of those remarkable but not uncommon cases who set at defiance the assertion of those who love to dilate upon the poisonous qualities of the beverages he loved to imbibe. His consumption of liquor was only limited by the exhaustion of his finances, yet he never got sick, and the next morning was apparently as sound as man could be. This; however, did not help the domestic finances any. Mrs. John attempted at sundry times to reform her recreant lord by instilling temperance principles into him with a potato masher and other domestic implements, but these generally ended disastrously to her, for John too often straightened up to take the initiative and upon several occasions forced the wife of his bosom to flee ignominiously from the scene of strife. This becoming monotonous, during the present winter she concluded to leave him for good, and applied to the town council for a maintenance, no doubt thinking that would be a good way of getting along. The “indignant” committee, however, refused her request on the ground that she was able to work and could get work if she wished,- and finally to work she went.

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[Welland Tribune, 16 February 1877]

Contrary to anticipation, the injuries received by Mr. Bryan Shannahan at the railway collision at Port Robinson, proved fatal the unfortunate young man having expired on Sunday last. His nervous system appears to have received such a shock from the terrible manner in which his legs were mangled, that eventually lock jaw resulted, with the termination stated. Deceased expired at Anderson’s Hotel, whither he was removed immediately after the accident. Being of the Roman Catholic religion he received the usual rites of that church, and was interred in the R.C. Cemetery at Welland, on Tuesday last, Rev. Father Sullivan, of Thorold, preaching the funeral sermon. Deceased was a young man of prepossessing appearance and good education and was much esteemed by his acquaintances. It is satisfactory to know that he did not die as a stranger in a strange land, having found relatives and warm friends in the person and family of Mr. John Shannahan, of Welland. Mr. Shannahan informs us that he had deferred conversing with deceased about his family, etc., in expectancy of his convalescence, and that locked jaw setting in suddenly he was unable to carry out his intention. Deceased was 22 years of age, and his home address as found upon his person was-:Bryan Shannahan, Bay View House, Clontarf, Dublin.” Requiescat in pace.

Died: 11 February 1877