Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 22, 1941]

I wonder what those toiling masses think
Who now are scourged to make the tools of war
For monstrous fiends, brutes in human shape,
Who brand them with repression’s deadly scar?
Unlimited in arrogance and power
Are those who neither care for shame or right;
But rush along the paths of conquering fools
And see not self-destruction is in sight
The germination of their hidden seeds
Shall surely bring disaster in their train;
For mechanized and deadly are the wheels
On which they shall be caught and cry in vain.
Clear is the clarion call to decent men
No matter what their race or creed may be
To rid the world of monsters, vile and cruel
Who wallow in their bestiality
Predominant the god of right must be
Else chaos now engulf the world at last;
For Christianity must stand supreme
Or in the outer darkness now be cast
This is no struggle where spectators stand
Aloof, and watch the progress of a fight;
But all are called upon to do their part
To help preserve true justice, faith and right
The powers of evil challenge every man
Who would preserve the freedom of the mind;
For loathsome are the doctrines of the brutes
Who to all sense and reason now are blind
Let us our indignation never quench
Nor let complacence penetrate our soul
Till all the might of right repair the wrongs,
For victory must be our only goal.
-William McClure.


[Welland Telegraph October 2, 1941]

Want to see your home town grow?
Then your interest in it show.
Praise its parks, its swimming pools,
Factory sites and finest schools.
Talk with genuine elation
All about your transportation.
Honest boosting always pays.
Don’t be stingy with your praise
Publicize in many ways
Your home town.

Greet each stranger with a smile.
Boost your town in super-style.
Don’t be one who sings the blues.
You can spread the cheerful news.
Tell about your nifty cops,
Pretty girls that are “the tops,”
Healthy children, free from care,
Flowery gardens everywhere
And abundance of fresh air,
Be a booster.

Say your merchants are alert,
Streets well paved and free from dirt,
Firemen finest in the land.
Don’t forget your city band.
Culture, justice, moral worth-
Here they are-the best on earth.
Points like these let strangers know.
Blow your trumpet loud-not low.
Then just watch your home town grow.
Be a booster
-Joseph A. McGuire.


[Welland Telegraph November 4, 1941]

Once France was gay, her cities bright,
Her people brave and true;
No tragic hint of war or death-
Now she is torn in two.

Once Poland stood, in Freedom bathed,
Her soldiers strong and bold-
Now like the Finns, the Czechs, the French,
Her sufferings are untold.

Across the world, like fire unchecked,
Destruction flames anew,
But Britain stands on mighty guard-
The English are not through!

Each soldier knows within his heart
The battle that shall be-
But British hearts are strong and brave,
They will not turn and flee.

And when the fight shall come, at last,
And Victory is won,
We’ll lift our eyes in thankful prayer,
‘Twill be a task well done.


[Welland Telegraph October 24, 1941]

Boyle Oct 24-Mr and Mrs Harry Gracey of Stamford were recent guests of the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Freure and Miss Hazel Beamer.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip called on the former’s nephew and niece, Mr and Mrs Ben Heaslip at St Anns on Friday.

Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt.

Mr and Mrs Jake Traver and infant daughter Irene of Perry Station spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson.

Fred Holden who is employed at Niagara Peninsula Sanitarium called on Mr and Mrs Wm Cutler recently.

Mr and Mrs William Graham and Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt attended the minstrel show at Silverdale on Friday evening. Proceeds of the evening were donated to Smithville Red Cross Society.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Tuesday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt attended the miscellaneous shower for the former’s nephew, his bride Mr and Mrs Arthur Garner of the R.C.A.F.(nee Marian Emslie of Silverdale) at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr and Mrs Clarence Garner at Silverdale on Wednesday evening.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday at Toronto with the former’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs W.W. Scott and daughter Myrna. They also called on Rev and Mrs Dyer and son Clark ad daughter Marian, also Mr ad Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian at New Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Norman Williams of Fonthill and Mr and Mrs Jack Pearl of Highway 20 spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Emery Gee. Mrs Gee is  convalescing at her home following an attack of tonsilitis

Mr and Mrs William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. stationed at Hagersville and son Gordon and daughter Joyce spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip. They also visited the former’s. parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt, Mrs Amos Beamer, Mrs Wm J Anderson and the latter’s sister, Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent Friday in Welland.

Mrs Sidney Heaslip left on Sunday by train for Sault Ste Marie where she will visit her son, Oliver McWatters at Echo Bay and bar River.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Saturday at Wainfleet

Sidney Heaslip and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday with the former’s grand-daughter Mrs Leonard E Cocks and Mr Cocks at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs William Graham, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt. The ladies packed the boxes for the boys overseas.

