Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 20, 1941]

He fights his battles o’er again
Recalls the days of anxious strain,
When news to him is brought.
His spirit still is on the deep
Where some old chums had found their sleep,
And memories still o’er him creep
Of vivid battles fought.

He blesses Churchill for the time
He kept the navy in its prime
And ready for the day,
And Jutland’s battle, dark and grim
Provides great moments still for him,
And though his sight is getting dim,
His spirit still is gay.

His heart is always on the sea
Where Britain’s flag of liberty
Is always to be found.
He’s weather-bronzed and battle-scarred
For seas were rough and fighting hard
But enemies could not retard
Their vigilance profound.

His humorous and cheery talk,
Old reefer coat, and rolling walk
Bespeak the tar of old.
He still is proud of Britain’s fame
Because she always played the game;
And to a navy man her name
Shines out like flames of gold.

William McClure.


[Welland Telegraph November 22, 1941]

Boyle Nov 22- The Women’s Association of the Bethel United Church  was held at the home of …….
on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance of members and visitors. The president, Mrs Wm J. Anderson presided. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Jack Pearl. The secretary, Mrs William Cutler and the treasurer, Mrs Gordon Robbins gave their reports. Christmas boxes were sent to five soldier boys from this community who are serving overseas.

Cards of thanks were read by the president, Mrs Emery Gee and Mrs Clarence Beamer.

It was decided to wait until after Christmas to upholster the furniture for the church. A committee comprising Mrs Gordon Robbins, Mrs Chester Lambert and Mrs Amos Beamer was appointed to purchase material for it.

The members of the Association were asked by Mrs Cutler, superintendent of the Sunday school to help provide and serve the Christmas supper to the pupils of the Sunday school. A short program is  being arranged, and a collection is being arranged to help defray the expenses.

It was decided to have an exchange of Christmas gifts (not worth more than 25c) at the next meeting which will be held early in December. The reorganization of the society will also be held, withRev H.S. Fiddes, pastor in charge.

The ladies decided to continue the Red Cross Work in connection with the Association, It is working under the Smithville Branch of the Red Cross Society with Mrs William Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert as keyladies.

The afternoon was spent quilting for the Red Cross, another quilt being completed, Mrs Amos Beamer invited the ladies to meet at her home next Thursday for an all day quilting, with a pot luck dinner to be served at noon.

A luncheon cloth donated by a friend to the Red Cross Society was on display. Tickets were sold on it and $4.10 was added to the funds. The lucky ticket was drawn by little Stanley Vaughan and Mrs Murray B. Misener won the cloth.

An interesting paper was read by Miss Marian Hill on the history of Candesville 66 years ago. Miss Hill who is a student at Pelham Continuation School, was awarded first prize on her paper. Candesville, she stated is situated is on the north side of Chippawa Creek and is about one mile south of Boyle. Sixty-five years ago there were two stores, two blacksmith shops, and ash pit and a large plant where bricks were made from clay off the banks of the creek. Logs were  rafted down the creek and drawn by horses or oxen to the saw mill at this point. It was a very industrious spot but today it comprises of just a few farms and dwellings.

The  meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem and by prayer by Mrs H.S. Fiddes.

Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs Chester Lambert, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J. Anderson.

Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins of Niagara Falls were Sunday guests of the latter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Charles Patterson of St Davids spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs William Butler.

Roy Robbins and son Ralph of Elmira were recent guests of the former’s mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Neil McMullan of St Catharines spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham.

Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray spent Sunday with the latter’s cousins, Mr and Mrs Ben Baker and family at Welland.

Miss Nellie Gracey has accepted a position at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

L.A.C. William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. has been transferred from Hagersville to Mountain View, He left on Saturday accompanied by Mrs Schwoob and children, Gordon and Joyce.

Mrs Tillie Robbins spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Nelles Heaslip. Mr Heaslip is convalescing at his home following a severe heart attack.

Mr and Mrs William Graham spent Tuesday in Welland.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and son Billy and daughter Jean attended the family dinner at Tonawanda, N.Y. in honor of the latter’s father Selkirk Robbins, who  celebrated his birthday. Twenty-six guests were present.

Mrs Amos Beamer spent Tuesday with Mrs Roy Oveholt, The afternoon was spent in serving for the Red Cross Society,

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee included Mr and Mrs George Barry and daughter Geneva of Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee Jr and daughter Pat of Toronto, Mr and Mrs Clifford Gee and daughters Julia and Dorothy of Highway 20 and Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport.

