[Welland Telegraph July 23, 1902]
Mr Joseph Harvey, son of Mr. Martin Harvey, and Miss Ethel Thompson, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Thompson were married on Wednesday of last week. Miss Jennie Thompson acted as bridesmaid and Mr Wm Goulding supported the groom. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. P.W. Smith, rector of the parish. The newly wedded couple are spending their wedding trip to Toronto.
[Peoples Press, 9 December 1902]
George Stephens of Midland, a nephew of James B. Stephens of Welland, was second engineer on the str. Bannockburn, and is supposed to have gone down with that ill-fated vessel. He was unmarried, 24 years of age, and a promising highly respected young man.
Died: 21 November 1902
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland issued August 22nd, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
The Welland Telegraph, now in its thirty-ninth year was the first newspaper published in Welland town. It was started in 1863, in the interests of the Conservative party, and from that date until the present it has been the organ of that party in Welland county, During the nearly two score years of its existence it has had a varied career and seen many changes, but altogether it has made a steady advancement.
During the latter few years the Telegraph has grown splendidly in popularity, and a much increased business patronage is the result. The present publishers of the Telegraph are Messrs Frank H. Sears and G.R.T Sawle. They have been affiliated with the Telegraph for many years, and are now succeeding to the business that was held by their respective fathers before them. Today the Telegraph is recognized by newspaper men all over the province to be the greatest county weekly published in Canada.
Its news facilities are remarkable, and elicit much praise as well as a satisfactory patronage. The plant of the Welland Telegraph is the best equipped outside the larger cities. It contains modern machines and presses, and all the very newest series of fancy and body types, borders, rules, etc.
Messrs Sears & Sawle are hustlers after business and nothing in the printing lines is too big or too small for them to tackle. They are good printers. Their enterprises combined with their equipment, makes a combination of united facilities which enables them to turn out the very best work and have it right. They believe in doing things right. Both big things and little things. They work on the principal that a good job is a good ad. For themselves, and advertising is the foundation of their business. They are disciples of advertising, and in realizing the good results it brings, they can conscientiously preach it to others. This printing shop is replete with modern ideas, both in printing and proper advertising.
These ideas are collected for the benefit of the patrons of the Telegraph, and every effort of every member of the staff is to make every dollar spent in the Telegraph worth its while to the man who spends it.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, issued August 22nd, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
William Manley German, was born in the township of Hilliar, Prince Edward Co., May 26, 1851. Mr German obtained an elementary education in the public schools of his district, supplemented by an advanced course in Victoria College, Cobourg. He was admitted to the bar in 1882, and became a barrister a year later. He entered practice in Welland in 1882, and is at present senior member of the law firm of German & Pettit, with offices in the Arlington Hotel building on East Main Street. Mr German was elected Deputy Reeve for Welland for one year by acclamation. At the general election in 1891, he was elected a member of the House of Commons, but was unseated. At the succeeding election in 1894, he was elected a member of the Ontario Legislature, and re-elected at the following general election in 1898, resigning therefrom to contest Welland for a seat in the House of Commons in 1900, and in which he was successful. Personally, Mr German is gifted with that rare faculty of magnetism, which redounds to his credit, and while affiliating with the Liberals politically, is endowed with a broad and progressive business spirit, that at once popularizes him with the masses. He has always evinced a lively interest in all that pertained to the advancement of the town’s interests, and occupies a fine residence upon Division Street–Welland’s fashionable boulevard.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, issued August 22nd, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
Mr John F. Gross, the subject of this sketch, and present member of the Ontario Legislature from this district, was born in the township of Hay, Huron County, Ont., July 19, 1859, but has been a resident of Welland since childhood. Mr Gross is practically a self made man, having obtained an elementary and advanced courses in the public schools, at such intervals as could best be devoted to that laudable purpose, while maintaining himself. Mr Gross is a graduate of Osgoode Hall and was admitted to the bar in 1897, at once establishing practice in Welland, with offices on East Main Street, opposite the Court House. Mr Gross was elected a member of the Ontario Legislature on Dec. 13,1900, and re-elected in May 29th,1902, and though a Liberal in politics, has always exercised a broad and progressive policy in all affairs of state. and as a citizen of Welland, is alive to every interest pertaining to the town’s welfare.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, Issued August 22nd, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
