POEM – A Cold Season
[The Stevensville painting was done in circa 1924 by B's ather Harold Fox, aged 10.]
The weather is nasty its cold outside
So we all will spend more time inside
We will turn up the heat to take off the chill
And our stomachs with food we will fill
The highways are snowy and slippery once again
If we fall a broken bone will cause us some pain
The gardens are finished for another year
If we look at them we shed no tears
Folks will be out on snowmobiles just cruising around
While others on snowshoes or skating will be found
The good weather will be back in a little while
So I hope your face always has a big smile
Some days we may feel tough and a little sick
But the good weather will make you better real quick
Christmas is gone were starting a new year
Will it be a good one or stormy I do fear
We are eating food that was put away last fall
And with the spring we’ll say we ate it all
There will be storms and the wind will blow
Yes the power may go out this we all know
We’re told if you don’t have to travel then stay at home
Where you’ll be safe even if you are all alone
As the weather warms up we’ll think about seeds
So they can be planted and we’ll have food to supply our needs
Some may wish for Florida and then go on down
Where there they’ll be happy without any frown
Yes there in Florida or some other warm place
They should always have a big smile on their face
But most others will stay here and shovel snow
Because for any place else we just can’t go.
Winston E. Ralph