Mr and Mrs Bill Sunday of Dunnville spent the weekend with the latte’;s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham and son Alec.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J Anderson called on Mrs Leonard E, Cocks at Smithville on Monday.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and son Billy and daughter Jean and Bing Willson spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs Nelles Heaslip

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill

Mrs Stella Kramer and son Jimmy and Miss Ruby Robbins of Niagara Falls spent Wednesday with their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs James Hill.


[Welland Telegraph December 6, 1941]

Boyle, Dec 6-The Women’s Association of Bethel United church met Tuesday afternoon at the church with a large attendance. The president, Mrs Wm J. Anderson, presided and Rev H.S. Fiddes led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs Levi Robbins, a letter of thanks was read from Pte. Walter Holden for the Christmas box which he received from the association. It was decided to send cards to those from this community who are serving in Canada. It was decided to donate $5 to the Missionary and Maintenance fund.

Rev H.S. Fiddes took the chair for the reorganization of the society for the coming year. The president, Mrs Anderson, gave her report thanking the ladies for their loyal support. The secretary, Mrs Wm Cutler stated in her report the society had 19 members and that a number of weekly sewing meetings in aid of the Red Cross and several crokinole parties were held during the winter months as well as the  monthly meetings. The treasurer Mrs Gordon Robbins reported funds totalled $256.83 for the year. The flower fund report was given by Mrs W,J, Anderson. The parsonage committee, Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs Wm Heaslip reported that a number of improvements had been completed at the parsonage.

The officers elected for the coming year were: Mrs Wm J. Anderson, president; Mrs William Heaslip, vice-president; Mrs Amos Beamer, secretary; Mrs Chester Lambert, assistant secretary; Mrs Gordon Robbins, treasurer; Mrs Merritt Vaughan, assistant treasurer; Mrs William Graham, pianist; Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs William Heaslip, parsonage committee; Mrs Wm Anderson, representative to the official board; Mrs Wm Anderson, Mrs Amos Beamer, Mrs Wm Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert flower fund committee. The key ladies for the Red Cross are Mrs Wm Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert A new member, Mrs James Hill was added to the society.

A feature of the afternoon was an exchange of Christmas gifts, It was also decided to hold the Christmas supper for the Sunday school on Tuesday evening, December 9. The hostesses, Mrs William Cutler, Mrs John Gracey and Mrs Cecil Gracey served refreshments.

Mr and Mrs Edmund Beamer of Welland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and also the former’s mother, Mrs Dillie Beamer

Mrs Sidney Heaslip is a patient at Hamilton General hospital following a goitre operation on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Adam Moore at Elcho.

Mrs Sarah Lane has returned to her home at Winslow after visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Mrs Wm J. Anderson called on her aunt, Mrs Nelson Chadwick at Wellandport on Saturday.

Mrs Carmen Dyer of Toronto spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs Sidney Heaslip at Hamilton General hospital.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and Mrs Phoebe Heaslip called on the latter’s daughter, Mrs Judson Jamieson and infant son at the Pettit Nursing Home at Grimsby on Sunday.

Mrs Dillie Beamer is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Edmund Beamer at Welland.
Mrs Robert Schwoob and Mrs  Joseph Schwoob visited Mrs Morgan Reece at Smithville on Wednesday.

Sidney Heaslip and grand-daughters, Mrs Leonard E, Coccks of Smithville and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Wednesday at Hamilton where they visited the former’s wife at the General Hospital.

Mrs William Butler is ill at her home. Her daughter, Mrs Charles Patterson of St Davids is spending a few days with her parents.

L.A.C. Cecil Cocks of Mountain View spent the weekend with his wife and infant son, Philip at Smithville.


[Welland Telegraph November 28, 1941]

Funeral of Nelles Heaslip

Boyle Nov 28-A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the late Nelles Heaslip, a lifetime resident of Gainsboro township, which was held from his late residence on Tuesday afternoon.

Deceased had been in failing health for a number of years but this last illness, pneumonia, was of only a few day duration. Deceased passed away on Saturday, November 22 in his 81st year.

Rev H.S. Fiddes, pastor of Bethel United church of which deceased was a faithful member, conducted the service at the house and graveside, assisted by Rev G.J. Comfort of Dunnville (formerly of this community), a close friend of the deceased.

Interment took place in the family plot at Riverside cemetery, Wellandport.


Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip called on Mr and Mrs James Cambridge at Attercliffe on Thursday.

