Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland-Port Colborne, 11 April 1934]

Death yesterday (10 April)  removed from Welland one of its well-known figures in the person of Andrew Willard Van Alstine, well-known local musician and in business as a barber more than 40 years in the city, who died at his home, 29 Dorothy Street, after a lingering illness.

Mr. Van Alstine had been ill for more than two years. He was born in Crowland township 60 years ago and had lived in the vicinity of Welland most of his life. He was one of the best known fiddlers of the district.

Deceased is survived by his widow (Cora Evelyn Hannah) and one sister, Mrs. Fred Anderson, Buffalo. The funeral will be held on Friday at 2.30 p.m. from the late residence, Dorothy street, to Fonthill Cemetery.

Women’s Institutes of Ontario, PART FOUR

Pelham Women’s Institute organized March 31, 1934.

Tweedsmuir Village History begun January 3, 1951

History of our Branch

Pelham Women’s Institute

Our branch of the Women’s Institute was organized at Law’s School on March 31, 1934, with Mrs J.D. Martin of Welland in charge of the meeting. The first president was Mrs Charles Lynes and the secretary Mrs Earl Bissell. There were  36 members during our first years. Later there were about half that number, and at the present time we have 22.

In following the prescribed program as suggested for the W.I. many interesting and enlightening afternoons have been spent. Among our speakers were Mr. L.B. Duff. Mrs. L.G. Lymburner, the agricultural representatives of the time, and of course, our county presidents.

As most institutes, we have kept up our financial obligations by the holding of bake sales, teas, card parties and dances. Of late years the dances have been the most popular source of income, both from the standpoint of finances and from the satisfaction and entertainment afforded to all ages in the community. With the money thus made we have been able to give yearly to such worthwhile causes as Children’s Aid, Institute for the blind, Red Cross, Welland Hospital and many others equally deserving. When such special appeals as the Manitoba Relief Fund and the Hospital for Sick Children were made, we were able to respond. At the present time we are hoping to make a substantial contribution towards a hall which can be used by all the people hereabouts.

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