[Welland Tribune March 4, 1947]
Central United church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, when Edna Wing, daughter of Mrs. Estelle Wing, was united in marriage to Leslie Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, Welland. Rev. L.R. Ballantyne officiated.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, John, was lovely in a gown of white satin, trimmed with lace, and her veil was caught to a coronet of white lilies. She carried a bouquet of white calla lilies. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls, the gift of the groom.
The matron of honor was Miss Jane Wing, sister of the bride, gowned in blue, with a headdress of blue lilies, and carrying a bouquet of yellow carnations and mauve snapdragons.
The bridesmaids were Miss Phyliss Fellows and Reta Auberton, who were frocked in peach-colored gowns, with headdresses of matching braids on scull caps made of peach criss-cross ribbons dotted with seed pearls, and elbow length gloves of marching color. They carried bouquets of pink carnations with white snap dragons.
The best man, was Sydney Fellows, cousin of the groom, and the ushers were Peter Wing and Ross Morris.
A reception for 50 guests was held at the home of the bride’s brother, following the ceremony.The Bride’s mother received in a dress of navy and white, with a corsage of red and white roses. The mother of the groom chose mauve, with a corsage of red and white roses.
For a trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto, the bride wore a navy blue suit and black coat, with accessories of red trimmed with gold. Her corsage was of red roses and white sweet peas.
Mr. and Mrs Carpenter will reside on Mill street, Welland.
Guests were present from Toronto and Stevensville.
[Welland Tribune March 4, 1947]
The marriage of Pearl Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, to Alvin Massey, son of Mr. and Mrs Fred Massey, was solemnized by the Rev. George H. Knighton in Central United church, Port Colborne. The church was arranged with baskets of daffodils and ferns and Reginald Steeves was at the organ. During the signing of the registry Miss Edith Bowman of Welland sang Sanderson’s “Until.”
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely gown of white satin, the skirt falling into a graceful train. The bodice was made with a nylon lace yoke and long sleeves tapering to points. Her veil, arranged with a coronet was of illusion and fell to the floor. She carried a bouquet of red roses and wore a necklace of pearls. Her only attendant, Miss Julia Thomas, wore a gown of blue net, the skirt made in two tiers. Taffeta flowers were appliqued at the neckline. She wore a necklace, the gift of the bride and carried an arm bouquet of roses.
The groom was attended by Howard Niece and the ushers were Max Hill and Gordon Olm.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents for 60 guests. Receiving with the bridal party, the bride’s mother wore a gown of blue crepe, embroidered in sequins, a matching hat and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs Massey, who also received, chose a black crepe gown with sequin trimming and matching hat and she, too, wore a corsage of gardenias.
The bride’s table was arranged with the wedding cake flanked with tall pink tapers in crystal holders.
For travelling the bride donned a blue wool suit trimmed with white fox fur over which she wore a muskrat coat. Matching accessories and a corsage of roses completed her costume.
Mr. and Mrs. Massey will reside on McCain street Humberstone.
[Welland Tribune March 4, 1947]
Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon for the infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Seth Willford of Niagara Falls whose death occurred at the Niagara Falls General hospital on Friday, Feb. 28. Rev. A.D. Sutherland, minister of St Andrew’s Presbyterian church officiated at the Sutherland-Thorpe Funeral Home, 152 Hellems avenue, and at Fonthill cemetery where interment took place.
[Welland Tribune March 1, 1947]
John Wood, for more than 23 years a resident of Welland, and a resident of Hamilton for the past 16 years, passed away on Sunday morning at Hamilton General hospital in his 62nd year. Born in Bury, Lancashire, 61 years ago he came to Canada almost 40 years ago. He was an adherent of Central United church, and with the A.F. and A.M. was a member of Wardrope Lodge Hamilton, also of the Hindoo Koosh Grotto, and of Excelsior Chapter, O.E.S. He was employed as a moulder in a number of plants, first in Welland area and later in the Hamilton district.
Deceased is survived by his widow Mrs. Mary E. Wood, Hamilton, a son James Wood and a daughter, Lily, Mrs. John Whelan in Welland, and by a daughter pearl, Mrs. George W. Monk of Hamilton.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday, March 4, at 2 p.m. from the Cotterill funeral home, 393 King street, west, Hamilton to Woodlawn cemetery in that city.
[Welland Tribune March 1, 1947]
The death occurred on Saturday, March 1, of Mrs. Harriet May Paterson, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Wilkins, Thorold Road, in her 53rd year. Born in Great Britain, she came to Canada from Newtregar in 1911. She was a member of Holy Trinity church, also of the Welsh Society of Welland, Surviving are deceased’s husband, John W. Paterson; a daughter, Betty, and two sons, Leonard D. And John V. as well as two sisters, Mrs. Fred Wilkins and Mrs. Alberta Venables, all residing in the Welland district.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, from the Sutherland-Thorpe funeral home, 152 Hellems avenue, to Woodlawn cemetery.