Miss Lelia hill of Welland spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray spent Thursday at Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs Claus of Vineland spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Chester Lambert and family.

Mrs Sarah Lane of Winslow is spending a few days with her sister-in-law, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Charles Jamieson of Niagara Falls N.Y. were Sunday guests of their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Harry Gracey of Stamford spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Freure. They also called on their aunt, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip and family.

Mr and Mrs Erford Robbins and Mr and Mrs Harris Robbins of Tonawanda, N.Y. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and family.

Mr and Mrs E.A. Freure and son Ralph of Tillsonburg were recent guests of relatives here.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen of Grimsby spent Saturday with the latter’s mother, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip and granddaughter, Mr Wm J Anderson spent Friday in Welland.

Carl H. Lindgren of the R.C.A.F stationed at Hagersville was a  recent guest of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Miss Alice Neff, teacher at SS No 5, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs Neff at Humberstone.

Mrs Dillie Beamer has returned to her home here after visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Cecil Beamer and sons at Fonthill.

Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth have returned home after visiting the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Rev and Mrs Earl Bossert and family at Buffalo..

Mr and Mrs Thomas Holt of St Anns called on Mr and Mrs Leonard E Cocks at Smithville on Saturday.

L.A.C. Cecil Cocks of the R.C.A.F. stationed at Mountain View spent the week-end with his wife and son Philip at their home at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mrs Wm J,, Anderson called on the latter’s aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Edgar Book at Fenwick on Friday.

Charles Misener of Fonthill and Miss Jane Dag of St Catharines and Mrs Everett Misener of Port Dalhousie were recent guests of the former’s sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs James Hall and family.


[Welland Telegraph December 12, 1941]

Boyle Dec 13-Mr and Mrs Elmer Lampman of Niagara Falls N.Y. and Mr and Mrs Delmer Ecker of Hamburg, N.Y. called on their cousins, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee on Sunday.

Miss Marie Ulman of Hamilton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Ulma.n

Mr and Mrs Clarence Gracey of Grimsby spent Thursday with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Gracey

Fred Holden who is employed at the Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs Cutler.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and daughter Jean and the former’s mother, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip and Mrs William Cutler were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson at Grimsby.

Mr and Mrs Harry Gracey of Stamford Centre spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs Beamer.

Mrs Wm J. Anderson called on her cousins, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Overholt and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Buckner at Forks Road East on Tuesday.

Mr and Mrs Ernie Kinney and daughter Evelyn of Dunnville and Mr and Mrs W. Sheets and daughter Beverley of St Catharines were Sunday guests of the latter’s cousins, Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob.

Rev G.J. Comfort of Dunnville was a recent guest of his son and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs Paul A. Comfort.

Mr and Mrs Ernest Callahill and son Eric of Hamilton were Sunday guests of the latter’s sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs Henry Ulman.

Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee included Mr and Mrs Emery Gee Jr and daughter Pat of Toronto, Mrs Ethel Howell, Mr and Mrs Edward Barry and  son Richard ad daughter Jane of Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Clifford Gee and daughters Julia and Dorothy of Highway 20, Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport and Mr and Mrs William Dilts of Welland.
Mr and Mrs Wm J Anderson, the latter’s sister, Mrs Leonard  E. Cocks of Smithville, , Sidney Heaslip and Mrs William Heaslip attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs Clara May Buckner on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson of Grimsby spent Wednesday with the latter’s mother, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Mrs C.E, Dyer of New Toronto is spending a few days with her mother. Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip.

Mrs Sidney Heaslip returned home from the Hamilton General hospital on Thursday and is convalescing following a goitre operation.

There are several cases of scarlet fever in this vicinity.

Mrs Amos Beamer attended the Christmas meeting of the Rosedene W.I. at the home of Mrs Albert Smith at Silverdale on Thursday. Dinner was enjoyed at noon and a feature of the program was an exchange of Christmas gifts. A splendid paper on Canadianization was prepared by Mrs Chester Lambert Red Cross work was discussed and work distributed.


[Welland Telegraph December 30, 1941]

Boyle, Dec 30-Rev G.J. Comfort and Mrs Comfort of Dunnville were recent guests of their son Paul A. Comfort and Mrs Comfort.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip accompanied by Mr and Mrs William Fralick of Welladport attended the Warden’s supper which was held at Laura Secord’s Halls at Queenston on Thursday evening.

Mrs Leonard  E. Cocks of Smithville spent Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Clifford Hill have taken up residence in their new home on Canboro Road.

