Results for ‘PLACES’
[Welland Tribune 1943]
Mr and Mrs Frank Ellis and son Stuart and the latter’s father Stuart Nelson of St Catharines were recent guests of Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.
Mr and Mrs Gordon J Robbins and children Jerry and Shirey spent Saturday evening at Welland. They also called on the latter’s mother Mrs Haist and Miss Ella Glintz.
Misses Julia and Dorothy Gee of Highway No 20 spent the week-end with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.
Mr and Mrs Jake Traver of Perry Station entertained on Monday evening in the honour of their daughter Irene who was celebrating her birthday. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Harold Bailey and son George of Salem, Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray; Miss Muriel Doan and Mr Gavin Henderson.
Miss Lelia Hill of Welland spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.
The Women’s Association of Salem United Church are being entertained by the Bethel United Church at the home of Mrs Gordon J, Robbins on Wednesday April 21st at 2.30 p.m.
Mr and Mrs Oren Tice of Bismark were recent guess of the latters mother Mrs Tillie Robbins.
Miss Edith Williams spent the week end with relatives at Hamilton.
Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Fenwick spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson
Mr and Mrs Charles Gee, Mrs Cameron Reece, James Hill and Mrs W.J. Anderson spent Wednesday at Guelph.
Stuart Hill and son Charles of Welland were guests of the former’s parents Mr and Mrs James Hill on Sunday. Charles remained to visit his grandparents.
Mrs Ethel Howell of Hamilton spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.
Mrs Roy Overholt and Mrs Amos Beamer spent Thursday at the Red Cross Rooms in Smithville.
[Welland Tribune Jan 1956]
Mr and Mrs Cameron Hill and daughter Marilyn, were guests at a birthday dinner, at the home of Mrs Hill’s parents Mr and Mrs Dell at Gas Line, on Wednesday. It being Mrs Hill’s and her father’s birthday.
Mr and Mrs John Gracey, Jr and family of Mittleport, NY were Christmas day guests at the parental home, Mr and Mrs John Gracey, Sr and Mr and Mrs Cecil Gracey and son Blake.
Mrs Clifford Gee, Miss Dorothy Gee and Mr Chester Zieminiak, spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Hierhny and son Danny at Hamilton
Christmas day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm E, Heaslip were Mr and Mrs Murray Hill and Jerry, Mrs Judson Jamieson and Helen, Mrs Ernie Hess, Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs James Hill..
Mr Wray Beamer of the Royal bank staff, Oakville spent the Christmas week end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer.
Mrs E,E, Gracey, Omer Gracey, Mr and Mrs Robert Lampman, and Mr and Mrs Nolan Gracey spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Norman Kerlock and Cathy at Hamilton
Mrs James Hill is spending a few days at Welland with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Arnold Reid and family attending the family dinner there on Monday.
Rev George Comfort, Mr Paul Comfort and family spent Christmas with Mr Alvin Comfort and daughter Miss Winnie Comfort.
Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and Wray were guests on Monday at a family dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwin Coon, Beamsville, Ontario.
Mr and Mrs Robins of Tonawanda,NY and Mr and Mrs Wm Heaslip Jr. And family were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm E. Heaslip on Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs Gordon Stirtzinger and son Warren of St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer on Tuesday.
[Welland Telegraph 1903]
Miss Jennie Beamer spent Sunday at home.
Mr Samuel Robins is slowly on the mend
The threshing has began in thus neighborhood.
Camp meeting will begin in Swayze woods about the 1st of August.
Mr Curlus Lambert’s horses ran away with a mowing machine breaking it so bad that it could not be repaired.
Mr J.B. Haimer is on the sick list.
The long talked of telephone line has proved a failure.
There is strong talk of a gas well being bored at this place.
L. Dennis is on the road—selling South African war books.
Mr C. Lambert has purchased an up-to-date threshing outfit.
Miss McPherson has been home on a visit for the past few days.
The outlook for the hay crop in this section is not very promising.
The little son of Ezra McPherson was seriously cut with a scythe recently.
Mrs John Hainer has been quite ill the past week.