Reeve William Heaslip attended the ploughing march at Peterborough last week.


[Welland Telegraph December 3, 1941]

Red Cross Work

Boyle Dec 3-The ladies of the Red Cross Society of Bethel United church met at the home of Mrs Amos Beamer on Thursday for an all-day quilting. One top was made by Mrs Roy Overholt, another was donated by Mrs Wm Graham. Both quilts were completed.

Nine members were present, Mrs Gordon Robbins, Mrs John Tait, Mrs L.E. Cocks, Mrs William Graham, Mrs Roy Overholt, Mrs Dillie Beamer, Mrs A. Beamer, Mrs Chester Lambert and Mrs Wm J. Anderson.

A pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon to which each lady contributed. The collection was received by the treasurer, Mrs Wm Graham.


Mr and Mrs Clarence Gracey of Grimsby spent Tuesday with the former’s parents. Mr and Mrs Thomas Gracey. They also attended the funeral of the late Nelles Heaslip.

Mrs Leonard E, Cocks of Smithville spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs Wm J. Anderson. She also attended the Red Cross quilting at Mrs Amos Beamer.

Mrs Chester Lambert spent Wednesday with her aunt Mrs Mary Metler at Salem.

Selkirk Robbins and daughter, Mrs Alvin Rogemoser and son Raymond, and Mrs Clifford Robins of Tonawanda, N.Y. spent Tuesday with the former’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wm Heaslip. They also attended the funeral of the late Nelles Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Howard McEwen and daughter Jean of Buffalo spent the weekend with their cousins, Mr and Mrs William Cutler.

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland was recently with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs John Gracey Jr., and daughters Joyce and Judy of Lockport, N.Y. and Mr and Mrs Joseph Gurbacke and daughter Martha and son Norbert of Buffalo visited the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs John Gracey and Mr and Mrs Cecil Gracey and son Blake on Sunday.

Mrs Parker of Smithville spent Thursday with Mrs Payne at St Catharines.

Rev. G.J. Comfort and Mrs Comfort of Dunnville spent Thursday with their son Paul Comfort and Mrs Comfort and daughter Elizabeth.

Rev G. Ivany of Silverdale gave an interesting missionary address in Bethel United church on Sunday.He spoke of his own experiences as a missionary in Labrador a few years ago.

Mrs Haist and Miss Ella Glintz of Welland were Sunday guests of the former’s daughter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins and family.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip were recent guests of their grand-daughter Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville.

Mes Cecil Cocks and her mother Mrs Parker of Smithville spent Saturday in Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland were recent guests of the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs William Graham.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs W.J. Anderson called on the latter’s sister Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville on Saturday.


[Welland Telegraph November 6, 1941]

Boyle, Nov 6-Mrs Sidney Heaslip returned home on Wednesday from a trip up north. She visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs S. Taylor and family at Bar River, also relatives and friends at Echo Bay, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Oliver McWatters and family at Sault Ste Marie, also Rev and Mrs C. Dyer and family at New Toronto.

Mrs Ethel Howell has returned to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Edward Barry at Hamilton after visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mr and Mrs William Graham of Highway 20 were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Chester Lambert and family.

Mr and Mrs Bill Sunday of Dunnville spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham and son Alex.

Mrs Roy Overholt and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Wednesday with Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray. The afternoon was spent sewing for the Red Cross.

Mrs Oren Tice of Bismark is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Leonard Cocks at Smithville.

William Schwoob R.C.A.F. and Mrs Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce of Hagersville were recents guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto are visiting the former’s mother Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport were recent guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

The pupils and their teacher Miss Helen Swick of S.S. No. 8 held a delightful Hallowe’en party on Friday afternoon.

Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs L.E. Cocks included the former’s parents, Philip Cocks of the R.C.A.F. and Mrs Cocks of Dartsmouth. Miss Grace Cocks of Dunnville, Mr and Mrs Thomas Holt of St Anns, Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto and Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mrs Wm J. Anderson called on her cousin, Mrs Charles Gee at Wellandport on Friday.

Mr and Mrs Erford Robinson and son Edwin and daughter Elizabeth and Mrs Alvin Rogemoser, all of Tonawanda, N.Y, spent Sunday with their sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and family.

Mrs Henry Schwoob and three children of St Anns spent Wednesday with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Wray Beamer has returned to school after spending last week at his home convalescing from a tonsil operation.

A number of local residents attended the special anniversary services at Wellandport Presbyterian church on Sunday when Arthur Hannahson and a choir from St Catharines  furnished special music. Rev J. Ferguson, the pastor delivered the message.


