Summer is gone and the fall is going down
And soon in the dead of winter we’ll be found
Dig in your wallet to pay for heating fuel
Otherwise you may find your home a little cool
There will be snowy days with a lot of ice
To be out then sure wouldn’t be nice
Watch for icicles hanging from the eave
If land on you this earth you may leave
Glare ice there will be on some winter mornings
So lets keep everything clean without any warning
Some nights will be cold down around forty below
And we who have lived a few years this we know
The plows will be out sanding keeping roads clear
Give them room to work its that time of year
They do a good job out there in the worst season
If you have an accident you may be the reason
Sleigh bells will ring as horses draw people about
While others will be inside not wishing to be out
Winter birds are here like the blue jay and chickadee
And we may see a snowy owl if we look and see
The snow glistens covering the fields so white
But it sure won’t be gone within a fortnight
Some folks will go skating while others will ski
While reading writing walking etc are wished by me
Spot checks will be out to catch the impaired
As we know the road with them shouldn’t be shared
Hockey games will be played across our land
And some won’t be able to watch even if they stand
Snowmen will be made by children this we know
As they play with their friends outside in the snow
Some folks may go to a warmer climate somehow
While we wait for spring and wish for it now
Carols will be sung through the month of December
Which is what we from earlier times always remember
If schools are in they’ll have concerts like over the years
And most children will play their part without any fears
Christmas will be a time of joy for some sorrow for others
But to spend a lot of money buying things I say why bother
We know spring won’t be here for a few months yet
Yes after the poor weather it will come you can be!
Winston E. Ralph
RR#3 Bancroft, Ontario KOL ICO
Summer is gone once again fall is here
And it sure is a nice time of year
There are no flies and a lot less heat
So when doing work outside you won’t be beat
The traffic on the highways is a lot less
Yes to do any traveling this time is the best
Boating fishing and swimming are gone for this year
And the weather will be poor before they’re back here
The gardens were good with the heat and rain
So the produce is plentiful no need to complain
Hunting season is coming and soon will be here
And all the hunters hope they’ll get a deer
The trees are colored their splendor to behold
In colors of red yellow brown orange and gold
The pumpkins are ripe there are a lot around
So I hope none are allowed to rot on the ground
Some will be canned or made into pies
While others will be carved with two eyes
Grapes are hanging in clusters of green and blue
Just waiting to be devoured by me and you
Others will be made into jam jelly or wine
That’s something we don’t need at any time
Apple trees are loaded there is many to go around
So none should be left to fall on the ground
Pies and other things that are good they’ll make
Some will be eaten while others will be baked
Peaches are great but they don’t last very long
Yes the season is short so get them before their gone
Potatoes cabbages rutabagas and other things like cucumbers
Are available also for you to buy without number
Winter is around the corner with the snow and ice
So may no one fall and be injured as it wouldn’t be nice.
Winston E. Ralph
By Winston E. Ralph March 21, 2021
When ever we are out and driving around
We look for barns and many are found
There are log ones down near Killaloe
But others are a pile of logs with them what do we do
Years ago in the Bancroft area many barns were seen
Now few are left as farming is hard it seems
Some were big while others were small
While everyone had at least six cow stalls
The cattle knew which stall they went to
Bringing them in one at a time you didn’t do
In this area every road had at least three
Now there’s none in operation that I can see
Folks want bacon for breakfast and milk to drink
But these come in with chemicals if you only think
Years ago loose hay was forked from the wagon into the mow
And youngsters tramped it in the dust somehow
After feeding and bedding cattle houses and pigs in the pen
Before going to the house we checked on the hens
There was a track along the rafters to lift the hay
As it wasn’t forked in they done it the easy way
The wagons came in and the fork came down
And with three lifts no hay on the wagon was found
Barn swallows built nests on the rafters up high
Where they were safe and the little ones wouldn’t die
Some barns were built against the side of a hill
So the wagons of hay the mow they could easily fill
These old barns were built back many years ago
And how much snow has fallen on them God only knows
When these barns were built there was a large bee
As many folks in construction pictures that I can see
Some were painted in colors of red white or others
While others were left to fade as their owners didn’t bother
Milking was done by hand but a machine soon took over
But the cows never cared as they ate grain hay and clover
If these barns could talk a good story they would tell
Of those working around and how children did yell
After putting in loose hay people felt it would be better to bale
Its hard to farm among rocks so most of them did fail
This area wasn’t meant to be farmed in a big way
Go to Peterborough or Belleville and you’ll see nice farms I’ll say