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The TALES you probably never heard about

BOYLE [Welland Tribune August 20, 1897]

Mrs. B. Angle of Niagara Falls, N.Y.is rusticating at home.

R.M. Jamieson has the contract for building a store in Bismarck.

Blake Moore still lies in a very critical condition.
Many of the residents of this and surrounding neighborhoods attended the picnic at Attercliffe on Wednesday.

Master Frank Bea was successful at the entrance and Willie Jamieson at public school leaving exams. Congratulations, boys!

The camp meeting in Swayze’s grove is quite largely attended, Rev. Dillon officiating.

Wm. Piper suffered a slight fracture of the left arm. It is doing nicely.

The Bethel Sunday school will picnic at Lowbanks on Wednesday next.

Some of the loyal old residents are wondering why the stars and stripes were fluttering through here last week. We wonder why? May be the Dingley bill has driven them out of their own country.

BOYLE [Welland Tribune May 27, 1897]

Miss Ella Stoner of Montrose has been visiting at Calvin Reece’s.

The Misses Lymburner of Thorold are visiting at Mr. Coleman’s.

T.F. Swayze has had blood poisoning of the hand. He is improving.

Geo. Robinson and family of Dunnville were the guests of Mrs. A. Jamieson over Sunday.

Dr. Birdsall preached a lengthy and interesting discourse at the camp grounds on Sunday.

The Saints’ camp meeting has prorogued. The meetings have been very largely attended.

The trustees of our school have had the yard levelled and tiled, which adds materially to the appearance of the premises.

Mrs. E.M. Robins, who has been visiting in this neighborhood, was taken quite sick at Mr. Coleman’s, and is still poorly.


[Welland Tribune March 5, 1897]

Longfellow’s literary productions were read and sung very appreciatively on Tuesday evening, Feb. 9th. A laughable parody on the Psalm of Life, was read by Leander Traver. “Paul Revere’s Ride” and selections from “Evangeliue” were read with effect, while all were charmed by the beautiful rendering of the poet’s favored songs. Essays of the life of the poet, and his works, made the evening instructive as well as entertaining.

The meeting of Feb. 23rd;-A firy debate on the relative destructiveness of fire and water. President Robertson, Vice President Johnson, Miss Doyle and Mr. Griffin gave detailed and very vivid descriptions of wreckages, floods, tidal waves and the deluge, but were excelled in argumentative ability by A.L. Young, O. Henderson, Miss F. Henderson and Elliot Henderson.

The Scandal Monger in the hands of the new editor is prospering splendidly. No more ample guarantee of the appreciation in which this paper has been held is required than the many requests made by the subscribers to the editors to continue it during the summer, but in that they cannot be gratified.

Tuesday evening, March 3rd, has been arranged as the final meeting of the society for the season. The entertainment for the closing is now in preparation, and promises fair to be novel, interesting and pretty.

Tuesday , March 9th, will be spent in study of the poetical works of Thomas Moore.


[Welland Tribune August 6, 1897]

It is our painful duty this week to record the demise of Jesse Ramey, one of the oldest and most respected residents of the township. Mr. Ramey, who had been failing rapidly for some time, passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 75 years. The funeral will take place today (Friday) from his late residence at 2 p.m., interment at Overholt’s cemetery. One son and two daughters survive. Horace S. Ramey, Mrs. Wm. McGinnis and Mrs. Carley, all of Humberstone. Deceased was the son of David and Jane (Liedy) Ramey. His parental grandfather, Casper Ramey, was one of the pioneers of the county, having come here from Pennsylvania at a very early date in its settlement.


[Welland Tribune June 18, 1897]

A sad death occurred at Air Line Junction, Humberstone, on Sunday last, when Justina Matthews, wife of Mr Eli Horton, departed this life at the early age of 38 years. Death was caused by lockjaw, the result of blood-poisoning produced by a female ailment. Mrs. Horton was a daughter of the late Abner Matthews of Welland. She leaves a husband, a mother, and five children, the eldest of whom is ten years of age. The funeral took place on Tuesday, interment at Fonthill cemetery; services by Rev. W.H. Swayze. Mrs. Horton had a wide circle of friends, and her untimely death will be deeply mourned, and the sympathy of the community goes out fully to the bereaved ones.