[Welland Tribune March 1, 1947]
The funeral of Cvijeta Miscevich wife of George Miscevich Sr., whose death occurred at her residence, 14 Kinnear street, on Friday in her 55th year, was held Sunday afternoon from the late residence to All People’s Mission, where service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Harvey G. Forster. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery.
The pallbearers were Joseph Krajnovich, Louis Kosanovich, Steve Kajganich, John Jovich, George Putkonjak and Peter Putkonjak.
Among the floral tributes were those of Lodge No. 48 SNF, Jogoslovenska Sloga, Port Colborne and “B” Shift, No. 4 building Inco.
Friends and relatives attended from Chicago, Ill., Garry, Ind., Des Moines, Iowa, Moline, Ill., Windsor, Sudbury, Levack, Niagara Falls, Chippawa, Hamilton and Welland.
[Welland Tribune March 3, 1947]
The funeral of the late John Joseph Jones, who died at his residence, 68 Fraser street, Port Colborne, on Thursday in his 59th year was held Saturday from the Dell and Merton funeral home, 50 Clarence street, Port Colborne to St Teresa’s church, where mass was sung by Rev. B.P. Malone. Interment was in Mount St. Joseph cemetery.
The pallbearers were Edward Beauchamp, Jean Chapdelaine, Raymond Barrick, Austin Myler, Morden Carthew ad Donald Chisholm.
Among the floral tributes were those of Canada Cement Welfare association; “A” shift cutters, Inco.; Humberstone Shoe Co. Ltd. Employes; third floor girls, Humberstone Shoe Co. Ltd; Provincial Grand lodge, R.A.O.B.; City restaurant; Lakeside lodge, R.A.O.B; Sherk’s coal office; Laura Secord lodge, R.A.O.B, Niagara Falls, and Maple Leaf Milling Co. Ltd.
Friends and relatives attended from St. Catharines and Toronto.
Friday evening at the funeral home Lakeside Lodge, R.A.O.B., conducted their lodge service with Thomas Wilson in charge.
[Welland Tribune March 4, 1947]
The death occurred at her late residence, 204 Harriet street, Crowland, early this morning of Mrs. Mary Chehowski, wife of Nestor Chehowski, in her 39th year.
Born in Poland, Mrs. Chehowski came to Canada 35 years ago and had lived in this district for the past 30 years.
Surviving are her husband, Nestor Chehowski; one daughter, Anne; two sons, Alex and William; and a sister, Mrs. Anne Klimchuk, Toronto.
The remains are resting at the J.J. Patterson and Sons Funeral Residence, 19 Young street. Until Saturday morning. The funeral will be held from the family residence, 204 Harriet street, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment will be in Woodlawn cemetery.
[Welland Tribune March 4, 1947]
The funeral of the late Mrs. Albert Snider, whose death occurred on Saturday in her 79th year, was held Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Theo. A. Iseler conducting services at First Lutheran church. Interment was in Overholt’s cemetery.
The pallbearers were Ernest F. Ott, Frank Snider, Fred Arnold, Norman Anthes, Percy Herbert and John Doran.
[Welland Tribune March 7, 1947]
Baskets of gladioli and ferns formed a beautiful setting in First Presbyterian church for the wedding on Saturday March 1, when Margaret, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Steve Pusti, of Port Colborne, was united in marriage with Carlton Weaving, son of Mr. Albert Weaving.
Rev. R.T. Rutherdale performed the ceremony. Miss Grace Smith was the organist, and accompanied Mrs. William Niznik, who rendered beautifully. “Because” and “I’ll Walk Beside You.”
Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a white brocaded satin gown with a sweetheart neckline, which formed points at the waist. The full skirt was made of net over satin. She wore a long veil which was caught by a sweetheart headdress and carried a bouquet of white carnations with long streamers. She wore a gold cross, the gift of the groom.
The maid of honor, Miss Rosie Pusti, sister of the bride, wore a becoming gown of deep blue satin. She wore a shoulder length pink veil which was studded with artificial orchids and carried a bouquet of spring flowers. She wore a gold bracelet, the gift of the bride.
The bridesmaids Miss Irene Pusti, sister of the bride, wore similar gowns of light blue. They wore caps of flowers as their headdresses. They wore gold bracelets, the gift of the bride.
The best man was Douglas Brown Lochhead and the ushers were Joe Lanneval, Andy Vasko and Bob Cook of Welland.
A reception was held at Michael’s Dine and Dance for 100 guests, A four-piece orchestra provided the music for dancing. The brides mother received the guests wearing a purple flowered dress with a corsage of red roses and brown accessories. The groom’s grandmother assisted, wearing a green wool dress, with black accessories. The bride’s table was beautifully decorated with spring flowers, and centred with a four-tier wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom.
For travelling on a motor trip through New York State, the bride donned a blue wool suit., with blue accessories and a corsage of yellow roses.
Upon their return they will reside on Kinnear street, Port Colborne.
Out-of-town guests attended from Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y. Welland and Toronto.