The Horton homestead-the oldest landmark on the Canboro road-has been vacated, and is now fast falling into decay.
A great deal of good was done during the camp-meeting here. There were five converts immersed in the Chippawa river as a result.
Mrs C. Horton of Welland, during one of her canvassing tours through this place, spent a very pleasant day at the “Terrace”, the beautiful home of Mr and Mrs Geo Jackson.
When Mr Jackson’s house is completed he will hae one of the most pleasant places in the neighborhood.
Mr Samuel Robins, who has been unable to work for the past few weeks, had a bee to draw hay and wheat.
Mr Alfred Wiley has finished his pea picking for this season.
Mrs J. Smith has blood poisoning in her hand.
Mr Dilly Coleman has gone to Ohio for the summer.
Mr D, Smith is about to move in the C.E. Blanchard house at Candisville.
Messrs Wilson and Cook have their thresher in shape for the season.
Mr C. Lambert’s new thresher arrived Tuesday.
[Welland Telegraph December 24, 1903]
A surprise party was held last week at B. Rogers’, in honor of Mrs Balfour’s birthday.
Drawing water is the order of the day here at present.
Miss L. Misener is visiting friends at Robbins’ bridge.
Mrs Z. Horton had the misfortune to fall and hurt herself quite badly.
Mr John Robbins of Allanburg, paid a short visit to friends in this place on Thursday last.
Miss M.A. Haney is visiting her friends at Boyle.
Mr and Mrs L. Haney have gone to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs George Robinson of Wainfleet. Mr Haney is in very poor health.
[Welland Telegraph December 17, 1903]
Miss Jennie Rogers is on the sick list.
Mrs H. Wiley is visiting at her son’s Alfred’s
The music of sleigh bells is to be heard once more.
The Saints hold meetings each Sunday morning at Mr Z Horton’s.
Robbins Bros have been in this vicinity the past week threshing clover.
Mr Melvin Robins has sold his house to Mr Ostrawser, who will move it on his farm in Pelham.
The farmers are complaining of the dry weather, and many of them are drawing water from the Chippawa.
[Welland Telegraph November 5, 1903]
Mr and Miss Beamer were guests of Mr R. Disher last Sunday.
The quarterly meeting at Salem last Sunday was largely attended.
Mrs Merrithew of Allanburg, was the guest of Mr Hainer Saturday.
Mr and Mrs Jacob Misener were at Thorold, visiting their daughter, Mrs Harry Robbins, who is very ill.
Mr Alfred Wiley has made a great many improvements to his residence, and is now adding a coat of paint.
Mr Cyrus Misener and Miss Bertha Dennis were pleasantly entertained by Mr and Mrs Thomas Horton of Marshville, Sunday.
[Welland Telegraph November 19, 1903]
Mrs D. Bea and little son are the guests of Mr. B. Rodgers, of this place.
Miss Cora Hainer is spending two weeks with relatives in the vicinity of Thorold.
Mr and Mrs Dilly Coleman, sr., have returned home after a year’s absence in Ohio.
Mr C. Lambert is building an addition to his house, which, when completed, will make a big improvement.
Mr A. Rodgers of Wisconsin, is home on a visit. He was badly injured in a railway accident and had to give up work for a time.
[Welland Tribune 1909]
Mrs Elmer Misener and daughter spent Sunday with her brother, Mr Lambert, in Port Colborne.
School report for S.S. No. 8 Gainsboro. Names are in order of merit:
V-Mildred Smith
IV-Oakley Misener, Roy Robbins, Pearly Robbins, May Lambert. Ina Moote, Unice Hill.
III-Cecil Robins, Nora Overholt, Percival Robbins, Will Haggerty.
II-Laura Moote, Mabel Robbins, Sheldon Smith. Earle Jackson, Hazel Chambers.
Part II-Honor roll-Lewis Robins, Flossie Smith, Gordon Jackson.
Part I-Honor roll-Charlie Chambers, Freddie Jamieson, Murray Misener, Laura Smith, Hazel Disher, Charlie McPherson.
No. on roll, 34; average attendance 22
Fred E. McCann, teacher.