Mr and Mrs Donald Hodgkins of Port Colborne spent Wednesday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Albert Olmstead at Bismark.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland spent Christmas Eve with the latter’s parents,  Mr and Mrs William Graham.

L.A.C. William Schwoob and Mrs Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce of Mountain  View arrived at the home of the latter’s mother Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip on Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays.

Miss Lloyda Edwards and friend both nurses of the staff at the Hamilton General Hospital spent a few
days with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs A. Edwards at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Friday at Welland. They also called on the latter’s grandparets, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

William Graham called on his daughter and son-in-law Mrs and Mrs Gordon Rockley and sons Carson and Wayne at Lowbanks on Wednesday.

L.A.C. Cecil Cocks of Mountain View is spending Christmas with his wife and son Philip at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville were overnight guests of the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs W. J. Anderson on Christmas Eve.

The pupils of S.S. No. 5 presented their Christmas concert on Friday evening. Miss Alice Neff of Humberstone is the teacher.

Mr ad Mrs Sidney Heaslip entertained at a family dinner on Christmas Day Included among the guests were L.A.C. William Schwoob and Mrs Schwoob and children Gordon and Joyce of Mountain View, John Hill and Mr and Mrs W.J. Anderson and Mr and  Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen of Grimsby are spending a few days with the latter’s mother, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Miss Alice Neff teacher at S.S. No 5 is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs Neff at Humberstone.


[Welland Telegraph October 18, 1941]

Boyle Oct 18-A large crowd gathered at the home of Mrs Joseph Schwoob on Wednesday afternoon, October 15, for the monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of Bethel United church. The president, Mrs Wm J. Anderson presided. Mrs H.S. Fiddes led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Gordon Robbins in the absence of the secretary Mrs Wm Cutler, the report was given by the assistant-secretary, Mrs Amos Beamer. The treasurer, Mrs Gordon Robbins gave her report. Proceed from the chicken supper were $81.40.

A committee, namely Mrs Chester Lambert, Mrs Gordon Robbins, Mrs Wm Cutler, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J. Anderson was appointed to inquire into prices for upholstering some furniture for the church.

An invitation was accepted from Mr and Mrs Morgan Reece at Smithville who are opening their home for a Hallowe’en social and masquerade on Monday evening, October 27. Prizes are to be given adults and children for the masquerade and also contests. A committee composed of Mrs Wm Graham, Mrs Robert Schwoob, Mrs Henry Ulman and Mrs Wm J. Anderson were appointed to arrange for the evening’s entertainment.

It was also decided to send a remembrance to the boys overseas at Christmas.Mrs Roy Overholt, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs W.J. Anderson were appointed to purchase the gifts and pack the boxes.

Mrs Gordon Robbins invited the ladies to her home for their next meeting November 19.
A program was presented with Mrs Henry Ulman as convener, a reading, “When Grandma was a girl,” was given by Mrs Sidney Heaslip; a piano solo by Miss Irma Schwoob; a reading, “Resolved,” by Mrs Morgan Reece; a solo by June Schwoob; a reading by Mrs Jack Pearl; a poem,”Builders All” by Francis Ulman; a solo by Mrs Wm J, Anderson; and a reading,”The Ladies’ Aid will Do the Rest.” by Mrs Chester Lambert.

Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter Irma, Mrs H. Ulman and daughter Francis and Mrs Morgan Reece.


[Welland Telegraph October 10, 1941]

Boyle Oct 10-Mr and Mrs Roy Misener of Port Robinson were Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville.

Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter June attended the monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of the Wellandport United church at the home of Mrs James Ross on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick called on their nephew John Hill on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs William Graham, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip, Mr ad Mrs Wm Heaslip and family and Mr and Mrs Wm Cutler, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob and family attended the anniversary services at Wellandport United church on Sunday.

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Friday at Welland. They also called on their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Edgar Book at Fenwick.

Cameron and Murray Hill spent Sunday with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins and family at Niagara Falls. They also visited their cousins, Mr and Mrs James Kramer and son Jimmy at Merritton

Cecil Cocks of the R.C.A.F., at Hagersville spent the weekend with his wife and infant son Philip at their home at Smithville.

Mrs Joseph Schwoob is entertaining the Women’s Association of Bethel United church on Wednesday afternoon Oct 15 at 2p.m.