[Welland Tribune June 18, 1897]

Hamilton, June 10- Nicholas Awrey, registrar of the county of Wentworth, died at his residence, East Hamilton, this evening. He had been ill for months with a complication of diseases, and for several days was unconscious. He was 46 years of age, and leaves four children to mourn his death. The deceased was M.L.A. for South Wentworth for many terms, having been first elected when but 27 years of age.

He retired from public life in 1896 to the position he held at his death. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, in charge of the Masonic order. Mrs. Awrey died about a year ago.


[Welland Tribune November 26, 1897]

Peter Herman Ball, ex-police magistrate of Merriton, died on Saturday night, at the advanced age of 80 years. He was  a pioneer resident of the county, and was the son of a U.E. Loyalist, who came to this part of the country during the revolutionary war. The deceased was a farmer before being appointed magistrate, an office he filled for many years until his retirement about one year ago. He was born in the house where he spent his lifetime, and from where he passed away to his home of rest. At one time he owned a large farm around that part of the country where he resided. As the  town became populated many acres were sold, but up to the time of his demise twenty-three acres were still in his possession. He leaves a sorrowing wife and daughter to mourn their loss, two sons (John and Bernard) having died some time ago.


[Welland Tribune November 26, 1897]

Charlotte, widow of late Edward Carter of the township, died at the residence of her son-in-law, George Newman, St Catharines, on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 79 years. She leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn her death, viz., Nelson Carter of  British Columbia, Lachlan Carter of Thorold township, and Mrs. George Newman and Mrs. Joseph Newman, St Catharines.


[Welland Tribune April 23, 1897]

Died at his late residence in the township of Gainsboro, April 18, 1897, Cyrus Robins, of heart failure, which for many years had rendered his life more or less unpleasant, and death a long expected calamity that became  a sad reality in the early hours of Easter Sunday a day well befitting the occasion of the death of one whose exemplary life and christian integrity had served to stamp upon the minds of his acquaintances an image which the hand of time cannot efface. To the church of his adoption (Canada Methodist) he was a living epistle, read and known of all men. He had no fear of death, at the very door of which he could exclaim; “Oh death where is thy sting; oh, grave where is thy victory!” “May my last end be like his!” “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them,” The subject of this obituary was born in the township of Wainfleet in 1834. His birthplace was approximate to the scene of his demise. His wife previous to their marriage, was Miss Huldah Putman (daughter of the  late Albert Putman of Wainfleet), who with seven sons and daughters survive him, as follows; Orlando, Amos P., and Mrs Wm Goss of Gainsboro; Alvin A. And Mrs. Cyrus E. H. Brown of Pelham and Mrs. N.F. Johnson of Wainfleet. In politics Mr. Robins was a staunch Liberal, but always willing to accord due regard for the opinions of those whose views of the situation placed them in the ranks of his opponents. He served his municipality more than a score of years as councillor and deputy-reeve, with few intermissions, having been elected almost continuously during that time.

His funeral at Salem church on the 20th inst. was largely attended. His friends in the locality where his whole life had been spent were legion, his enemies few. Thus terminates the life of a kind father, a faithful and affectionate husband, until the last trump of God shall sound to call forth the dead from their graves to judgment. We will all be there.


[Welland Tribune April 22, 1897]

A Prominent Resident of St Catharines who has lived 89 years

St Catharines, Ont., April 22 – One of the  oldest residents of St. Catharines passed away this morning in the person of Charles W. Hellems. He was about 89 years of age. Mr. Hellems was at one time one of the most successful business men in St. Catharines and his name was a household word for years. He was of German descent and came here in his early life from Pennsylvania, He was identified with the building of the old Welland canal, and it was he who sank the first mineral well in this city. He had an extensive industry and from the success of the enterprise he was enabled to acquire considerable property, An aged widow survives but deceased leaves no children. He was a  brother to late Squire John Hellems, a prominent pioneer of Welland town and father of police Magistrate Hellems.