Hon. Richard Harcourt, M.A., K.C. was born in the Township of Seneca, in the county of Haldimand, March 17th, 1849. His father, the late Michael Harcourt, represented that county in the Canadian Parliament for two terms. Upon leaving the public school, in the village of York, he studied for a time at the Cayuga High School. Subsequently he was principal first of the same Public and later of the same High School. He was carefully prepared for the university by the Rev. B.C. Hill, who was a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. At the university he won prizes year by year, and upon graduating he was awarded a medal in Metaphysics and Ethics. Upon resigning the principalship of the Cayuga High School, he was appointed Inspector of Public Schools of his native county. Afterwards he studied law at Toronto and was called to the Bar in 1876. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1890. He has practised law in Welland for more than twenty years, and is the senior member of the firm Harcourt, Cowper & Macoomb. He is a Liberal in politics, and was first elected to the Legislature in 1878, for the electoral district of Monck. He has represented that constituency continuously ever since. He became a member of the Mowat Administration in September, 1890, and filled the position of Provincial Treasurer until 1899, when he was appointed to his present office viz, that of Minister of Education. He has been for some time a member of the Senate of the University of Toronto, and a trustee of Upper Canada College. At all times he has done everything in his power to advance the interests of Welland.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, issued August 22, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
The subject of this sketch, Mr. C. B. Bennett, at present treasurer of the County of Welland, is and has been a resident of Port Robinson, township of Thorold, where for nearly a third of a century he has most successfully catered to public patronage as a general storekeeper. The contents of the store being such as is usually to be found in an establishment of this character, comprising groceries, hardware. boots, and shoes crockery and glassware, and general merchandise. Mr Bennett has been post master of Port Robinson since 1897, and was Reeve of the township of Thorold in 1891-2-3 and 4. He was elected Warden of the County of Welland in 1893 and was chosen County Commissioner in 1899 and in 1900 was appointed county treasurer.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, Issued August 22, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
The thriving town of Welland, the shire town of the county, and the centre of a picturesque region, which is the delight of the tourist, can boast of at least one hotel, “The Arlington,” which is up-to-date in every respect, and which has long been the home of the commercial men and travelling public who frequent the town. The house is centrally located on East Main Street, opposite the Court House, and easily accessible to the post office and business houses, and is conducted by Mr. Samuel Anger. Mr Anger is not only a popular host, but is ever on the alert in seeking the comfort of his guests. The house, aside from a commodious office, plate glass front, and one of the best bars in Ontario, entirely by itself, contains twenty-one comfortably and even elaborately furnished guest chambers, with a handsomely furnished ladies parlor and reception room with separate ladies’ entrance from the street. Ample accommodations are afforded commercial men by two large sample rooms upon the main floor, with additional room above. The house is lighted by electricity, and heated by hot air pipes, and is equipped with all modern improvements, including hot and cold baths, and improved toilet facilities for both ladies and men. The cuisine is unsurpassed, the dining room being light and cheerful and the house has bus connections to and from all trains day and night. It may be said, to use a vernacular phrase, that there is nothing the matter with the Arlington of Welland or its genial landlord, Mr Sam Anger.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, Issued August 22, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle , Publishers]
One of the most enterprising and progressive citizens and business men of Welland county, and who practically exemplified the self-made man, is Mr. Henry Conmiller, senior member of the Cronmiller & White Brewing Co., of Port Colborne. Mr Cronmiller was born n the township of Bertie, County of Welland, in 1829, his parents being natives of Alstace, one of the provinces so long in dispute between Germany and France, The subject of this sketch obtained an education through public schools of his native county, laboring on a farm in the meantime. In 1850, he married Miss Caroline Weidman of Humberstone, and continued farming on his own account until 1873, when he disposed of his farm to engage in the grain business. In 1875, he, in company with Mr. T.F. White. purchased the brewery of Mr. Jacob North, at Port Colborne, and has since been a resident of that town. Socially, Mr Cronmiller is of the highest standard in the esteem not only of the townspeople, but by all who know him throughout the county. Politically, he is a Conservative, of broad and progressive sentiment, ever alive to the constituency and interests of the community in which he resides, and as such, has in the past, been honored by the community. He was for ten years treasurer of the township of Humberstone, and since becoming a resident of Port Colborne, has been honored by membership in the town council for several terms, as also for a number of years in the past serving as reeve, the latter entitling him to membership in the County Council. He was also Warden of the county in 1898, and at the recent Provincial elections was the standard bearer of the Conservative party for the county of Welland. He made a splendid run, and reduced the majority of 262, of the Government candidate, to 112. Regarding the business in which he is interested,he is the president at the Cronmiller & White Brewing Co., Mr T.F. White being the manager and treasurer Like Mr Cronmiller Mr White is a self-made man, he having been born in Humberstone, his father having been one of the first German settlers of that township. He followed the business of blacksmithing until 1875, when he became associated with Mr Cronmiller in the brewing business, which on May last was merged into the Cronmiller & White Brewing Co.