[Welland Telegraph November 7, 1941]

Boyle, Nov 7-A number of ladies of Bethel United church were entertained at the home of Mrs Roy Overholt on Tuesday afternoon in aid of the Red Cross Society.

The afternoon was spent quilting and two quilts were completed. The material for the one was donated by Mrs Overholt and Mrs Heaslip donated the batting. The other one was donated by Mrs Amos Beamer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Chester Lambert.

Mrs Sarah Immel and her granddaughter, Miss I Gilmore of Welland called on Mr and Mrs William Cutler on Sunday.

Mrs Ernie Boyes of highway 20 and Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter June of Wellandport spent Tuesday with their parents, Mr and Mrs Emerson Horton.

Mr and Mrs Murray Winger of Wainfleet spent Monday with the formers parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Winger.

Relatives from Beamsville spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Clarence Beam and son Larry.

Mrs Earl Bossert and daughter Anna and sons Paul and Ralph of Buffalo spent Wednesday with the former’s sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort.

Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson included Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto.

Miss Verna Winger of Highway 20 is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Fred Traver and family at Wellandport. Miss Winger is convalescing following an appendix operation at the Welland County General hospital.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Wednesday canvassing for membership for the Red Cross Society.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs Wm J, Anderson.

Mrs Oren Tice has returned to her home at Bismark after visiting her mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Oliver Winger of Ridgeway were Sunday guests of the former’s parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Winger.

Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob.


[Welland Telegraph December 23, 1941]

Boyle, Dec, 22-Dorothy Gee of Highway 20 spent Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mrs C.E. Dyer of New Toronto returned home on Monday after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip.

Mrs Edgar Heise and son Lloyd of Markham were recent guests of the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wray Vanderburg and daughter Marian.

Mr and Mrs William Graham and Chester Lambert were at Welland on Monday.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Wm J, Anderson. She also visited her father, John Hill.

John Tait, who is stationed with the Navy arrived home from Montreal on Friday to spend Christmas with his wife and children, Patricia and Bobby.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick were guests Wednesday of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

LAC Cecil Cocks of Mountain View spent Sunday with his wife and son Philip at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Wm Anderson called on Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville on Thursday.

Mrs Sidney Heaslip is convalescing at her home following a serious operation at Hamilton General hospital.

D.W Lathrop Named Head of War Stamp Drive Among Local Plant Employes

[Welland Tribune, Tuesday, October 28, 1941]

Requests for War Savings Certificates pledge cards and increase cards indicate that some employers are proceeding with what is expected of them in the current War Weapons Drive, T.J. Richardson, secretary of the Welland-Crowland War Savings Committee stated today.

This desire of employers and employes to co-operate was encouraging, but, Mr. Richardson declared it could not be stressed too strongly that to make the drive successful it was necessary to secure the cooperation of merchants and small businesses in the payroll deduction plan and through bank pledges the co-operation of those having bank accounts. Canvassers, he stated, could do only part of the job; success of the drive depended on the co-operation of the general public.

At the start of the second week of the War Weapons Drive in which Welland has  pledged one fighter plane a month, which in terms of cash is $50,000 a month, the objective still to be attained is $20,000. To attain this objective it will be necessary not only to secure new pledges but also an increase averaging 20 per cent in the amounts pledged in the last drive.

Mr. Richardson announced today that D.W. Lathrop, vice-president and sales manager of Atlas Steels Ltd. has accepted the chairmanship of the industrial division of the drive succeeding H.K. Smith, of the Plymouth Cordage Company, who tendered his resignation due to  pressure of business. Mr. Smith, whose activities during the last drive were to a large extent responsible for the success of the first War Savings Certificates drive offered, however to lend whatever assistance he could to the new chairman.

The objective of the industrial division is to secure 1,500 new pledges at least $6,000 a month and also to have pledgers purchasing certificates through the payroll deduction plan in the various industries increase their pledges by an average of 20 per cent. It is suggested that if each employe now purchasing certificates increased their pledges by 50 cents a week the objective would be attained.

First Welland Woman to Receive Notice

[Welland Tribune  1941]

Miss Verna Lane is the first Welland woman to be called for service with the Canadian Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and leaves on December 13th to report for duty in Toronto. Miss Lane enlisted with the Women’s Volunteer Reserve Corps when it was organized last April and has been a faithful and diligent worker in the corps.

The daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Lane, 84 Major Street, Miss Lane was born in Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, Engl., in 1917, and came to Canada and to Welland with her parents in 1923. She was educated at Central school and on graduation from the Welland High and Vocational school secured employment with the Empire Cotton Mills Ltd., where she has worked for the past seven years.

Miss Lane has been active in Cub activities and also a prominent member of the A.Y.P.A.