Mr and Mrs Stuart Hill and son Charles of Ridgeville spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larry and Mr and Mrs Wm Graham, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip, Mrs Henry Ulman and son John and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson attended the 60th anniversary banquet of Wellandport United church on Monday evening. Rev M.J. Aikens of Thorold was the guest speaker. Several selections were also enjoyed by the Wellandport and Smithville octette and Eric Pogue favored with violin selections.

James Kramer (nephew of James and John Hill) of Merritton is very ill at St Catharins General hospital following an appendix operation.

Mr and Mrs Emery Gee received word from their grandson Alfred Williams that he had arrived safely in England. He is with  the R.C.A.F. there.

Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larry have returned home after visiting the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer at St Catharines.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville, accompanied her sister Mr Wm J. Anderson to Welland on Thursday. They also called on their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.


[Welland Telegraph October 4, 1941]


Boyle Oct 4-Miss Marie Ulman of Hamilton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Ulman and family.

Mr and Mrs William Boyes of Fenwick called on Mrs William Schwoob and infant daughter Joyce Anna and son Gordon at the home of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip recently.

Mrs Leonard E, Cocks of Smithville spent a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs William J. Anderson.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland called on the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs William Graham. Recently.

Mr and Mrs Schnick of Buffalo were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs William Cutler.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Tuesday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick called on their nephew John Hill and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and the former’s mother, Mrs Nelles Heaslip spent Friday in welland.

Mr and Mrs J.W. Burke and the former’s niece and nephew Mathew and Mary June Burke of Lockport, N.Y. spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray.

Alonzo Comfort and daughter Miss Fae Comfort of Elcho attended the anniversary services at Bethel United Church on Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and family.

Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larrie spent several days last week visiting the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer of St Catharines.

Mr and Mrs Neff of Humberstone were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Miss Edith Williams is visiting Mr and Mrs Edward Barry and family and Mr and Mrs George Barry and daughter Geneva at Hamilton.

William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. at Hagersville spent Thursday with his wife and children at the home of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip. He also called on his parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Anderson included Mr and Mrs Merritt Vaughan and son Stanley and daughter Beverley of Highway 20, and Mr and Mrs Frank H. Anderson and son Merritt of Grimsby.

Mrs Dillie Beamer has returned to her home here after visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Burton Stirtzinger and son Gordon at St Catharines.

Mrs Ethel Howell of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mr and Mrs Cecil Beamer and sons Lloyd and Ralph of Fonthill attended the anniversary service at Bethel and were dinner guests of the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray and also their mother, Mrs Dillie Beamer.

Miss Alice Neff, teacher at S.S. No.5 spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Neff at Humberstone.

Mrs William Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce Anna accompanied William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. to Hagersville on Saturday where they are making their home while Mr Schwoob is stationed there.

The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Clarence Beamer. Her grandmother, Mrs Henry Cox, passed away on Saturday at the home of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer at St Catharines. The funeral was held on Monday.

Mr and Mrs Chester Lambert and family and Mr and Mrs William Graham attended the anniversary supper and program at Grace United church. Mrs Lambert assisted with the program with humorous readings.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Fred Schwoob and son Jimmy of Niagara Falls, N.Y. were recent guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Cecil Cocks of the R.C.A.F. stationed at Hagersville spent Thursday with his wife and infant son Philip at their home at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Stanley Targonsky and son Victor spent Thursday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen and Mr and Mrs Clarence Gracey of Grimsby attended the chicken supper at Bethel United church on Monday evening.

Sidney Heaslip and his granddaughter Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Thursday in Welland.

Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bossert and daughter Patricia Anne of Buffalo were Sunday guests of the former’s aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth.

The farmers in this district are busy cutting their corn and filling their silos.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip were Thursday guests of the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Erford Robinson at Dunnville.


[Welland Telegraph December 11, 1941]

Scarred by fires of jealous hate,
Drunk with mad ambitions flame,
Sprawled all o’er the world’s face
Braggart races steep in shame.
In that bubbling cauldron’s brew
Scum of evil rides on top;
While degenerary’s hordes
Bid the world of progress stop.

Note the tyrants’ lust for power,
As they grasp each conquered land,
With gigantic fists closed tight
Holding piles of human sand.
When those fingers, tired, relax,
Then the sand will trickle through;
And each nation crushed to earth
Shall its moral strength renew.

Bold as ancient Viking lords
Britain stands in brave array
With her moral fibre firm,
Tough, unshaken, day by day.
And her young gods of the skies
Forge immortal deeds of fame
For their Motherland, so dear,
And the honor of her name.
-William McClure.