[Souvenir of the Town of Welland, Issued August 22, 1902 by the Welland Telegraph, Sears & Sawle, Publishers]
One of the County’s most prominent men
A Descendent of the United Empire Loyalists and the Bearer of a Family name that is Associated with the History of the Niagara Peninsula
A Brief Sketch of His Public an Private Career
The subject of this sketch, Isaac P. Willson, Esq. than whom no individual is better known, not only in Welland, but in many parts of the Dominion of Canada, was born in the township of Pelham, county of Welland, April 29,1829, during the the reign of King George the Fourth. His grandfather, Mr Isaac Willson, was a United Empire Loyalist, who came to this country in June 1783, and took up a plot of ground in South Pelham, within a mile of where the subject of this sketch was born, and became a member of the society of friends called Quakers. “I.P.’s father, Daniel Willson, Esq. was born at the same place, December 11, 1804, and married Durinda S. Page in June, 1828. Subsequently “Aunt Durinda,” for her motherly qualities and considerable ability, became a household word throughout the old Niagara District. The Willson homestead became memorable as a place of call for the first gentlemen in the land, and by that means, when yet quite young,”I.P. made the acquaintance of official Canada very largely. The subject of this sketch studied geography in the angle of the fireplace of the old farmhouse, where his curly head was very hot from the fire on the one side, while he could easily contemplate the starry heavens by glancing up the chimney. Being of a studious temperament and of robust constitution, he was one of the most regular attendants of the public school, until the teachers then engaged lacked ability to further instruct him, and from thence his education was continued at various institutions of learning in the neighboring State of New York, where he graduated with honors in June, 1844. Graduation with him was not an end, but only the beginning of studious life. Later he was a public school teacher, superintendent of schools and trustee of public and high schools for thirty-three consecutive years. He was the youngest magistrate ever commissioned in his native county, and at present holds the oldest Commission of the Peace in the county of Welland. October 22, 1861, he received the appointment of clerk of the County Clerk of the county of Welland, under the great seal of old United Canada, which commission carried with it the office of Deputy Clerk of the Crown, etc. At present his official card is as follows: Local Registrar High Court of Justice, and Clerk of the County Court of the County of Welland, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Commissioner and Registrar Surrogate Court. In religion he holds to the teachings of his ancestors. In politics, he is A Liberal of the most pronounced type, though excluded by his official position from the public exercise of his political opinions and the franchise. A mind so constituted must have employment, and over and above his legal studies, constantly intense, he has become distinguished in his literary attainments. A ready writer and forcible speaker, has rendered him of some importance to his beloved Canada. His great thirst for knowledge induced him to seek light in Masonry in December, 1850, since which time he has become a distinguished member of the several grand bodies of Freemasonry in Canada. Mr Willson was married September 25, 1850, to Margaret Willson, and at present is the father of two living children, Mr F.C. Willson, of Toronto and Miss Mary Beatrice Willson, who is at present the head of his family. July 9th, 1876, he had the misfortune to lose his amiable and truly literary wife, since which time he has remained a widower. For the value of his services to his native county and country, he refers to all and everyone who has known him during life. Of an independent mind he is never negative, but always positive in his opinions, while at the same time courtesy is characteristic of their expression. Generous to a fault, his friends are many and of the warmest.